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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get her out

Get her out tradutor Espanhol

6,560 parallel translation
Get her out, go!
Sácala de aquí.
I promised her I would get her out of town and I'm keeping that promise.
Le prometí que la sacaría de la ciudad y cumpliré esa promesa.
Let's just get her out of here before she kills herself.
Solo vamos a sacarla de aquí antes que se mate.
Oh, okay, let's get her out the back door quietly.
Vamos a sacarla por la puerta trasera sin hacer ruido.
Now let's get her out of here while she still has her underwear on.
Ahora saquemosla de aquí mientras aún conserva su ropa interior.
- while we're trying to get her out.
- mientras estamos tratando de sacarla.
- Get her out of here!
- Sácala de aquí!
Louie, Casey, get her out of this thing please.
Louie, Casey, sáquenla de esta cosa por favor.
Can I get her out of here, please?
¿ Puedo sacarla de aquí, por favor?
Go, get her out here, too.
Ve. Llévala de aquí también.
We need to get her out of here!
¡ Tenemos que sacarla de aquí!
Lock the door, get her out of here.
! Bloquead las puertas, sacadla de aquí!
Get her out.
- Llévala afuera.
~ Get her out of here right now!
¡ Sáquela de aquí ahora mismo!
Nikki, get her out of here.
Nikki, sácala de aquí.
We got to get in there and get her out.
Tenemos... que entrar allí y sacarla.
You guys get her out of here!
¡ Sacadla de aquí!
All right, get her out of here.
Bien, llévatela. Llévatela, Flynn.
- Get her out of here, Flynn.
Cover us and I can get her out of here.
Cúbrenos y podré sacarla de aquí.
Well, what if it's a prank planned by all the girls at school to get you to ask her out and then they all laugh and make fun of you?
¿ Y si es una broma planeada por todas las chicas para que la invites a salir y luego burlarse de ti?
How are we gonna get her to keep turning out those leads when she finds out she ain't getting her own share?
¿ Cómo vamos a conseguir su para mantener girando a cabo esos plomos cuando ella descubre que no es conseguir su propia cuota?
Maybe she popped out to get her hair done for tonight?
¿ Quizá salió a que la peinasen para esta noche?
So he rushed out after her, desperate to get the nerves up to talk to her for the first time, and then she did the thing that just owned him.
Así que corrieron en pos de ella, con lo nervios rotos hasta hablar con ella por primera vez, Y luego hizo lo que solo le pertenece.
She can't get out of her seat again.
Ella no podrá salirse del asiento otra vez.
Rhonda, will you take Toni's glasses and get a magic marker and just blacken them out and put them back on her face again?
Rhonda, ¿ no tomarías los anteojos de Toni... y le pintarías los cristales con un marcador... y se los pondrías de vuelta en la cara?
Like most women, Janice wanted to be beautiful and curvaceous and skinny like the pictures that she saw in magazines. And she saw herself, you know, gain weight and get chunky, her skin broke out and her features weren't that fine, beautiful female that we see in pictures everywhere.
Como todas las mujeres, Janis quería ser bella y curvilínea pero delgada como las fotos que veía en las revistas y se miraba, ganaba peso y era fornida crecíósus rasgos no eran tan finos, como las hermosas mujeres que vemos por todas partes
She used - overused - lost weight, got so strung out that her group of friends held a party and they passed a hat to get enough money to put on a Greyhound bus and send her back home.
ella abuso o perdíópeso, le dio tan fuerte que sus amigos se reunieron y juntaron dinero para compare un ticket de autobús y la mandaron a casa.
She knows she's kind of going to go for some higher level of fame and stardom and, you know, she might fall on her face. She knew that it might not work out, she might get burned.
Ella sabia que alcanzarla un nuevo nivel de fama, y puede que cayera de cabeza lo sabia, podría fallar, y podría quemarse.
They couldn't control her there because she wanted to get out and be with her kindred spirits, the musicians.
Ella quería salir y estar con sus músicos.
She tells me you don't encourage her to get out and lead a more purposeful life, and put obstacles in her way.
Ella me dice que usted no la anima a salir y a llevar una vida con mas proposito, y pone obstáculos en su camino.
"I told her to pack her bags and get out."
"le dije que hiciera las maletas y se largara".
That's the only way we can get her out.
Cortarán la pared ahí.
Did you do anything at all to help her get out, even though you knew?
¿ Hiciste algo para ayudarla a salir, aun sabiendo?
- I got her. Get out of here.
- La tengo. ¡ Fuera de aquí.
Don't even know how I was born in that family just waiting to get out of there anyway tell your partner to mend her ways or get used to travelling in a Metro
Por cierto ¿ cómo está tu madre? Ni siquiera sé cómo nací en esa familia a la espera de salir de allí... De todos modos dile a tu pareja que cambie su manera o que se acostumbre a viajar en el metro.
[As Laurie] That I can't get her Jelly voice out my brain.
No puedo sacarme su voz de mi cabeza.
We wanted to get her into this clinical trial, but her numbers... they didn't check out.
Queríamos que entrara este estudio clínico, pero sus analíticas... no estaban bien.
Annalise would be able to get this case thrown out with her eyes closed.
Annalise será capaz de resolver esto con los ojos cerrados.
She's dragged us in here on a weekend in order to get Miss Sutter and Mr. O'Reilly's case thrown out and implicate her husband in the murder of Lila Stangard.
Nos obliga a venir aquí durante el fin de semana... para que desestime el caso de la Srta. Sutter y del Sr. O'Reilly... e implicar a su marido en el asesinato de Lila Stangard.
Get Annalise out of her sick bed or wherever the hell she is so she can fix this.
Saca a Annalise de su cama enferma o de donde demonios esté para que pueda solucionar esto.
Get out of here. * She ain't worried about nobody * ♪'Cause she's all up in her own zone ♪ ♪ The way she move her hips... ♪
Sal de aquí. ¿ Qué pasa?
You gotta get her the fuck out of here!
¡ Debes sacarla de aquí, carajo!
I'll go get her and we'll get out of here, the three of us.
Iré a buscarla y nos iremos fuera de aquí, los tres.
Why don't you get out your big old cock and just shove it right in her?
¿ Por qué no salir de su gran gallo viejo y simplemente empujar las cosas bien en ella?
She's on her way out, we need to get her there.
Se está muriendo, debemos llevarla allí.
If you could run out and get a PhD, that might make her like you.
Si pudieses obtener un doctorado ahora mismo, quizás comiences a caerle bien.
I want you to cut her open, get the drugs out.
Quiero que la abras, le saques la droga.
Um, I left my baby in the car, and I need to go out and get her.
Dejé a mi bebé en el carro, necesito ir a buscarla.
Tommy told me what you did to her to get him out.
Tommy me dijo lo que le hiciste para sacarlo.
It looks like she slipped and fell getting out of her car, tried to get up,
Parece que ella se resbaló y cayó salir de su coche, intentó levantarse,

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