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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Guess yourself

Guess yourself tradutor Espanhol

309 parallel translation
I guess it's better this way. Instead of wearing yourself out about it,
Es lo mejor.
And I guess you're not so bad yourself.
Y Ud. a mí también.
Well, I guess you're yourself, all right.
Bueno, es bien recibido.
- Did you guess all by yourself?
- ¿ Lo sospechó usted solita?
Guess you can't hurt yourself any just lifting''em... but be careful.
Supongo que no te lastimarás sólo por sostenerlas. Pero ten cuidado.
Well, I guess I'd better be getting this over with. - Brace yourself.
En fin, mejor será que acabe con esto.
This way you just walk in and help yourself to exactly what you want. There's no guess work.
De esta manera eliges al que quieres... y no tienes que arriesgarte.
Guess you'll just have to untie it yourself.
Tendrás que desenvolverlo solo.
I wanted you to know him and find out for yourself, but now, well, I guess it won't do any harm for you to hear the whole story.
Quise que lo vieras por ti mismo. Pero ahora puedo contarte toda la historia.
The hard thing I guess is to know yourself.
Creo que lo más difícil es conocerse a uno mismo.
Guess I'm just stubborn. Or Maybe I figure I know you better than you know yourself.
O tal vez pienso que te conozco mejor de lo que te conoces a ti misma.
But, if you grow them yourself, I guess you could get fond of them.
Pero si las cultivas tú mismo, supongo que les coges cariño.
I guess you're gonna laugh at me, think I'm crazy. But when you lie down here all by yourself, you get to thinking.
Supongo que te reirás y creerás que estoy loco pero cuando estás aquí solo, piensas cosas.
Well, Pat, guess you saved yourself a horse on the deal.
Bueno, Pat. Te has ahorrado un caballo.
My guess is you do all right for yourself anyway, with or without her.
Creo que a Ud. Le va bien solo, con ella o sin ella.
If they begin to guess, defend yourself because then I'll have to kill you.
Si sospechan, defiéndete, porque tendré que matarte.
Thank you. I guess you're very pleased with yourself.
Debes estar muy satisfecho de ti mismo.
Well, I guess I've been taking care of you for so long that... I forgot you can take care of yourself.
Supongo que te he estado cuidando hace tanto tiempo... que olvidé que puedes cuidarte sola.
How could you guess? A man like yourself, sir... wouldn't remain single for too long.
Y una adaptación de "The Attack of the Mayan Mummy"... otra "joya" de Jerry Warden.
I guess you found that out for yourself.
Tú ya has podido comprobarlo.
I guess there will be times when you leave to play and Set yourself to speak and teach you things your uncle.
Supongo que habrá momentos en que dejéis de jugar y os pongáis a hablar y tu tío te enseñe cosas.
- Couldn't you guess it yourself?
- ¿ No podías prever que debías ayudar?
I guess that makes me the smartest person in the whole world. I think you just talk yourself into being a loser, Charlie Brown.
De seguro eres la persona más simpática en todo el mundo.
So I guess you've seen for yourself.
Bien, ahora ya lo ha visto por usted misma.
Celebrities like yourself, mostly. I guess.
Celebridades como usted, mayormente.
I guess you just can't help yourself.
Veo que no lo puede evitar.
You're right! Guess you earned yourself a horse.
Tienes razón, creo que haz ganado tu caballo.
I guess you'd have yourself a boat.
- Entonces tendrías tu bote.
I guess you sought the honor as much for me as for yourself.
Creo que buscabas el reconocimiento tanto por mí como por ti.
Well, I guess you've got yourself a new president.
Bueno, ya tienes a un nuevo director.
Well, I guess basically you're involved in recruiting other people like yourself... other lawyers.
Creo que recluta personas como Ud... otros abogados.
Guess whose hands are over your eyes... and win yourself a sweet surprise.
Adivina quién te cubre los ojos y te ganas una dulce sorpresa.
Can't you... guess for yourself?
Tú- - ¿ no te lo imaginas?
Guess you'll just have to keep beating yourself.
¡ Tendrá que vencerse a sí mismo!
I guess you'll just have to decide for yourself.
Supongo que tendrás que decidirlo por ti misma.
* I guess you kind of scared yourself * Hey, I gotta sell my sandwiches.
- Tengo que vender mis sándwiches.
Well, you sort of guess at that because you know what you're feeling yourself.
Bueno, sólo puedo suponerlo, porque sé lo que yo estoy sintiendo.
I guess you made that yourself.
Supongo que lo hiciste tú misma.
Then you can stay in and guess for yourself.
Así puedes quedarte dentro y adivinarlo tú misma.
I guess you'll have the bed to yourself.
Creo que vas a recuperar la habitación.
Then I guess you got yourself a new boyfriend.
Entonces supongo que acabas de conseguirte un nuevo novio.
I guess you got yourself a wife.
Espero tenga Ud. una esposa.
I guess I have to thank you... but it was rude for you to do something without introducing yourself.
Supongo que debo agradecerte... pero fue grosero de tu parte hacer algo sin presentarte.
I guess you picked that fight with me just to tuck yourself in with Caspar?
Supongo que te enfrentaste a mí para acercarte a Caspar.
Gee, and guess I must have misunderstood you last night when you said : " Brace yourself.
Creo que no te entendí anoche Cuando dijiste : " Prepárate.
I guess it must be strange for a father like yourself to be giving away his only girl to a total stranger.
Supongo que será extraño para un padre como tú entregar a tu hija en matrimonio a un completo desconocido.
I guess you kind of like him yourself.
Supongo que como su propio estilo de vida.
I guess you're very pleased with yourself.
- Me dieron escalofríos. - Oigo a las nacionales llamándote.
I guess you're pretty pleased with yourself.
Creo que está muy a gusto consigo mismo.
If you guess, you're leavin'yourself wide open to suggestion.
Cuando uno cree, se vuelve víctima de la sugestión.
And I guess I wanted to believe that with all our love and support, that you'd just pick yourself up and get on with things.
Y quise creer que con nuestro amor y apoyo te repondrías y seguirías adelante.

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