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He couldn't do it tradutor Espanhol

388 parallel translation
" "l couldn't do otherwise because I loved her..." ", then I must hate you, I must curse you since you took from a miserable one like me what he possessed, and you destroyed it.
tendre que odiarte y maldecirte por haberle, a un infeliz como yo, destruido, quitado todo lo que tenia.
He couldn't do it.
Do you know what the doctor meant when he said he couldn't take it back... because he'd used it all up himself?
¿ Sabe qué pretendía el doctor negándose a aceptarlo y diciendo que para él ya estaba gastado?
I couldn't do nothing about it. It was in front of a lot of people.
Me he visto obligado, estaba lleno de gente.
"He thought I couldn't do it."
"Él pensaba que no lo lograría."
- Uh, he couldn't do nothin'about it.
No pudo hacer nada.
I tried to forget you. But I couldn't do it.
Quise olvidarte, pero no he podido.
Marjorie's friend Buster couldn't do anything with it, and, naturally, he knows all about engines and things.
Buster, el amigo de Marjorie, no consiguió arreglarla.
And... and i guess he couldn't do it for us.
Me temo que no ha podido hacerlo.
At the last moment, I couldn't find the necessary strength to do it. So he paid the price instead.
En el último momento no encontré la fuerza necesaria para decidirme.
Then you couldn't understand why he did it. Do you understand now?
Mi padre era el hombre más feliz del mundo, hasta que se suicidó.
We know he didn't do it. He couldn't have done it.
Sabemos que no lo hizo, Sra. Blayne.
And it couldn't be that genius who said he'd fix my radio. She couldn't do that to me.
Menos aún de aquel genio que iba a arreglar la radio, no iba a hacerme esa faena.
- He couldn't do it.
- El no pudo hacerlo.
McQuigg, that guy framed me if he couldn't do it no other way.
McQuigg me incriminó porque no podía atraparme.
I love him, and I respect him, and I'd like to do everything he did, but I never will, because I couldn't do it as good.
Amo a mi padre, y lo respeto, y me gustaría hacer todo lo que él diga, pero nunca podré, hacerlo lo suficientemente bien.
Fixed it so his brother could escape after he took our guns away so we couldn't do anything about it.
Liberó a su hermano después de quitarnos las armas. Ahora no podemos hacer nada.
I couldn't do it, Vargas.
No he podido hacerlo, Vargas.
I just couldn't do it.
Te digo que no he podido.
I've got a daughter. I couldn't do it.
Yo también tengo una hija y no he podido.
He couldn't ask me himself, so he had mother do it.
No me lo ha pedido a mí, le dijo a mi madre que lo hiciera.
In the second place, he couldn't have had anything to do with it... because I bought the stole myself.
En segundo lugar, él no tiene nada que ver con esto... ya que fui yo quien compró la estola.
He couldn't do it.
No ha podido conseguirlo.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't do it.
No ha podido conseguirlo.
He couldn't think Dad had anything to do with it.
No podría pensar en que papá tuviese nada que ver con ello.
But - - He was a coward and couldn't do it.
Pero era un cobarde y no pudo hacerlo.
I couldn't do it. Quickly.
Yo no he podido. ¡ Pronto!
But I'm a weak man and couldn't do it.
Pero, soy un hombre débil y no he podido hacerlo.
I suppose I've broken security but I couldn't let you do it to him.
Supongo que he roto su seguridad pero no podía permitir que le hicieran eso.
But he couldn't do it.
Pero no pudo.
Believe me, I tried to do it myself, but I couldn't.
Créame. He intentado hacerlo...,... pero no he podido.
- He said he couldn't do it himself.
- Dijo que él no podía hacerlo.
He tried to open it, he couldn't do it... than he saw that the passenger's window was half-open... he asked me if he could force it, I said he could.
Él intentó abrirla, forzó, noté que no lo lograba... miró y vio que el vidrio estaba abierto... preguntó si podía forzarlo, y le dije que sí.
If he sent the word it would look as if he couldn't do the job properly.
Si se envía la palabra se vería como si no pudiese hacer el trabajo correctamente.
Fats said he couldn ´ t do it.
El Gordi dijo que no podía hacerlo.
As long as the dinosaur couldn't do it, he ended up on the museum shelf... and as long as Superman can't do it, he can rave and destroy... but he cannot give life... and he cannot even truly, as we know so bitterly, he cannot live himself.
El dinosaurio no pudo hacerlo, y terminó en un museo y Superman no puede hacerlo, puede delirar y destruir pero no insuflar vida y no puede ser sincero, como desgraciadamente sabemos, consigo mismo.
And then, when I couldn't do it alone, I thought there was no one I wouldn't go with, if I liked him, and he could offer me that.
Luego, cuando no pude hacerlo sola, pensé que podría hacerlo con cualquiera, si le quisiera y él pudiera ofrecérmelo.
Is it likely, do you think, that if Mr. Robinson couldn't get what he wanted from your agency, he would go to others?
¿ Cree usted que al no obtener resultados con su agencia... -... iría a otras?
- He couldn't do it again.
- No podría volver a hacerlo.
I never asked a friend yet to do somethin'he really couldn't do... I knew he couldn't do it.
Nunca le pedí a un amigo que hiciera algo que yo sabía que no podía hacer.
It's something that he simply couldn't do.
Es algo que él no podía hacer.
He couldn't do it.
No podría hacerlo.
Couldn't he do it quicker?
No podría hacerlo más rápido?
He said I couldn't do it anymore.
Dijo que no fuera mas.
She couldn't believe he would do it.
Ella no podía creer que el lo haría.
I couldn't do it before.
Aún no he podido.
He'll send me away if you do and I couldn't bear it!
¡ Me desterrará si lo haces y no podría soportarlo!
He couldn't do it, though.
Él no podía hace eso, aunque.
I was to be buried like my 2 sisters but my father couldnt'do it He couldn't do it the third time
Iban a enterrarme como a mis hermanas. Pero mi padre no pudo hacerlo. No una tercera vez.
When I was born, my father ran out of the house screaming that he couldn't do it again, that he could never do it again
Cuando nací yo... mi padre gritaba que no podía volver a hacerlo.
He couldn't do it.
No pudo hacerlo.

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