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He was a genius tradutor Espanhol

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He was a genius.
Era un genio.
He was a genius in whose footsteps I will follow when I get out of here.
Era un genio y seguiré sus pasos cuando salga de aquí.
I had a brother, and he was a genius.
Tuve un hermano que era un genio, yyo lo quería mucho.
And so you see... He was a genius.
Como verá él era un genio.
He was a genius, and he knew that even the smallest detail was important.
- Era un genio. Y sabía que hasta el más pequeño detalle importa.
He was a genius in some ways.
Era un genio de alguna manera.
But to me he was a genius... who wanted to throw this rotten world into a reign of chaos... that could only be controlled by the one man... who knows how to harness it for his own gain... me!
Pero para mí era un genio... que quería sumir este podrido mundo en un reino de caos... que sólo podría ser controlado por un hombre... que sabe cómo aprovecharlo para su propio beneficio - ¡ yo!
See, Harding, I told you he was a genius and not a devil.
Ve, Harding, le dije que era un genio y no un demonio.
Wagner was thrown out of Munich because he was a genius.
A Wagner le echaron de Munich... porque era un genio.
Maybe he was a genius after all.
Quizá era un genio después de todo.
He was a genius
Era un fenómeno.
- Let's pray he was a genius.
Recemos porque fuera un genio.
He was a genius, Helen's a genius, Dennis is a genius.
Era un genio, Helen es un genio, Dennis es un genio.
That's why he was a genius.
Por eso él era un genio.
- Because he was a genius.
— Porque era un genio.
He was a genius.
Él era un genio.
He was a genius... a great artist... and a wonderful human being.
Él era un genio,... un gran artista y un maravilloso ser humano.
Actually, he was a genius by human standards.
En realidad, era un genio entre los humanos.
- Thought you told me he was a genius?
- ¿ No dijiste que era un genio?
He was a genius, you know.
Él era brillante.
He was a genius.
Era un genio,
But he was also a medical genius.
Pero también era un genio médico.
He also said that I was a genius.
También dijo que yo era un genio.
He thought I was a genius.
Creyó que yo era un genio.
Unless the driver in question was a genius. - And why wouldn't he be?
A no ser que el animal del conductor sea un genio.
That guy has been a genius at figuring out what problems would be on the exams since he was in middle school. That's what my brother told me.
Ha sido un genio al averiguar qué problemas estarían en los exámenes, ya que estuvo en secundaria.
There is none but he whose being I do fear : and, under him, my Genius is rebuked ; as, it is said, Mark Antony's was by Caesar.
No existe nadie a quien yo tema excepto a él y ante él mi genio se intimida, como dicen que se intimidaba Marco Antonio ante César.
He who invented the wheel was a genius, like Einstein.
Quién inventó la rueda era tan genial como lo fue Einstein.
They said he was a scientific genius, but he never got a chance to prove it.
Decían que era un genio de la ciencia, pero no pudo probarlo.
When he was going to school, he was classified as a genius, and so I followed him in school. And when they came to me, everybody used to say,
En el colegio él era un genio y como yo iba después todos me decían...
He was such a genius.
Fue un gran genio.
He was a genius.
Claro, podía permitírselo.
It was meant to be delivered in June, instead, he only got it now. Konrad, you're a genius.
Tenían que dárselo en Junio, pero se lo han dado ahora.
But he had a genius for one thing... That was getting grants
Pero tenía la virtud... de conseguir becas.
Not a genius who would enrich the world but a lonely little boy, with a domineering father, a customs officer, who was 52 when he was born.
Ni un genio que enriquezca al mundo sino un niño introvertido con un padre dominante empleado de aduanas... que tenía cincuenta y dos años cuando nació.
A military genius who only used his talents to prevent violence, he was legendary for traveling among the kingdoms of the warring states, employing ingenious strategies to talk kings out of going to war.
Un genio militar que solo usó su talento para evitar la violencia, sus legendarios viajes por los reinos de los estados beligerantes, usando ingeniosas estrategias para evitar que los reyes fueran a la guerra.
Was he a genius?
- ¿ Era un genio?
When he was 10, we were told that the... child genius was a paranoid schizophrenic
Cuando tenía 10 años, nos dijeron que... el genio del chicho era una esquizofrenia paranoica
He was a scientific genius.
Era un genio científico.
- And he was also a genius.
- Y también era un genio.
Whittaker wasn't a psychopath. He was a goddamn genius.
Whittaker no era un psicópata.
He was a Nazi and financial genius who with others helped to make Hitler possible.
Era un Nazi y un genio financiero... y junto con otras personas ayudo a surgir a Hittler.
All right, he... He was a sort of genius in a way, but mad.
Esta bien, el era una especie de genio..
"As my teacher I consider an absolutely young and amazing director, Tarkovsky, who even didn't realize himself what a genius he was in" Ivan's childhood ".
"Como mi maestro considero a un joven y sorprendente director, Tarkovski, que todavía no ha comprendido lo genial que ha sido en" La infancia de Iván ".
If he was such a genius, why didn't he leave his will where we could find it?
Si era tan genio, por qué no dejó su testamento donde lo pudiéramos encontrar?
He is claiming that it was his courage, his genius, that brought an end to the civil war.
Él afirma que fue su valor, su genio, que puso fin a la guerra civil.
The simple genius of Eckert's method was to bring Hedda a new gown for each of these social occasions and help her get dressed in the study, where he was allowed to linger for a glass of port when the party began.
El método de Eckert era llevarle a Hedda un vestido nuevo para cada ocasión y ayudarla a vestirse en el estudio de la casa donde se le permitía beber una copa de oporto una vez comenzada la velada.
A Talmudic genius when he was just six years old.
A genio talmudico desde los seis años.
But I think he was afraid that without the discipline that comes with... working with people who have to function well together... that you would become some kind of a weird genius.
Pero creo que tenia miedo que sin la disciplina que genera... el trabajo en un equipo que debe funcionar bien... tú te habrias convertido en una especie de genio loco.
Listening to Kira talk about all he was, all he was going to do, she makes him sound like he was some kind of military genius.
Al escuchar a Kira hablar sobre lo que él era lo que iba a hacer parece como si fuera una especie de genio militar.
- Stranahan was a genius... but he was sick and tired of his boss taking all the credit, so he inserted a virus.
- Stranahan era un genio. y plantó un virus.

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