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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Hear him out

Hear him out tradutor Espanhol

448 parallel translation
Hear him out.
Yes, let's hear him out.
Escuchémoslo. - Vamos a escucharlo.
You must hear him out.
Usted debe escucharle.
If you will hear him out, and if you would try to understand his side of it, Catherine.
Si lo oyeras, y si trataras de entender su punto de vista, Catherine.
Well, hear him out anyway.
Bueno, de todas maneras, escúchale.
- Hear him out. - What are your demands?
- Escúchele, General.
- Why don't you hear him out?
- Deja que hable.
We must hear him out.
Debemos oirlo.
Let's hear him out.
Quiero oírlo.
let's hear him out.
- Hear him out, Mr. President.
Oigalo, Sr. presidente.
Hear him out there on the wire, man?
Lo puedes oír en el alambre, hombre?
I heard Mr. Harker go out about nine o'clock, but I didn't hear him come in.
Oí como el Sr. Harker salía alrededor de la nueve, pero no le oí entrar.
I could have kept him out of it... only when he didn't hear from his sweetheart, he didn't care what happened to him.
Al no saber nada de ella, no le importó qué le sucedía a él.
Didn't you hear him chanting, as he went out the door?
¿ No lo oíste cantar cuando salía de la casa?
I can still see and hear that wild hour... I can still see and hear that wild hour... with poor Heathcliff trying to tear away the veil between death and life... crying out to Cathy's soul... to haunt him and torment him... till he died.
Aún puedo recordar aquella hora loca con el pobre Heathcliff intentando rasgar el velo entre la vida y la muerte gritando al alma de Cathy que le persiguiera y atormentara hasta su muerte.
Sheriff, did you ever hear about the fix a man was in... when he was comin'down the road with a pitchfork on his shoulder... and a farmer's dog ran out and bit him on the leg?
Sheriff, ¿ alguna vez oyó hablar del apuro que pasó un hombre cuando iba por el camino con una horca al hombro y salió corriendo el perro de un granjero y le mordió en una pierna?
I wanted you to know him and find out for yourself, but now, well, I guess it won't do any harm for you to hear the whole story.
Quise que lo vieras por ti mismo. Pero ahora puedo contarte toda la historia.
If he goes out of his head, tie him down. The neighbors hear him yelling, tell them your aunt has smallpox.
Que no se mueva o se le abrirá la herida.
I hear him say he find out.
Le oí decir que lo iba a averiguar.
I had him fly out to hear Grant.
Lo hice viajar para escuchar a Grant.
- What I hear is, this guy's been trouble right along. I say kick him out!
He oído que no deja de causar problemas.
If I hear of anybody making a play for that girl... I'll personally shoot him out through torpedo tube number one.
¡ Si alguno vuelve a molestar a esa chica yo mismo le usaré como torpedo!
For crying out loud, the school police caught him coming out of her place. You're probably the last guys to hear about this thing.
Estaban gritando, la policía escolar lo pilló saliendo de su casa, a lo mejor sois los últimos en enteraros.
I hear him and the boys is hiding'out along the upper Platte somewhere.
Oí que él y los chicos se estaban escondiendo en algún sitio de Platte.
Did you hear him come home or go into his house? Call out to anybody?
¿ No Ie oyó llegar, entrar a casa, llamar a alguien?
Atta boy. Darling, I might point this out that you were the one who wouldn't hear of sending him to a public school.
Querida, quiero recalcar que fuiste tu la que no queria enviarlo a una escuela publica.
I don't know if you can hear him over that music, but I'll get him out.
No sé si lo podrá oír con esa música, pero yo lo sacaré de ahí.
Of course he can hear you. He doesn't answer because it tires him out.
Por supuesto que puede oirte, pero no te contesta porque está cerca de los neumáticos.
I ask you because you're this kid's mother,... and since he speaks wonders of you... and the truth that since my Virgin is out there in Spain, she won't hear me,... so I'm asking you to help me find him,... then I'll make myself your son, and this kid, let him make himself son of my father.
Se lo pido a usted porque es la mamá de éste, y como él dice que si usted es lo esto, y que si usted es lo otro... y la verdad que como mi Virgen se ha quedado allá en España no me oirá, y le pido que sea usted la que me ayude a encontrarlo, pues yo me hago hijo suyo, y éste que se haga el hijo de mi padre.
Let him defend you if I decide to cut your hear out.
Que te defienda si decido arrancarte el corazón.
I hear they're really gonna make an idiot out of him.
He oído que lo van a representar como a un tonto.
I don't hear any happy sounds bubbling out of him.
Y no oigo que él diga nada gracioso.
Great multitudes came out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon which came to hear him, and to be healed.
Acudieron grandes multitudes de toda Judea y Jerusalén... y de las costas de Tiro y Sidón... que vinieron para oírlo y para ser sanados.
Watch out. I can hear him coming.
Cuidado, en cualquier momento viene.
I fancy that he is shouting out his name to me and I do not hear him.
me imagino que él está gritando su nombre para mí y no lo oigo.
Any minute we should hear him slamming out, suitcases in hand.
Lo oiremos en cualquier momento, golpeando puertas, valijas...
What's he after now, Pete? I think you'd better hear him out.
¿ Qué anda buscando ahora, Pete?
Why, I almost believe that if I stood here and called out to him, he would hear my invitation to come and visit with us for a little while longer.
Vaya, hasta creo que desde aquí si lo llamara oiría mi invitación para venir a visitarnos un rato más.
Well... would you just tell him that I called and said I was very, very sorry to hear, and I hope they can get it straightened out.
Dígale que llamé, que lo siento mucho por él y espero que todo se arregle.
If Your Honor will hear my client out and ask questions afterwards, it will help him to present his defense.
Solicito a Su Señoría que escuche... las declaraciones de mi cliente hasta el final. Preferiría que hiciera las preguntas al terminar. Creo que eso le convendría y sería mejor para la defensa.
I came to find out about my father's disappearance, not to hear judgement passed on him.
La verdad es que yo vine aquí para tener noticias sobre la muerte de mi padre no para escuchar juicios morales sobre él.
Wouldn't Simmons just love to hear how one little has-been movie queen... managed to fix the books and out-swindle him?
¿ No crees que a Simmons le interesaría saber que la ex reina del cine arregló sus libros contables y lo estafó?
He threw us out of the room. But we could hear him anyway.
Nos echó de la habitación, pero lo oíamos.
I can just hear him saying, " Get out and slap that bunch of no-goods.
Puedo oírlo decir : " Sal y golpea a esos buenos para nada.
I can hear him saying, " Get out the guns
Puedo oírlo decir : " Saquen las armas...
Perhaps he is an honest man, a just man... and if he is, why don't we go to him, all of us together... and ask him to hear us out?
Si es así, ¿ por qué no le vamos a ver todos juntos y le pedimos que nos escuche?
I don't wanna hear another word out of him.
No quiero saber más nada de él.
Oh, we might squeeze the names of his accomplices out of him, but if they hear he's been arrested they'll take fright.
Podríamos haberle extraído los nombres de sus cómplices. Si escuchan que ha sido detenido, cogerán miedo.
- Tell him not to go out. Hear me?
- Dile que no salga.
I didn't hear Captain Apollo ask whether I'd like it or not but I heard him tell you to spit it out.
No escuché al Capitan Apollo preguntar si me gustaría o no oirlo pero oí decirle claramente que lo suelte.

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