I found him tradutor Espanhol
4,508 parallel translation
I found him.
Lo encontré.
When I found him, he was more animal than human.
Cuando lo conocí, era más animal que humano.
Hello? I found him.
Hola, lo encontré.
I found him in the woods.
- Lo encontré en el bosque.
I found him in the lobby.
Lo encontré en el vestíbulo.
I found him with his throat cut.
Lo encontré degollado.
I found him already.
Ya lo encontré.
One night I found him in the street clawing at the asphalt.
Una noche lo encontré en la calle escarbando el asfalto.
Down there is where I found him.
Ahí es donde encontraron a Marks.
I found him, but not because I wanted to.
Lo encontré, pero... no porque lo quisiera aquí.
He had it when I found him.
¿ Dónde encontraste esto? Lo tenía con él cuando lo encontré.
He didn't call, and... when I found him he didn't want to talk.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Ni me llamó y cuando lo encuentro se niega hablar conmigo.
I found him here.
Lo encontramos aquí.
He's a stray, I found him by the house.
Estaba perdido, lo encontre cerca de la casa.
I came home from school one day, and I found him.
Llegué a casa de la escuela un día, y yo lo encontré.
I found him.
Yo lo encontré.
I found him, sir.
Lo encontré, señor.
I found him hiding in the armory standing over a dead body.
Lo encontré escondiéndose en la armería al lado de un cadáver.
I found him like this in the streets.
Lo encontré así en la calle.
I found him in White Castle.
Lo encontré en White Castle.
I found him in a bar, drunk and bragging about killing Musketeers.
Lo encontré en una taberna, borracho y presumiendo de haber matado mosqueteros.
I found him to be an unsavory character.
Me pareció una persona indeseable.
Shortly after that I found him murdered.
Poco después lo he encontrado asesinado.
- I found him.
- Lo encontré. - Dios.
I told him that I think I found his brother.
Que pienso que encontré a su hermano.
When I was 16, I found out that my mother had been paying him to be my friend.
A los 16 me di cuenta de que mi madre le pagaba para que fuera mi amigo.
But I survived and found my way back to him.
Pero sobreviví y lo busqué.
But I found a way to help him.
Pero encontré una manera de ayudarlo.
Am I to understand you've found him?
¿ Significa que lo encontraron?
When I found out having an affair... I confronted him and he denied it obviously.
Cuando supe que tenía una aventura lo confronté y obviamente lo negó.
If he found out I created a culture of warmongers and xenophobes, all it'll take from him is one 360 turn from the satellite dish on his head and.
Death Mwauthzyx. Si se enterara de que creé un mundo de belicistas y xenófobos, no le costaría nada girar 360 grados la parabólica de su cabeza y...
But I found something on him, man.
Pero he encontrado algo en él, el hombre.
Okay, okay, I was having a relationship with Greer, but I called it off as soon as I found out he went back to doing the things that got him arrested in the first place.
Vale, vale, estaba teniendo una relación con Greer, pero lo llamé cuando me enteré que volvió para hacer lo que hizo que lo arresten en primer lugar.
I heard they found him without his eyeballs. I mean, like, seriously.
Que le cortaron los testículos.
I've found him!
Lo he encontrado!
I was the one who found him.
Yo fui la que lo encontró.
One day I was cleaning the house, and in his closet I found the underwear you gave him for Christmas.
Un día estaba limpiando la casa, y en su closet encontré la ropa interior que le regalaste para Navidad.
- I found him at the riot.
- Lo encontré en el camino.
I shared a bed with my little brother, and one morning when I was eight I woke up and found him dead beside me.
Compartía la cama... con mi hermano menor... y cierta mañana, cuando yo tenía ocho años... me desperté y lo encontré muerto a mi lado.
I knew who I was- - a boy who found his brother starved to death in the bed beside him, and my father telling me to never upset His Lordship, how good the baron had been to us.
Sabía quién era. Un muchacho que encontró a su hermano... muerto de hambre en la cama junto a él... y mi padre diciéndome... que no importunara al señor barón... y lo bueno que él había sido con nosotros.
He was bigger than me, so I found some shit on him, blackmailed the fuck out of him.
Él era más grande que yo, debía encontrar algo en su contra Lo chantajeé hasta cansarme.
So one day, I threw a pair of panties at him and told him I found them in the back seat of his car, and unless he paid me ten bucks, I was gonna tell Mom.
Un día, le lancé una par de calzones Le dije que las había encontrado en su auto, y a menos que me diera 10 dólares, le contaría a mi mamá
I came to kill the man that murdered him, but all I've found are more questions.
Vine a matar al hombre que asesinó a mi padre, y sólo hallé más preguntas.
And when I finally found him he didn't recognise me.
Y cuando finalmente lo encontré No me reconoció.
Well, lost him and then had to double back a few times till I found the exit.
Bueno, lo perdido y luego tuvo que volver sobre sus pasos un par de veces hasta He encontrado la salida.
And I think some people took him out after they found out what was taken from the safe, before he had a chance to.
Y creo que alguien le eliminó cuando averiguaron lo que fue robado de la caja fuerte, antes de que nadie pudiera chantajearle.
I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
Era sólo un chico de 17 años del Bronx con sueños de ser un científico, y de alguna forma el astrónomo más famoso del mundo se dio el tiempo para invitarme a Ithaca, al norte del Estado de Nueva York, para pasar un sábado con él.
When I woke up the next morning, I... found him sitting amongst the bodies, overcome with shame and remorse.
Cuando desperté a la mañana siguiente, le encontré sentado entre los cuerpos, superado por la vergüenza y el remordimiento.
I just found him a decent man.
Me pareció un hombre decente.
I've been thinking about Renmark, and how he knew what we found out about him.
He estado pensando en lo de Renmark y en cómo sabía lo que habíamos averiguado sobre él.
I mean, we found his truck eventually, bottom of a ravine, but... no one ever heard from him again.
Es decir, al final encontramos su camión, en el fondo de un barranco, pero... nadie volvió a oír nada de él.
i found you 161
i found it 701
i found 117
i found someone 17
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found myself 20
i found something 222
i found her 202
i found one 42
i found it 701
i found 117
i found someone 17
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found myself 20
i found something 222
i found her 202
i found one 42
i found a 18
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
i found that 17
found him 88
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
i found that 17
found him 88
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36