I found someone tradutor Espanhol
954 parallel translation
I found someone to surprise
He encontrado a alguien para sorprender
And she told me that if I found someone good...
Y me dijo que si encontraba a alguien bueno...
I think it's good that I found someone.
Creo que es bueno que encuentre a alguien.
"I found someone else," like a line in Jôruri.
"Encontré a alguien más," como la frase en Jôruri.
For the first time in my life, I found someone I can talk to... and he is a nut-case!
Por primera vez en mi vida, había encontrado con quien hablar... ¡ y es un chalado!
What if I found someone to take over the shop?
¿ Por qué no traspasáis la tienda?
- I found someone to give me a hand.
Me han echado una mano.
Andre is glad I found someone to speak french with.
André está contento que tengo con quién hablar en francés.
I found someone to support me!
¡ Encontré a alguien que me mantenga!
Because you found someone I have been searching for for the last three days.
Ha encontrado Ud. a alguien, a quien busco muy urgentemente desde hace tres días.
I see you found someone to console you.
- Veo que ya ha encontrado a alguien que le consuele.
I see where they finally found someone to play Scarlett O'Hara.
Al fin, encontraron actriz para el papel de Scarlett O'Hara.
I thought someone had found the hiding place. - Hiding place?
Pensé que alguien había encontrado mi escondite
If it had been only for the money, I could have found someone else...
Si hubiese sido solo por eso, hubiese buscado otro
I've found someone.
Encontré a alguien.
I ask if someone's found a grip I lost, and I'm arrested, they put me in handcuffs!
¡ Fui a ver si habían encontrado una maleta que perdí, me detuvieron, y me esposaron!
Looking for someone I never found.
Buscando a alguien que no he encontrado.
I know he could have found someone better, a young girl, not a penniless widow with a child who had to sell everything just to get by.
Muchas veces he pensado que podría encontrar a una mejor que yo. Sí, a una chica más joven, y no a una viuda con un hijo ya mayor, sin recursos... Porque he tenido que venderlo todo para sobrevivir, para seguir adelante, y la vida cada día está peor.
I found out a time ago that I'm my own boss as long as someone else is my boss.
Descubrí hace un tiempo que seré mi propio jefe siempre y cuando alguien más sea mi jefe.
And I found out something else too - that I needed someone to share this business of living.
Y descubrí otra cosa también : Que necesitaba a alguien para compartir este negocio de la vida.
I finally found someone I can talk seriously with.
Por fin encuentro a alguien con el que hablar seriamente.
Before I could return it I found that someone had stolen it.
Antes de hacerlo nos la robaron.
Yes, I quite understand, I should be happy to hand in my resignation as soon as you found someone to take my place
Lo comprendo. En cuanto tenga sustituto, me iré.
I do hope you haven't found someone else for the job already.
Espero que aún no haya encontrado a nadie para el puesto.
I think that you've already found someone.
Creo que ya ha encontrado a alguien.
I found out someone's setting a trap for you and I wanted to warn you.
Me he enterado de que alguien te ha tendido una trampa y he venido a advertirte.
I'm sure they could have found someone else.
Estoy seguro de que podría encontrar cualquier otro.
Oh, Pio, I'd already been found by someone else.
Otros me encontraron.
I thought I'd found someone who might make me forget you... but I found I was wrong.
Pensé que encontraría a alguien que me haría olvidarte. Pero estaba equivocada.
I think it's really wonderful you've found someone else.
Creo que es maravilloso que hayas encontrado a otra.
- Finally, I've found someone who understands me!
- Finalmente encontré a alguien que me comprende.
And if the rental was not found I know it will be found but it could some time long and if you would give me a certificate that I want to return the cat but someone must've think the rental out, agreed?
Y si no se encontrase al propietario que sé que se encontrará, pero podría ser demasiado tiempo, y bueno si ustedes pudieran darme un certificado conforme yo quiero retornar el gato... Aunque alguien debe de saber donde esta el propietario, ¿ no?
Someone told me I'd find the lost and found at the magistrate's residence.
Alguien me dijo que los objetos perdidos pueden recuperarse en casa del Intendente.
I've found someone to love.
He encontrado a quien amar.
You found someone else, I'm outta here! What should I do?
¡ He encontrado a otro y adiós muy buenas!
By now, I'll guarantee she's found someone to help her.
Te aseguro que a esta altura ya habrá encontrado quien la ayude.
Bret here was searching for someone and the skeleton I found was humanoid.
Bret aquí estaba buscando a alguien y el esqueleto que encontré era humanoide.
I don't know if they have found someone, but... here's my card.
No sé si ya lo consiguió, pero, de todos modos... llévate mi tarjeta.
You see I walked out because I found out that she'd been running around with someone, a Party organizer.
Verás, la dejé porque... me enteré de que estaba saliendo con alguien, un miembro del partido.
Suppose you knew someone in the Resistance... and suppose he checked up on me with London... when he found out I was all right, he could contact me.
Supongamos que conocía a alguien en la resistencia... y supongamos que me con... cuando se enteró de que estaba todo bien, se pondrá en contacto con mí.
I'm so glad that we've found someone to take care of you.
Estoy contento de haber encontrado a alguien a quien pueda usted cuidar.
No puedo evitar sentirme culpable si me encuentran vistiendo la ropa de otro.
I just think you might have found someone more mature.
Sólo que podías haberte buscado uno más madurito.
Someone attracted to me, whom I found attractive in every way.
Alguien... a quien gustaba, y que me gustaba en todos los aspectos.
I need someone who knows what's going on, what deals are being made, where certain people can be found.
Necesito a alguien que sepa lo que está pasando, qué tratos se están haciendo, dónde encontrar a cierta gente.
I can see that you haven't found someone that you like.
Se ve que todavía no has encontrado una que te guste.
But, Tzeitel, I have found someone who will sell me his used sewing machine.
Pero, he encontrado una máquina de coser usada en venta.
I have not found her but I have found someone who's seen her and she...
No la he encontrado pero he encontrado alguien que ha visto y ella...
I only know that traces of blood were found, and for someone injured in the jungle there isn't much of a chance to survive.
Yo sólo sé que se han encontrado rastros de sangre, y un herido no tiene muchas probabilidades de sobrevivir en la selva.
I assume it was taken by someone from the bag of combings found in Miss O'Brien's room.
Yo supongo que fue tomado por alguien... en la parte de atrás de la habitación de la Srta. O'Brien.
It always happens. Whenever I've found someone
Cada vez que encuentro a alguien con quien creo que me llevaré bien...
i found you 161
i found it 701
i found 117
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found something 222
i found myself 20
i found her 202
i found him 265
i found one 42
i found it 701
i found 117
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found something 222
i found myself 20
i found her 202
i found him 265
i found one 42
i found a 18
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
i found that 17
someone 794
someone like you 74
someone special 26
someone else will 34
someone you know 34
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
i found that 17
someone 794
someone like you 74
someone special 26
someone else will 34
someone you know 34
someone call an ambulance 31
someone i can trust 22
someone like me 67
someone else 171
someone to talk to 24
someone's at the door 48
someone help me 78
someone to see you 39
someone is coming 23
someone call 39
someone i can trust 22
someone like me 67
someone else 171
someone to talk to 24
someone's at the door 48
someone help me 78
someone to see you 39
someone is coming 23
someone call 39