I know her name tradutor Espanhol
711 parallel translation
I remember her quite well. Her name then was... i don't want to know, thank you.
La recuerdo muy bien ; por entonces se llamaba...
No thank you. You know it's funny, I have forgotten her name.
Es curioso, se me ha olvidado su nombre.
What's her name? - I don't know.
- Suele serlo. ¿ Cómo se llama?
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna bill her right up, name for name, with Toby Walker.
Actuará codo a codo con Toby Walker.
You're remarkably like a girl I know. I can't remember her name. - Hm?
¿ Es su primer viaje a América?
No sé su nombre, pero creo que podría averiguarlo.
I don't know her name.
- No sé su nombre.
- If I know my perfumes... it's Dorothy or Agnes or whatever her name is.
- Si el perfume no me engaña, es Dorothy o Agnes o como se llame.
Now, she's a very shy young lady and though I know I should not impose upon her, I do so in the name of Mr. Drake, our host, and because it happens, quite by chance, that the orchestra has here a Strauss waltz... which I think we may persuade her to sing for us.
Es una jovencita muy tímida... y aunque sé que no debería importunarla con esta solicitud... lo hago en nombre del Sr. Drake, nuestro anfitrión... y porque da la casualidad... de que la orquesta tiene un vals de Strauss... y creo que podemos convencerla para que nos lo cante.
- Who? I don't know what her name was.
No sé cómo se llamaba.
I don't even know her name.
Ni siquiera sé su nombre.
I know all about that "detour". Her name was Irene.
Sé todo sobre ese desvío, se llama Irene.
I don't know her name, but she may put you wise to when he'll be back.
No sé cómo se llama, pero puede que sepa cuándo va a volver.
Maybe, but I don't know her name.
Tal vez, pero no sé su nombre.
As well as I know my own name, and yet I haven't one shred of evidence to connect this woman with her crimes.
Tanto como de mi nombre. Pero no tengo la menor prueba para relacionar a esa mujer con sus crímenes.
I reminded her that as Charles Haskell, I didn't even know my mother's name where I'd gone to school, the name of my best friend whether I had an Aunt Emma or not, my religion and if I'd ever owned a dog.
Le recordé que si era Hazkel, ni siquiera sabía el nombre de mi madre o a qué escuela había ido el nombre de mi mejor amigo, si tenía o no una tía Emma mi religión o si alguna vez había tenido un perro.
I already know that I should not sign them with my name but Dellarowe demanded to know who had painted them and he / she could not give him / her your name.
Ya sé que no debí firmarlos con mi nombre pero Dellarowe exigía saber quién los había pintado y no podía darle tu nombre.
I don't know her first name.
No se su unidad.
I don't know. Her name's Rembrandt.
No sé, se llama Rembrandt.
What was her name? I know nothing about her.
No sé nada de ella.
All I know is her name was Hilda, that she was from Vienna, and she lived in Burgstrasse, 22.
Pero sé que se llamaba Hilda, que era de Viena y que vivía en Burgstrasse 22.
I should've introduced you, but I don't know her last name.
Debí presentártela, pero no sé su apellido.
I don't know her name or where she lives.
-... no sé su nombre, ni dónde vive.
I wouldn't even want to know her name. While I would be just Mr. Smith. And I would send out for cold beer.
No querría ni saber su nombre y yo sería simplemente el Sr. Smith y nos haría traer cerveza fría.
I don't even know her name or where she lives.
Ni siquiera sé su nombre ni dónde vive.
I'd also like to know her height, weight, occupation and the name and number of the person who murdered her.
También querría conocer su estatura, peso, ocupación... y el nombre y número de la persona que la mató.
I'm looking for a girl. You may know her. Her name is Marie Charlet.
Busco a una chica, se llama Marie Charlet.
I may not have a job, for all you know, and the only thing you're interested... her name was madame lynch!
Por lo que sabemos, puede que no tenga ya empleo, y lo único que te interesa es... ¡ Se llamaba madame Lynch!
The trouble is, I only know her first name.
El problema es que no sé su apellido.
I don't even know her name.
No sé ni su nombre.
I don't even know her name.
No sé cómo se llama.
- Kate. Is that her real name? - Sure, as far as I know.
que yo sepa. ¿ Por qué?
I want you to know that this first tornado rod goes absolutely free... to this pretty little girl, if she'll tell me her name.
Quiero que sepan que este primer protector de tornados es totalmente gratis... para esta preciosa pequeña, si me dice su nombre.
I don't know her name.
- No conozco su nombre.
I don't think I know her well enough to call her by name.
Aún no me atrevo a tutearlo.
I know nothing, except that her name isn't Adolph.
No sé nada, salvo que su nombre no es Adolph.
I don't know why I have so much trouble remembering her name.
No sé porque no recuerdo nunca su nombre.
I am not gonna ask this lady to reveal her correct name to us... because if we knew her name, we'd know her secret.
No voy a pedir a esta señora que nos revele su identidad... porque si conocemos su nombre, sabremos cuál es su secreto.
But if I don't know her name and address, then in this big city...
Pero si no sé su nombre ni señas y la ciudad es grande...
I don't know her last name, just Anita.
No sé su apellido, sólo Anita.
What I didn't imagine, however, was that around this time she would come to know the name of the secret admirer that had been sending her roses every morning.
No imaginaba, sin embargo, que supiera en aquellos días el nombre del admirador secreto que le enviaba rosas cada mañana.
Her name's Hallie, but I hardly know her.
Su nombre es Hallie, pero apenas la conozco.
I don't know the other's name, but we'll find out all about her soon.
No sé el nombre de la otra, pero lo sabremos enseguida.
Tell you the truth, I don't even know her name.
A decir verdad, ni siquiera sé su nombre.
I don't know her last name.
No sé su apellido.
Instead, I don't even know her name.
En cambio, ni siquiera sabía su nombre.
I don't know her other name, but I know her quite well.
No sé su otro nombre, pero la conozco muy bien.
My patients don't like indiscreet questions, and so I might not know her name, nor who she is.
A mis pacientes no les gustan las preguntas indiscretas, De tal suerte que yo podría no saber su nombre, ni quién es ella.
I don't know her name.
No sé su nombre.
- I don't know her last name.
- No me sé su apellido.
- I don't know her name yet.
- No sé su nombre todavía.
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know it 1515
i know you're tired 50
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201
i know it 1515
i know you're tired 50
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201