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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I shouldn't have called

I shouldn't have called tradutor Espanhol

135 parallel translation
He's been called mad or I shouldn't have the benefit of his society.
Eso le han dicho si no, no habría podido gozar de su compañía.
I shouldn't have called him "impure".
Ahora me doy cuenta de que no hay nada sucio entre ellos.
I shouldn't have called him.
No debí llamarle.
I shouldn't have called you.
No debí haberte llamado.
What do you mean I shouldn't have called?
¿ Como que no debí llamar?
I shouldn't have called her out.
No debería haberle dicho que viniese conmigo.
I shouldn't have called you at home, but I didn't know where else to.
No debería haberte llamado a casa, pero no tengo a nadie más.
I shouldn't have called.
No debería haber llamado.
I shouldn't have called you.
No debería haberte llamado.
I shouldn't have called you that night.
No debería haberte llamado aquella noche.
- I shouldn't have called Bellevue.
- No debí haber llamado a Bellevue.
I did something I shouldn't have and these people called me on it. This is Clark Griswold and his family.
Hice algo que no debería y estas personas me buscaron por ello.
I shouldn't have called.
No debería haberte llamado.
I shouldn't have called you at home. - should I call you at the office?
¿ Quiere que le hable mañana?
Maybe I... I shouldn't have called.
Si no hubieras venido no estaría bien.
I shouldn't have called you.
No debería haberlo llamado.
I probably shouldn't have called you, but I got a hunch this case is millenniumistic.
Seguramente no debí haberte llamado, pero tengo una sospecha de que este caso es milenístico.
I really shouldn't have called.
No debí llamarte.
Maybe I shouldn't have called.
Quizá mejor no haberlos llamado.
No debía haberte llamado.
Perhaps I shouldn't have called.
Quizás no debí llamar.
I shouldn't have called you freak on national tv.
No debería haberte llamado raro en televisión nacional.
I shouldn't have called you.
No debí llamarte.
I shouldn't have called you.
Yo no lo debi de haber llamado.
I shouldn't have called Children's Services.
No debí llamar a Asuntos Sociales.
I shouldn't have called.
No debí haberte llamado.
I probably shouldn't say this but I have thought about nothing else since you called.
Probablemente no debería decirlo pero no he pensado en otra cosa desde su llamado.
I shouldn't have called.
No debí haber llamado.
I shouldn't have called.
No debí llamar.
Oh, no, i shouldn't have called.
Oh, no, no debí llamarte.
I called you out in front of Aceveda, said some things I shouldn't have.
Le grité delante de Aceveda y dije cosas que no debería haber dicho.
i probably shouldn't have called.
Creo que no debí haber llamado.
All right, I shouldn't have called her earlier.
No debería haberla llamado hoy.
it's not that i was mad that she didn't like the flowers, i wanted her to thank me. i know i shouldn't have called her that, but she should have thanked me, right?
No es que me enojara que no le gustaron las flores. Quería que me agradeciera. Sé que no debí haberla llamado así pero debió haberme agradecido, ¿ no?
I shouldn't have not called you.
No debería no haberte llamado.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't even have called you.
Lo siento, no debí llamarte.
I shouldn't have called him.
Lo siento.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you during the day.
Lo siento, tendría que haberte llamado por la noche.
I'm a dick, I shouldn't have called you.
Soy gilipollas, no debía haberte llamado.
- I shouldn't have called. - Tyler, wait
- No debería haber llamado.
Well, I shouldn't have called the plumber.
Bueno, no debería haber llamado al fontanero.
I shouldn't have called you.
Sé que no debí haberte llamado.
Look, I shouldn't have called you, it's not fair.
Mira, no debería haberte llamado, no es justo.
- I shouldn't have called her.
- No tenía que haberla llamado.
I shouldn't have called them.
no me han llamado.
I shouldn't have called him.
No debí llamarlo.
You're busy. I shouldn't have called.
Ay, perdón por llamarte al trabajo.
I shouldn't have called you. No.
No debí llamarte.
I shouldn't have called.
- No tendría que haberte llamado.
I shouldn't have called the secret service.
No debería haber llamado al servicio secreto.
I shouldn't have called you an idiot.
No debí llamarte idiota.

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