In or out tradutor Espanhol
6,436 parallel translation
And I need to know if you're in or out.
Y necesito saber si te apuntas o no.
No one in or out.
Que no salga ni entre nadie.
I'm waiting to see if there's anybody who has ties to the skyscrapers or the trash contracts who might have been going in or out.
Kendell, tienes 16 años. - Incluso si lo amabas...
No one gets in or out of Ma'an.
Nadie entrará ni saldrá de Ma'an.
We've already got eyes on everyone going in or out.
Ya estamos vigilando a todos los que entran o salen.
We're going to need your help ensuring that no one gets in or out of the school.
Vamos a necesitar vuestra ayuda para asegurarnos de que nadie entre o salga.
I called for backup, but we're sealed off out here'cause of the car bomb, no one in or out.
Pedí refuerzos, pero están todos atascados fuera por el coche bomba, nadie entra ni sale.
There's only one way in or out.
Solo hay una entrada y salida.
Detective, no one's been in or out of this room since you checked that box in this morning.
Detective, nadie ha entrado o salido de esta habitación desde que usted registró esa caja esta mañana.
No other way in or out.
No hay otra forma de entrar o salir.
Please, are you in or out?
Por favor, ¿ te apuntas o no?
In or out, Henry. Which is it?
Dentro o fuera, Henry. ¿ Qué es?
No one in or out of the room from the time you left until we came back to search for it.
Nadie dentro o fuera de la habitación desde el momento en que te fuiste hasta que volvimos a buscarlo.
We're gonna have to deal with Wu whether you're in or out.
Vas a tener que lidiar con Wu ya sea que estés adentro o afuera.
Impossible to get in or out that way.
Es imposible entrar o salir por ahí.
No one gets in or out.
Nadie entrará ni saldrá.
Or out doing Jane Fonda exercises, whatever people did in the'80s.
O haciendo ejercicios tipo Jane Fonda o lo que hiciera la gente de los 80.
You come out or I'm coming in.
Sales o entro.
We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek, everyone's happy.
Lo averiguaremos en un día o dos, volverá a ser el viejo Derek, todo el mundo contento.
I mean, I'd sneak out at night and jump or run faster than I've ever run before in my life, almost like I was in a race, except, I guess, it was only a race with myself.
Es decir, me escabullía por la noche a saltar o correr más rápido de lo que nunca he corrido en mi vida, casi como si estuviera en una carrera, excepto, supongo, solo era una carrera conmigo mismo.
Can't we just hang out in your office or something?
¿ No podemos pasar el rato en tu oficina?
Well, clearly your fellow sharks want you back, In the pool or out.
Bueno, tus compañeras de los "Sharks", te quieren de vuelta, en la piscina o fuera.
But the alley's gated, and according to Jay, there's no one on the video surveillance going in or going out.
Pero el callejón está cerrado, y de acuerdo con Jay, no hay nadie en la cámara de seguridad entrando o saliendo.
Or... We could be in and out.
O... podíamos entrar y salir.
Most of the time, she's sipping on her, uh... Grown-up juice or passed out... Usually in that order.
La mayoría del tiempo, está bebiendo,... zumo adulto o desmayada... por lo general en ese orden.
Are you coming out, or do I have to come in there?
¿ Vas a salir o tengo que entrar ahí?
I tried to have them taken down before one of the students in her 9th-grade math class or another teacher found out, or my son, who goes to the same school, saw them.
Intenté que las eliminaran antes de que uno de sus estudiantes de 15 años de su clase de matemáticas u otro profesor se enterara, o mi hijo, que va al mismo colegio, las viera.
I'd ask to know what I was walling in or walling out and to whom I was like to give offense. "
y a quiénes voy a ofender con ello. "
Or it could be how Zaheer got in and out.
O tal vez un lugar donde Zaheer puede entrar y salir.
Are you in or out?
¿ Estás dentro o no?
If you don't remain sober or if you violate the statutes of prisoner conduct, I'll personally see to it that the six-year tail on your sentence is carried out to the letter in an upstate prison.
Si no permaneces sobria o si violas los estatutos del código de conducta de la prisión, me aseguraré personalmente de que cumplas los otros seis años de tu sentencia en una cárcel al norte del estado de principio a fin.
But don't take it out in public or they'll stick you in the dock
Pero no la saques en público o te meterás en problemas
But don't take it out in public Or they'll stick you in the dock
Pero no la saques en público o te meterás en problemas
If your victim was taking calls out in the alley, They were either to her mom or the cable company.
Si tu víctima cogía llamadas en el callejón o bien eran de su madre o de la compañía de cable.
You're either getting in, or you're getting out.
O bien te apuntas, o te sales.
Are you in Mick?
¿ O no? Are you in Mick? Or are you out?
The liver doesn't have a system to regulate the fructose because it was so rare in nature, so it hoovers it out of the bloodstream whether it needs it or not.
El hígado no tiene un sistema para regular la fructosa porque era muy raro en la naturaleza, por lo que Hoover fuera del torrente sanguíneo si se necesita o no.
According to Twitter, your runaway lunatic, Victoria Grayson, just emerged from her air BB in hell or whatever hole she crawled out of.
Según Twitter, tu lunática huida, Victoria Grayson, acaba de emerger de su hostal del infierno o del agujero del que haya salido.
And, baby, you need to... you need to get in this whirlpool... or you need to get out of it.
Y, cielo, tienes que... tienes que entrar en esta vorágine... o salir de ella.
Or have they just been together so long they've run out of things to say to each other, which makes less sense to me because I'm sure if we're together in 30 years
O sólo es que han estado juntos tanto tiempo que se han quedado sin cosas que decirse el uno al otro, lo que tiene menos sentido para mi porque estoy seguro de que, si seguimos juntos dentro de 30 años
How did you... were you gonna tell me about your inner demons, or was I gonna find out when you cut my air-hose supply in a supposed diving accident on our honeymoon?
¿ Cómo...? ¿ Ibas a contarme alguna vez lo de tus demonios interiores? ¿ O iba a descubrirlo cuando cortases mi suministro de aire en un supuesto accidente de submarinismo en nuestra luna de miel?
I always thought my first time in hospital would be... falling out of a tree or something.
Siempre he pensado que mi primera vez en un hospital sería... por la caída de un árbol o algo así.
Or lock me up as a suspect and spend a long time trying to figure out what I could tell you in less than a minute.
O enciérrenme como sospechoso y pasen un montón de tiempo intentando averiguar lo que podría decirles en menos de un minuto.
So the question is, was Calvin murdered because he found out about it or because he was in on it?
La pregunta es, ¿ Calvin fue asesinado porque se enteró o porque estaba metido en ello?
Now look, do you want to stand around here and talk about the assassins who are after you, or do you want to get the hell out of here before they work out that you weren't in the chopper
Ahora mire, ¿ Quiere quedarse por aquí hablando de asesinos que lo persiguen, o quiere largarse antes que sepan que no estaba en el helicóptero al que le dispararon?
You send her out here in the next ten seconds or a lot of bad shit is gonna start happening.
Será mejor que la traigas aquí en los próximos 10 segundos o van a ver de lo que soy capaz.
Everybody out there, whether you're hiding in a cave or running for your life, just keep doing what you got to do to stay alive.
A todos ahí afuera, ya sea que se estén escondiendo en una cueva o corren por su vida, simplemente sigan haciendo lo que tengan que hacer para sobrevivir.
We can both go to Frankfurt and step on each other's toes, or we could get in the car right now and take him out together.
Podemos ir las dos a Frankfurt y pisarnos los pies mutuamente, o podemos entrar en el coche ahora mismo y cogerle juntas.
Jackson, Trent Richardson and Zac Stacy, and I'm just trying to figure out, should I be playing, like, three running backs or should I put, like, a wide receiver in my flex?
Trent Richardson y Zac Stacy, y no sé si poner tres running backs o poner un receptor en el flex.
Do me a favor, go back in, Say like, "Christian got a rash," or something. Like, I broke out in something.
Regresa y diles que a Christian le dio una intoxicación, o que algo me cayó mal, que me dio algo por el ponche.
When you're in a witness's home, look out for where a freezer might be or may have been.
En casa de testigos, mirar si puede haber o haber habido un congelador.
in order 59
in order to do that 38
in order to survive 22
in order to obtain anything 22
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
in order to do that 38
in order to survive 22
in order to obtain anything 22
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
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out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
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out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
outstanding 214
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outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out loud 97
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out of my house 22