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Is he coming tradutor Espanhol

2,318 parallel translation
If this guy Luca is not her boyfriend, what is he coming for tonight?
Si este Luca no es su novio, ¿ qué mierda viene a hacer aquí esta noche?
- Is he coming this weekend?
- ¿ Viene este fin de semana?
When is he coming?
¿ Cuándo vendrá?
Is he coming to see us?
¿ Vendrá a vernos?
Is he coming?
¿ Va a venir?
Is he coming to the Temple?
¿ Él vendrá al templo?
- What time is he coming?
- ¿ A qué hora vendrá?
Why is he coming here?
¿ Por qué viene aquí?
Is he coming back?
¿ Va a volver?
Is he coming over here?
- ¿ Viene hacia aquí?
Is he coming over?
¿ Está viniendo?
And, as hard as it is to hear this, he's just not coming back.
Y, por difícil que sea escuchar esto, no va a volver.
He's not coming, is he?
Él no viene, ¿ verdad?
- I think he is coming towards me.
- Creo que está viniendo hacia mí.
Ηe's not coming around anymore, is he?
Él ya no regresará, ¿ verdad?
Poor Gustav, the hermit, who doesn't know if he's coming or going, who is busy enough with his hysterical sopranos.
EI pobre Gustav, eI ermitaño, que no sabe ni dónde tiene Ia cabeza, está Io suficientemente ocupado con sus sopranos histéricas.
He's not coming, is he?
No va a venir, ¿ verdad?
He is coming out.
If he is coming.
Si vendrá
He is coming from the US, for the big boss'birthday.
Viene de los EE.UU., para el cumpleaños del gran jefe'.
He is never coming back Fidato.
Nunca volverá, Fidato.
He is never coming back.
Él nunca volverá.
He too is coming tomorrow to discuss a script.
Viene mañana también para discutir un guión.
When Chaney is taken, he's coming back to Fort Smith to hang.
Cuando Chaney sea capturado será llevado a Fuerte Smith para ser colgado.
He ain't coming back, is he?
No regresará, ¿ verdad?
He is coming here to personally
Va a venir aquí para seleccionar
Chiu, he is coming out...
Chiu, ya sale...
He is coming!
¡ Ya viene!
And this is coming from a man who can't tell his wife he takes sugar.
Y esto lo dice un hombre que no puede decirle a su esposa que come azúcar.
♪ Mine eyes have seen the glory ♪ ♪ of the coming of the Lord ♪ ♪ he is trampling out the vintage ♪
# Mine eyes have seen the glory # # of the coming of the Lord # # he is trampling out the vintage # # where the grapes of wrath are stored # # he's loosed the fateful lightning #
- He is coming.
- Él ya se acerca.
He is coming to see me.
Él viene a verme.
"Is there any chance he's going to be coming back?"
No, no, no. No.
No, I have already called Barry to let him know one of you is coming.
Sí, ya he llamado a Barry para decirle que iréis una de las dos.
It's hugo- - he is coming for me.
Es Hugo, viene a por mí.
Little brownies, little brownies, your master is dead, and he's never coming back.
Pequeños brownies, bizcochos pequeños, tu amo ha muerto, y nunca va a volver.
Yeah, the thing is, he has moved out but he's always coming back.
Sí, el asunto es que se mudó, pero siempre está volviendo.
He only notices someone is coming on to him when he is already sitting on his face.
él solo sabe que se acercan cuando los tiene sentado frente a su cara
That's not an ice sculpture. He's not coming, is he?
Esa no es una escultura de hielo.
Coming into the ring next is the R.F.C. Heavyweight Champion of the World, standing 6'4 ", weighing 250 pounds, with an outstanding record of 19 wins and zero losses, he's a freestyle fighter out of Ross, Texas,
A continuación subirá al ring el Campeón Mundial de Pesos Pesados del R.F.C., de 1,93 de altura y 113 kilos, con un increíble récord de 19 triunfos y ninguna pelea perdida, es un luchador de estilo libre de Ross, Texas,
All you want to do is attack me. He's coming home with me.
Y lo único que haces es atacarme.
- Get ready, he is coming!
- Listos, ya ¡ aquí viene!
I heard that your father is coming home soon.
He oído decir que vuelve tu padre.
'Cause whatever Jimmy's agenda is, he can't know we're coming.
Porque sean cuales sean los planes de Jimmy, no debe saber que vamos para allá.
That would make sense, but before he leaves something else is coming.
Ya nos estás fastidiando la diversión. Siento arruinarte tu cumpleaños, Kevin. No has arruinado nada.
The thing is, I could never understand it because he was handsome, he was good looking and girls liked him but he was just seemed slow coming forward.
Porque él era apuesto, era guapo y... les gustaba a las chicas, pero parecía retraído.
What he does now is coming completely from his imagination.
Lo que hace ahora viene completamente de su imaginación.
Yeah, but if he gets his rocks off in here, every bloody kid for miles is going to be coming through that door...
Si, pero si afloja esas bolas aqui, todo niño en millas a la redonda entrarán por esa puerta.
I wanna feel the inspiration that is coming through
- Si creo que la he visto.
- He was a musician and, um... that is really romantic when you are 17, but he was always gone on tour and... and then a few years ago, he just... stopped coming home.
- Él era un músico y um... que es muy romántico cuando tienes 17, pero él se había ido siempre de gira y... y entonces hace un par de años, que acaba de... dejó de llegar a casa.
He's very beautiful, but there is a bad smell coming from this end of him.
Es muy lindo, pero hay un olor feo viniendo de él.

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