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Isn't it good tradutor Espanhol

2,283 parallel translation
Besides, a little war's always good for business, isn't it?
Además, un poco de guerra siempre es buena para el negocio ¿ verdad?
Then this isn't stalking. It's just good, old-fashioned chivalry.
Entonces esto no es acoso, sólo es una inofensiva y anticuada caballerosidad.
So That's good news, isn't it?
Es una buena noticia, ¿ no?
It's good, isn't it?
Es bueno, no?
- Isn't it good that you're going away?
- Qué bueno que te vas de viaje, ¿ no?
They say that it isn't very good.
Dicen que no son muy buenas.
It's good, isn't it?
- ¿ Genial, no?
Well, I don't know, it's really good isn't it?
Bueno, no lo sé ; está realmente rico, ¿ no?
I don't know if he isn't that good at following clues or if someone else has found it.
No sé si él no es bueno siguiendo las pistas o alguien más lo ha encontrado.
No it isn't. Is it good again?
No, no lo es. ¿ Es bueno otra vez?
Yeah, well, then it's a good thing we're going for friends, isn't it?
Sí, bueno, entonces es una buena idea... que vayamos a ser sólo amigos, ¿ no?
Well, I guess it's good then that george isn't technically the client.
Bueno, imagino que es bueno entonces que George no es técnicamente el cliente.
It's a waste not to use a perfectly good cross, isn't it?
Es un desperdicio no utilizar una buena cruz, ¿ no es así?
The distinction isn't between good people and bad. It's between law-abiding people and crooks!
La distinción no se hace entre buenos y malos sino entre quien respeta la justicia y quien no la respeta.
That's good, isn't it?
Eso es bueno, ¿ no?
You must be feeling very good after coming out, isn`t it?
Debes sentirte muy bien al ser libre, ¿ no?
Good luck, isn't it?
Buena suerte, ¿ no?
Tonight's party isn't just about having a good time, it's about not disrupting our very delicate relationship with the Omega Chis, which would be seriously undermined if Rebecca and her pledge sisters went somewhere else.
La fiesta de esta noche no se trata sólo de pasarla bien. Se trata de no afectar nuestra delicada relación con Omega Chi, lo que se comprometería si Rebecca y sus hermanas novatas fueran a otro lugar.
It's a good job that my experience is that much more extensive, isn't it? Yes, sir.
"Nada", "No mucho, señor" Menos mal que mi experiencia es mucho más extensa, ¿ no?
It isn't as good, is it?
No está tan buena, ¿ verdad?
Drinking and driving is a fun way to pass the time, but maybe sometimes it isn't such a good idea.
Beber y conducir es una manera divertida de pasar el tiempo pero tal vez algunas veces no es una buena idea.
An 80 % success rate isn't good enough if men are going to ride it into space.
Y una tasa de éxito del 80 % no es suficiente para que los hombres viajen al espacio sobre él.
- lt's good, isn't it?
- Es bueno, ¿ no?
It's good, isn't it?
Bueno, ¿ no lo creen?
I'm not saying she isn't good for it. But we don't have enough solid evidence to support that right now.
No estoy diciendo que no sea culpable pero no tenemos evidencias sólidas para suponerlo, por ahora.
- That is good. It is good, isn't it?
Es bueno, verdad?
Isn't it good that I came all the way from Albuquerque just to give you this invaluable advice? Hm?
¿ No es bueno que haya venido desde Alburquerque para darte este valioso consejo?
If it isn't my good old team captain.
Si no es nada menos que mi viejo capitán de equipo.
knowing that he's okay isn't good enough for me, so I've decided to do something about it.
Sabiendo que es esta bien no es bastante bueno para mi por eso he decidico hacer algo al respecto
- Isn't it any good?
- ¿ No están buenos?
And 2'500 francs a month's good, isn't it?
Y 2500 francos al mes está bien, ¿ no?
Isn't it good, mama?
¿ Te gusta, mamá?
It's good that he's fine. Isn't it?
Es bueno que esté bien, ¿ no?
But isn't it good that the base is destroyed?
¿ Pero no es bueno que la base esté destruida?
He isn't even any good at it - the, um... dissipation, I mean.
Ni siquiera es bueno para ser un... disoluto, quiero decir.
It's a good spectator sport, though, isn't it?
Sin embargo, es un buen deporta para mirar. ¿ no?
Good idea, isn't it?
Buena idea, ¿ verdad?
That may be part of it. But it's as good a reason As any, isn't it?
Es posible que también sea por eso pero es una razón como otra ¿ no?
Isn't it good?
¿ No es bueno?
That's a good start isn't it? Can't I just ask without being interested?
¿ Cómo iba a interesarme si no sintiera curiosidad?
... good that he's working, isn't it?
... que bueno que trabaje, ¿ no? ¿ Verdad que sí?
Good crowd, isn't it, sir?
Hay mucha gente, ¿ no, señor?
This is good shit, isn't it?
Sí es buena droga, ¿ verdad?
There isn't a good reason for it.
No hay una buena razón.
Willoughby of Allenham, it's a good name, isn't it, Elinor?
Willoughby de Allenham. Es un buen nombre, ¿ verdad, Elinor?
Shutting down? That's good, that's what we want, isn't it?
Bien, es lo que queremos, ¿ no?
It's good, isn't it?
Es bueno, ¿ no? - No- -
Not good. No, I know it isn't.
Ya sé que no es bueno.
- Her sight isn't good, is it?
- Su vista no es buena, ¿ verdad?
The way I see it, that's a good thing. Isn't it?
¿ De la manera que yo lo veo, eso es algo buena, verdad?
If we're going to freeze to death, here's as good a spot as any, isn't it?
Si vamos a morir congelados, este es tan buen lugar como cualquier otro.

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