Just be there tradutor Espanhol
6,575 parallel translation
- ( laughs ) - And she's really good, and she just has never really gotten her big break, and she said that there was gonna be a huge producer in your hotel next month...
Y ella es muy buena, y es solo que ella nunca ha conseguido su gran oportunidad, y dijo que iba a haber un gran productor en tu hotel el próximo mes...
I'll-I'll just be over there, honey.
Estaré justo por aquí, cariño.
It's just a transition and soon, they won't be there and we'll be free.
Es sólo una transición y pronto, no van a estar allí y vamos a ser libres.
Then my opinion is that there is no need for violence, he just needs to be stopped.
Entonces mi opinión es que no hay necesidad de violencia. Él solo necesita ser detenido.
All right, all right, all right. Just... be careful and get out of there as soon as you can.
Muy bien, de acuerdo, muy bien pero... ten cuidado y sal de ahí lo antes que puedas.
I understand that, Dr. Gunderson, it's just that... somebody needs to be there if my mom's not gonna go.
Lo sé, Dra. Gunderson, es solo que... alguien tiene que estar allí si mi madre no va a ir.
Well, look, honey, sometimes when terrible things happen, it's enough just to be there and to say you're sorry.
Bueno, mira, cariño, a veces cuando suceden cosas terribles, es suficiente con estar ahí para decir que lo sientes.
Uh, Sheriff Cuse, we are just hoping there might be some surveillance footage of the attacks.
Sheriff Cuse, solo esperábamos que pudiera haber algo en las cámaras de vigilancia de los ataques.
She may not be there just to keep tabs on Britta.
Podría ser que no esté allí sólo para vigilar a Britta.
Just you asking me how I am and wanting to be there for me, and... it's confusing.
Tú preguntándome cómo estoy y queriendo estar ahí para mí, y... Es confuso.
Even though it might be a little bug digging away down there, just nagging and itching and...
Aunque podría ser un pequeño bichito escarbando allá abajo solo molestando y picando y...
You know, I-I think that if... if we work together, there just might be a way out of this.
Sabes, pienso que... si trabajamos juntos, debe haber una salida de esto.
I just think maybe if I knew what I'd be wearing, I could work backwards from there,'cause no one is telling me what I should do.
Pienso que si supiera que vestiría, podría trabajar hacía tras hasta ahí, porque nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer.
Well, it's no "A Chorus Line," am I right? [Sighs] Maybe I should just go in there and pretend to be you.
Bueno, no es "Una línea de coro", ¿ cierto? Quizás debería ir ahí y simplemente pretender ser tu.
I'm just sitting there, you know, making small talk, having to pretend to be happy for them, you know, and I'm just looking at these delicate little hands and suddenly I realised - like a blinding flash, it hit me.
Estoy sentado allí, ¿ sabes? , dándole un poco a la lengua, teniendo que fingir que estoy contento con ellos, ya sabes, y estoy mirando esas manitas delicadas y de repente me he dado cuenta... como un flash cegador, me ha venido.
Um... I, um, er..... have trouble managing too much, er, sensory input at one time and in this instance there was the whole tongue thing and you were touching my leg at the same time and I can't be completely certain but it's possible I just had an orgasm.
Oh... yo... hay problemas para manejar demasiada información sensorial a la vez... y en este caso existe el asunto del habla... y que estás tocando mi pierna al mismo tiempo... no puedo estar completamente seguro... pero es posible que acabo de tener un orgasmo.
I'm just telling you there'll be an option to take it today.
Solo digo que habrá que tomar una decisión hoy.
So, if I may be so bold, since there is a grenade with my name on it, maybe... .. just maybe...
Así que, si se me permite el atrevimiento, ya que hay una granada con mi nombre en ella, quizás... solo quizás...
Right, I just thought there might be some obstacles or something like that.
Cierto, solo pensé que podría haber algunos obstáculos o algo así.
♪ I'm-a be there in a minute, I just booked a Paris ticket ♪ Oh, my God.
Dios mío.
But just so you know, I'm gonna be there, so...
Pero para que lo sepas, voy a estar ahí, entonces...
There's not just one Santa delivery team. How could there be?
No hay un solo equipo Santa de reparto. ¿ Cómo podría haberlo?
Just go there, and soon you'll be able to pay all your bills, including this one for $ 20,000!
Con ellos, pronto podrá pagar sus facturas. Incluida esta de 20.000 $.
There's a lot to do, so we can't be afraid to just roll up our sleeves and get the job done.
Hay mucho para hacer, así que, no podemos tener miedo de subirnos las mangas y de hacer el trabajo.
There'll always be cops, just like there'll always be gangsters.
Siempre habrá policías, como siempre habrá gánsters.
We should just go out there and be us.
Deberíamos solo salir y ser nosotros mismos.
There are just certain aspects that seem to be almost like a
I'm just saying a guy like Bosch will definitely be there.
Solo digo que un tío como Bosch sin duda estará allí.
I tell you what I remembered just after you left, there were some things ploughed up a few years ago that might be of interest to you.
Justo después de que os fuerais me acordé de que hace unos años arando aparecieron unas cosas que a lo mejor os interesan.
I think he just means that it's okay to eat in his office, even though he's not gonna be in there.
Creo que significa que está bien que comas en su oficina, incluso sin que esté él.
Wouldn't it be better just to have someone standing there pressing its button all the time?
¿ No sería mejor tener a alguien allí de pie apretando su botón continuamente?
You know that he thinks that there's this- - this strong friendship between the two of you, and that there's something there, and--I just want to be sure that you're coming over to hang out with him, not just us, because you miss your- - you know what I mean?
Sabes que él piensa que existe esta... relación sólida entre vosotros dos, y que hay algo ahí, y solo quiero quiero asegurarme de que vienen para pasar el rato con él, no solo con nosotros, porque echas de menos a tus...
I mean, the thought of being in the spotlight the whole day Is so daunting, you know, it'll just be fun to be up there
Es decir, la idea de estar bajo el foco de atención durante todo el día es tan abrumadora, sabéis, será divertido
Just sign where indicated. And if all goes well, you could be getting all up in there by lunch Thursday... If I put a rush on it.
Solo basta una firma, y si todo sale bien podrías estar recibiéndolo para el Jueves, si me apresuro en ello.
Just tell us how she came to be in the back of your truck, and we'll go from there.
Pues cuéntanos cómo acabó en la parte de atrás de vuestra camioneta y seguiremos a partir de ahí.
There were people who wanted to be isolationist, and there were people who said, "this isn't going to just go away."
Hubo gente que quiso ser aislacionista, y gente que dijo "esto no va a desaparecer tan fácilmente".
How I happened to be with my dad, and we were going down U Street and there were just people fighting in the middle of the street, you know, people being pulled from their cars.
Cuando sucedió estaba con mi papá, e íbamos bajando por la Calle U y ahí estaban la gente luchando en el medio de la calle, tu sabes, las personas siendo sacadas de sus autos.
He's trying to say that he's... that he did something to help Officer Venable, that he did, you know... he just happened to be there.
Está intentando decir que hizo algo para ayudar al oficial Venable. Él solo estaba ahí por casualidad.
So if you just called it something else it might still be there today
Así que si tan sólo lo hubieras llamado de otra forma todavía podría estar ahí hoy
There's no way that you're just gonna be in New York and only be aware of one kind of music.
No hay forma de que simplemente vayas a estar en Nueva York y sólo seas consciente de un solo tipo de música.
I'm afraid if I go in your guest bathroom, there'll just be regular hand towels in there.
Tengo miedo de que si voy a tu baño, Solo habran toallas normales ahi.
- Well, that's just it, I don't want there to be sides.
- Bueno, de eso se trata, no quiero que haya lados.
There just might be families out there who'd like to know the truth.
Quizá haya familias que les gustaría saber la verdad.
I just thought there was gonna be more to it.
Sólo pensé que habría algo más.
There's got to be some kind of way that I can show him that I care about him just as much as he cares about me.
Tiene que haber una manera en la que pueda mostrarle que él me importa al igual que a él le importo yo.
You see, I get to see her come out of her room, and she has this glow when she sees those presents that Santa left for her, and I-I just think that Christmas is not gonna be the same without... without it, so, there you go.
Verás, puedo verla salir de su habitación y le resplandece el rostro cuando ve los regalos que Santa le ha dejado y creo que la Navidad ya no va a ser igual sin... Sin eso, así que, ya lo he dicho.
Things are where they should be, there's no confusion and what's what just for the sake of how it looks.
Las cosas están donde deberían, no hay confusión de qué es cada cosa... Solo porque quieran que algo se vea mejor
I mean, I didn't even think that there's a big fat lemming just sitting in the landscape and waiting to be eaten.
Quiero decir, nunca pensé que fuera un gran y gordo lemming Solo sentándose en el paisaje y esperando ser comido.
Just to be able to see it and keep up with it, there's no way you could keep up with that on the ground.
Sólo para ser capaz de verlo y mantenerse con estos, No hay absolutamente ninguna manera de mantenerse con ellos en el suelo.
There must be about 10 or 15 in the foyer just now.
Debe de haber unos diez o quince en el vestíbulo ahora mismo.
Someone else must be the Santa for just this night, but there is no guarantee that a mortal will survive.
Alguien más debe ser Santa solo por esta noche, pero no hay garantía de que un mortal sobreviva.
just be cool 104
just be yourself 145
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just be yourself 145
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be careful 315
just be calm 18
just between you and me 51
just between us 72
just be safe 16
just before he died 19
just be still 19
just be honest 49
just be ready 22
just be careful 315
just be calm 18
just between you and me 51
just between us 72
just be safe 16
just before he died 19
just be still 19
just be honest 49
just be ready 22
just be a minute 17
be there in a minute 18
be there in 19
be there at 24
be there 115
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
be there in a minute 18
be there in 19
be there at 24
be there 115
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912