Just like yours tradutor Espanhol
442 parallel translation
White, just like yours.
Blanca, como las suyas.
Just like yours!
¡ Como Ud.!
She has a smile just like yours.
Tiene su misma sonrisa.
And I'll have beautiful curly hair just like yours. And I'll have read all the books in the world... and I'll play the piano and talk French almost as well as you do.
Y tendré un hermoso pelo enrulado, como el tuyo, y habré leído todos los libros del mundo, y tocaré el piano y hablaré francés, casi tan bien como tú.
When mouth open, just like yours.
Cuando se abre como la suya.
I buried my son with a cry just like yours.
Hay mucha gente como yo.
It's a police station, Daddy, just like yours.
Es una comisaría, papá, como la tuya.
Cleo, I have a ring just like yours too.
Quiero ver a Marco Antonio!
- Say, he's got a green coat on just like yours.
- Digamos : él tiene un abrigo verde como el tuyo.
It's just like yours.
Es idéntico al suyo.
With a dress, just like yours.
Con un vestido como el tuyo.
Our brains are just like yours except that certain weaknesses have been removed.
Nuestros cerebros son como el suyo, salvo por algunas deficiencias que se han eliminado.
Just like yours.
Pues igual que tú.
L think he's got one just like yours.
Y quizá quisiera...
Just like yours.
Como el tuyo.
My parents traveled steerage just like yours.
Nada. Mis padres viajaron muy jòvenes, como los tuyos.
They went through poverty just like yours.
Ellos fueron muy pobres como los tuyos.
It seems they're tied in... with some big organization just like yours.
Parece que forman parte... de una organización como la suya exactamente.
Just like yours.
Justo como el vuestro.
Look at his chin, just like yours!
¿ Le has visto el mentón?
Imagine having a husband like yours, who would gladly spend a fortune just to make you happy.
Imagínate tener un esposo como el tuyo. quien gustosamente gastará una fortuna solo para hacerte feliz.
It's in my blood just like it's in yours.
Lo llevo en la sangre, igual que tú.
Even as much as I love you, you're in with me from now on, or else I'm going to break that pretty little neck of yours just like...
Por más que te ame, estás en esto conmigo de ahora en adelante o si no te voy a partir ese lindo cuello igual que...
"You know, A.K.," I said, "if I ever build another house, it's going to be one of those simple little colonial cottages," just like this one of yours.
"¿ Sabes, A.K.? Si llego a construir otra casa... será una casita colonial simple", justo como la de ustedes.
That pained expression of yours is just like Mary's.
Esa expresión de reproche es como la de Mary.
Pres'life and yours will hang on things just like that,... and you'll both surely die.
Sus vidas dependerán de cosas como esas... ¡... y los dos de seguro morirán!
Just like Those dames of yours.
Diselo a esas señoritas.
Yours.Husky redheaded little kids just like you
Los tuyos. Espero que sean igualitos a ti.
Any actor with a conceit like yours, we just couldn't afford the premium.
No podríamos pagar por un actor tan engreído como tú.
I just laid the gun barrel across the head of a drunk friend of yours... like you did yesterday.
Acabo de darle un pistolazo en la cabeza a su amigo borracho... igual que usted hizo ayer.
Si va a comportarse como un estúpido en este asunto, mejor que cada uno se quede en su lado del campamento.
If you close that sewer of yours something just turned up I think you're going to like!
Acaba de aparecer una persona a la que estoy seguro que te gustará ver.
Just like I said... I'd fight for you and yours like I'd fight for the old man's.
Como te he dicho, lucharía por ti y lo tuyo como por lo del viejo.
A young man... - just such a one as you... with golden hair like yours... - scoffed at and struck me.
Era un joven igual que tú. De pelo dorado como el tuyo. Se burló de mí y me golpeó.
- So consider this entire place just like it's yours, and - - [Dog Whines]
Así que puedes contar con este apartamento como si fuera tuyo y...
Of course, my beliefs aren't the same as yours however I can give you one piece of advice : do like I do, and just say "screw it!"
Naturalmente mis ideas no son como las tuyas, aunque un consejo si puedo darte, haz como yo, ¡ jódete!
Much as I'd like to save that gorgeous hide of yours I just can't take that kind of a chance.
Aunque me gustaría salvar tu hermoso pellejo no puedo arriesgarme tanto.
A man with a big frame like yours can't just nibble away like a little old titmouse.
Un hombre tan corpulento no puede picar como un pajarillo.
Just for my record, I'd like yours.
Quisiera el tuyo, para el mío.
I took his identity, just like I will take yours.
Tomé su identidad, como tomaré la tuya.
Friend of mine in a car like yours, just went shooting by.
Un amigo mío en un coche como el suyo que está por aquí.
Just like those husbands of yours you don't even know any more.
Igual que vuestros maridos, a los que ya no conocéis.
I just heard about another finger exactly like yours.
Escuché de otro dedo igual al suyo.
You like anything... just as long as it isn't yours.
Te gusta todo... lo que no es tuyo.
I just had it fixed like yours.
Lo he modificado como el tuyo.
Did to hear that? What are you trying to do, convince everybody they're yours... expect those patients to come running just like that?
Cuando llegaste ya lo habíamos acordado.
And of course with a low-slung model like yours, well, he just scoops'em up like a vacuum cleaner.
Y como su modelo es de poca altura las va recogiendo como una aspiradora.
It's tortoiseshell, just like yours.
Es idéntico.
Yeah, well, she just generates a low intensity telepathic field, and obviously primitive thought patterns like yours appeal to her.
Sí, bueno, ella sólo genera un campo de baja intensidad telepática,... y, obviamente, patrones de pensamiento primitivo, como el tuyo, la atraen.
We have only four rooms like it, but yours overlooks the garden terrace of our beautiful dining room just below.
Sólo lo tienen cuatro cuartos, pero éste tiene vista a la terraza de nuestro espectacular comedor.
A spirit like yours just can't end.
Un espíritu como el tuyo no puede acabar.
just like that 1429
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like everyone else 52
just like you wanted 40
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like everyone else 52
just like you wanted 40
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122