Look at you go tradutor Espanhol
941 parallel translation
Don't you have to go around to look at things?
No convendría que lo comprobaras?
Ain't you gonna take a look at him before you go?
¿ No le darás un vistazo antes de irte?
Now you go right to sleep so you can get up early and we can go down and look at the goldfish.
Es momento de dormirse para que puedas madrugar y visitar a los peces.
Now go look at the nice yard you've got to play in. There.
Vamos, ya veréis qué patio tan bonito para jugar.
You know I don't like to be critical, Dancer, but... you know, it doesn't look quite right when you and your partner... and your prima donna and your best customer... all go out at the same time.
Sabes que no me gusta criticar, Dancer, pero, ¿ sabes? No queda bien que tú, tu socio, tu prima donna y tu mejor cliente... os marchéis todos a la vez.
Go look at the pretty feather, you painted buzzard.
Ve a mirar la bonita pluma, buitre pintado.
It was only that you were very lovely to look at and I didn't want you to go away.
Era sólo que estaba tan hermosa que no quería que se fuera.
You can't go out on the street like that. Look at your tie.
No salgas así, fíjate en tu corbata.
nothing yet only that one must have one's eyes everywhere look at that person the way she flirts with Klamroth don't you want to go out for a drive with me in my new car after office hours?
¿ Qué quieres decir con eso? ¡ Todavía nada! Sólo que hay que tener ojos en todas partes.
Well, let's go on deck and let them look at us. Willie, you heard what I said.
Entonces deberíamos dejar vernos por cubierta.
As long as you're sponsoring the gym, let's go and take a look at it.
Ya que patrocinas el gimnasio, ven a verlo.
While you two girls have it out, I think I'll go and look at those rascals and see if I can discover some germs doctors are beginning to talk about.
Mientras os quedáis charlando voy a ver a los niños a ver si encuentro esos gérmenes de los que hablan los médicos.
You better stay here and get dried out while I go and have a look at this next tunnel.
Mejor te quedas aquí y te secas mientras voy a echar un vistazo a este próximo túnel.
- Look at you. - Let me go.
Déjeme ya.
Look at you... hating me... and your eyes saying, "Don't go away. " I belong to you.
Miraos... odiándome... y vuestros ojos diciendo " no os vayáis... os pertenezco.
If you want to look at something, go and look at your second-hand wife!
¡ Si quieres ver algo, ve a ver a esa esposa de segunda mano tuya!
I beg your pardon, sir, but before you go on, I think you might like to take a look at the curtain on the balcony.
Perdone, señor, pero antes de seguir, yo echaría un vistazo a aquella cortina.
When I go away, will you go back to that square in the middle of the town and take a good look at it?
Cuando me vaya, ve a la plaza y mírala bien.
"Every time I go to Blair House, stand at the foot of the stairs and look up." "I see you descend in the dress you wore on the night of our engagement party."
Cuando voy a tu casa, me paro al pié de la escalera... miro hacia arriba y me parece verte bajar con el vestido... que llevabas el día de la fiesta de nuestro compromiso. "
I can't see you go through life watching me stare at other people's lips. Watching me look around carefully before I dare take a step, even. Watching me live without music.
No soporto que pases tu vida viendo cómo leo... los labios de las personas... cómo miro con cuidado antes de animarme a dar un paso... cómo vivo sin música, sin el sonido de tu voz... sin tantas cosas.
I'm doing a test drive and I want you to take a look at the barge - let's go!
Voy a hacer una prueba de una gabarra y quería que le echarais un vistazo, ¡ venid!
Before I go, I'd like to look at the painting I did of you.
Antes de irme, quiero ver el retrato que te hice.
I tell you what, Sarge, what say I take the glasses and go over the ridge and take a look at the water?
Tengo una idea, sargento. Déjame los prismáticos y voy a ver.
I want to have a look at you... in your costume before you go.
Quiero verte... en tu disfraz antes de que te vayas.
You put it on the box when you told me to go look at the anchor.
Seems to be... Look, you go at the Rialto, and ask old Pete.
Escuche, vaya al Rialto y pregunte al viejo Pete.
You know, "Let's go look at the moon."
Ya sabe, "vamos a ver la luna".
You grab that stick and go out that way and I look through this thing and wave at you.
Tú coges ese palo y te alejas. Yo miro por aquí y te hago señas.
By the way, Pete, you'll have to go back and look for some more bones and sift the sand to a depth of at least a foot.
Por cierto, pete, tendrá que volver y buscar más huesos... y tamice la arena al menos un pie de profundidad.
Before you go in there... look at this.
Antes de que entre... mire esto.
Sweetie! What a laugh, look at you! Why don't you all go inside...!
Cuchufletas. ¡ Míralas, ya se podían meter en casa...!
I go out and do a job while the rest of you sit here by the fire... and when I come back you look at me as if -
Voy a hacer una misión mientras Uds. se quedan aquí... y cuando regreso, me miran como si...
Go home and look at yourself in a mirror. You'll understand.
Vuelva a su casa, mírese en un espejo y lo entenderá.
To look out there and see them all laughing, to hear that roar go up, waves of laughter coming at you.
Miras la sala y los ves reír. Suben las carcajadas, llegan olas de risas hacia ti.
If you go with this sallow face, they won't even look at you.
Si vas con esta cara amarillenta, no van ni a mirarte.
Look at her eyes, they follow you wherever you go.
Observen sus ojos, les siguen vayan adonde vayan.
You know, Colonel, I think I'd like to go down to the hospital and take a look at that little girl.
Creo que voy a ir al hospital a ver a la niña.
You've hammered, drove, pushed, shoved, and you look at me with your cow eyes, point at your phony arm, and I melt and go along.
En cada paso que dimos, exprimiste, dirigiste, empujaste...? Y ahora me miras con esos ojos de cordero degollado, senalas ese estupido brazo y yo me derrito y me dejo llevar!
It's only been five days, and you go look for him at the morgue.
Sólo han pasado 5 días, y va a buscarlo al depósito.
Why don't you go look at some more statues?
¿ Por qué no se va a ver más estatuas?
~ Look, do not teach anything at all here... because the chicken is mine and if you don't go I'll make your face like this. Got it?
- Escuche, aquí no enseñe nada... porque la gallina es mía y si no se va le dejo la cara así. ¿ Ha entendido?
Look, you go on at 4 : 00 p. m., 6 : 00 p. m., then you break for dinner.
Se presenta a las 4 : 00 y a las 6 : 00, y luego descansa para cenar.
So that you wish you could go away from here... and never have to look at them again?
¿ Así que deseas irte de aquí... y no volver a verles nunca?
But before you go, take a good look at these two comrade's faces.
Pero antes de irte, observa bien sus caras.
I look at you each morning, I always think of reasons not to go to work.
Cuando te miro por la mañana pienso en excusas para no ir a trabajar.
Go look at yourself in the mirror. You're plain!
Anda y ve a mirarte al espejo. ¡ Eres fea!
Why don't you take your drink and go look at the moonlight?
Vaya a tomarse su copa mirando la luna.
Do you want to go take a look at it?
¿ Quieres que vayamos a echar un vistazo?
Everywhere you go, you ´ ll find men who look at you and laugh and say, "Get a load of what our old friend lrena ´ s gotten ahold of now."
Allá donde vayas, encontrarás hombres que te mirarán riendo, y dirán :... "Mirad lo que ha encontrado nuestra vieja amiga Irena esta vez."
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
Maybe you want to go back and look at what's left of him on that ice.
Quizás quieras volver. Y ver lo que queda de él sobre el hielo.
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558