Look at you two tradutor Espanhol
619 parallel translation
Look at you two!
¡ Miraos vosotros también!
Look at you two!
¡ Ahora miraros!
Look at you two, caught right in the very act!
... ¡ Mira que dos! ¡ Cogidos en medio del acto!
Look, I can't join the crowd over at the Springs, but would you mind taking these two quarts over with my compliments?
No puedo ir con los demás a Springs, pero ¿ podrías llevarles estos dos litros con mis saludos?
I've got some two-year-olds I'd like to have you take a look at.
- Tengo unas reses que me gustaría que viera.
Will you look at the two of them, lying there, sweet and peaceful as the babes in the wood.
Míralos a los dos, tendidos ahí, dulce y pacíficamente...
You know, sometimes when you look at me like that, I could break you in two.
- Demasiado
While you two girls have it out, I think I'll go and look at those rascals and see if I can discover some germs doctors are beginning to talk about.
Mientras os quedáis charlando voy a ver a los niños a ver si encuentro esos gérmenes de los que hablan los médicos.
¿ También dedujo el hecho de que me ha llevado dos años conseguir que examine mi obra?
Once I settle down with the two of you I'll never look at another woman.
Una vez que me establezca con uds. dos, nunca volveré a mirar a otra mujer.
It's been two years at least. Let me look at you.
Pasaron dos años.
You might like to have a look at it and spend a shilling or two.
Podría usted echar un vistazo y gastarse allí un chelín o dos.
Now look, you can't stay angry at me forever, not two full days.
Mire, no puede estar enojada conmigo para siempre, no dos días enteros.
If you look at the two holes, you can see that the second one is only half-finished.
Si examina esos dos agujeros, podrá observar que el segundo quedó a medio hacer.
There are two marsh's right at the top of the valley. ... if you take a look from out there, you can see a herd coming from 10 miles. [Mr. Worth] :
Primero nos vamos directos al valle, desde allí se puede divisar a 15 kilómetros, mira.
How did you know? Some men you look at, you say, "now there's a man with two children."
Viéndole, se diría que tiene dos hijos.
You two look at nothing but tires.
Ahora vosotros dos ocuparos solamente de las gomas.
But when I look at what you two have got here... Well, I don't know.
Pero cuando veo lo que tienen hoy no sé qué decir.
Now, I can look at the two of you.
Así os veré mejor.
You haven't got a case, you look at the suspicious and took a pistol and went straight in a wrong between two white men, what did you expect?
No tienes caso. Resolviste con un arma el desacuerdo de dos blancos.
And these kids, you ought to be ashamed to look at them, you two-bit, four-flushing gunslinger!
Y estos niños- - Debería darte vergüenza mirarlos... pandillero y fanfarrón insignificante.
That's why I thought that maybe if the two of you were roommates at Ridgeville, that you could sort of look after him.
Es por eso que pienso que si Uds. dos fueran colegas en Ridgeville,... Tú podrías cuidarlo bien.
Look at you, hopping around like a two year-old.
Fíjese. Ya anda como una niña de 2 años.
I look at the two of you, and I know we're stuck together.
Les miro a Vds. dos y me doy cuenta de que vamos a tener que estar juntos.
But before you go, take a good look at these two comrade's faces.
Pero antes de irte, observa bien sus caras.
But you can't help it, just because no decent woman look at you for two seconds.
Sólo porque ninguna mujer decente te mire por dos segundos...
Oh look, we barely said hello and you two are at it again.
Oh, acabáis de saludaros y ya empezáis otra vez.
And now, for two million, you, together, openly have agreed to kill one of your old friends! Look at the face of the creature next to you!
No dijeron ni una palabra.
You look in, and wag your finger at me and I'm lying across a saddle and two Tatars twist my head.
Usted miraba hacia adentro, y apuntaba su dedo hacia mí estoy echado en una silla de montar y dos tártaros me retuercen la cabeza.
Here are two family portraits I advise you to look closely at.
Aquí tiene dos retratos de familia. Le aconsejo que los mire detalladamente.
Will you two stop arguing about your bandages, look at me!
¡ Dejen de pelearse por los vendajes, mírenme!
Henks, would you look at these two stones, please?
Henks, ¿ quieres mirar estas dos piedras, por favor?
Get two men outside to look at the antennae, will you?
Consigue dos hombres fuera de a mirar las antenas, ¿ quieres?
Look at you, the fastest gun in the West and the slowest thing on two feet.
Mírate : el arma más rápida del Oeste y el más lento en dos piernas.
It could. Benjie, if you just look at the pictures, it does look dumb. But if two people are in love, it's supposed to be very pleasant.
Si sólo ves las fotos es tonto... pero si dos personas se aman se supone que es maravilloso.
You shouldn't look at people in such fashion... they are like two black holes... burned by torches in a tapestry of Tyre.
No se debe mirar a la gente de ese modo.. son como dos agujeros negros... quemados por antorchas en un tapiz de Tiro.
Look at you, you look like the Two Orphans...
Mírense, parecen los Dos Huérfanitos...
Look, it's 11 : 30 at night, and I could be sleeping or reading. But, no, I'm talking to my husband's mistress... and wondering what the two of you have done for the last three hours.
Mira, son las 11 : 30 de la noche y podría estar durmiendo o leyendo, pero no, estoy hablando con la amante de mi marido.
But look at the others. You might give us a make on two at once.
Mire las otras fotos para darnos su valiosa opinión
Look at the two of you.
Miraos los dos.
I'm surprised you're not charging two bits for a look at that room.
Me sorprende que no nos cobrara por revisar.
Give me that! Two weeks to get an interview and look at you!
¡ Dos semanas para que nos den una entrevista y mírate!
So when you look at the Moon, you actually see two Moons.
Entonces cuando se mira hacia la Luna, se ven realmente dos Lunas.
Who knows, maybe perhaps because only you two times have looked at me with the same look as your mother when she was your age.
No sé, a lo mejor porque sólo tú, en dos ocasiones, me miraste con la misma mirada de tu madre cuando tenía tu edad.
Of the thousands of stars you see when you look up at the night sky every one of them is living in an interval between two collapses.
De las miles de estrellas que vemos en el cielo nocturno cada una está viviendo el intervalo entre 2 colapsos.
sailing on the ocean music in the motion music in your car at your local bar there's music when you look at a star you can't stop the music nobody can stop the music keep two loves apart mend a broken heart
Navegando sobre el océano Música en el movimiento Música en tu coche En tu bar de siempre Hay música cuando miras una estrella
Look, you stand at your lathe... and take your two bits home with you, while your corporation... distributes dividends earned from your work.
Tú trabajas en el torno y llevas el jornal a casa... mientras que tu empresa se reparte los dividendos de tu trabajo.
- Uh, look, there's gonna be enough blood in there... without you two at each other's throats again.
Habrá suficiente sangre allí dentro... sin que Uds. Dos se corten la yugular.
If you care to look again... at page two, paragraph four of my report, sir... you will note that I saw someone paying off Gonzales.
Si vuelve a observar la página 2 de mi informe notará que vi a alguien pagándole a González.
You see, they look at people in either one of two classifications... friend or enemy.
Verá, ellos miran a la gente en una de estas dos clasificaciones amigo o enemigo.
Useless, look at you You've had two babies and still flirt around... you attract so many scumbags Do you want to create trouble for me?
ha tenido dos bebes y todavía flirteando por ahí... atrae a tantos quieres crearme problemas?
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558