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Looks like tradutor Espanhol

77,668 parallel translation
Looks like you're having a good time.
Parece que lo está pasando bien.
Looks like bilateral thigh hematomas.
Parecen hematomas bilaterales de pierna.
It looks like Halloran slayed the High Locust after all.
Parece que Halloran mató a la Gran Langosta después de todo.
Well, looks like we're stuck with each other.
Bueno, parece que estamos atrapados el uno con el otro.
Looks like your creepiness finally works in our favor.
Parece que tus filias por fin nos hacen un favor.
Looks like we're about to find out.
Parece que estamos a punto de descubrirlo.
Looks like Director Mace is enjoying this more than Daisy.
Parece que el Director Mace está disfrutando esto más que Daisy.
Looks like we got two choices here.
Parece que tenemos dos opciones.
- Looks like you have a problem.
- Parece que tienes un problema.
Looks like you have a problem.
Parece que tienes un problema.
Looks like Shockley's back to his old self.
Parece que Shockley vuelve a ser el mismo.
Looks like SVR agents.
Parecen de la inteligencia rusa.
Looks like your partner was asked to retrieve the item at any cost, as well.
Parece que también le pidieron a tu compañero que recuperara el objeto a cualquier precio.
Because it looks like you're malfunctioning.
Porque parece que tienes un fallo en el funcionamiento.
This - - this looks like it's creating something even more complex.
Esto... esto parece estar creando algo más complejo.
Looks like a drilling platform, like all of them.
Parece una plataforma petrolífera, como todas.
Looks like we weren't detected flying in.
Parece que no fuimos detectados volando hacia aquí.
No, looks like Aida's been busy.
No, parece que Aida ha estado ocupada.
Looks like the driver...
Parece que el conductor...
Looks like some kind of ritualistic murder.
Parece una especie de asesinato ceremonial.
He looks like a right dodgy so and so, doesn't he?
Parece un perfecto sospechoso, ¿ verdad?
God, you know what they say, you know - if it smells like shit and it looks like shit...
Dios, ya sabes lo que dicen, ya sabes... - si huele a mierda y parece una mierda...
Because it looks like you have and that's all that matters.
Porque parece que sí y eso es lo que importa.
But she does... She looks... - She looks like me.
Pero ella no- - Ella se ella se parece a mí.
It looks like you're afraid and you're not in charge.
Se ve que tienes miedo y que no estás a cargo.
This looks like a low-level grab-and-bag, sir.
Parece un secuestro rápido de bajo nivel, señor.
Looks like you're going home soon.
Parece que irás a casa pronto.
Looks like Waterford's gonna get his trade deal.
Parece que Waterford obtendrá su acuerdo comercial.
God, she even looks like you.
Joder, hasta se parece a ti.
Looks like some folks had a condiment war.
Parece que alguien ha tenido una guerra de salsas.
And he looks like a little boy.
Y parece un niñito.
Looks like the new girl doesn't respect your lines.
La chica nueva no respeta tus líneas.
Well, that's hilarious,'cause now it looks like I killed him.
Bueno, eso es hilarante, porque ahora parece que yo lo maté.
Looks like another one of your flock's gone astray, Atkins.
Parece que otro de sus rebaños se ha extraviado, Atkins.
- It looks like a stasis tank.
- Parece una cabina de éxtasis.
Looks like this will be your last Christmas.
Parece que estas serán tus últimas Navidades.
It looks like Rip put together a pretty good team.
Parece que Rip reunió un equipo bastante bueno.
Uh, looks like it's just up ahead.
Parece que está justo delante.
That looks like a little baby Rory.
Ese parece un pequeño Rory.
Looks like somebody forgot to bring their powers.
Parece que alguien se ha olvidado de traerse sus poderes.
Looks like you've reached a dead end.
Parece que no tienes escapatoria.
Looks like guardian is working the night shift, too.
Parece que Guardian también está trabajando el turno de la noche.
Looks like an inmate named Lisa gold and a thug disguised as a guard helped her out.
Parece que una reclusa llamada Lisa Gold y un tipo vestido de guardia le ayudaron.
She looks like she's lost about three liters.
100 microgramos.
No, he had it, but he gave it to someone who looks just like him... a brother or... or a replica.
No, él lo tenía, pero se lo dio a alguien exactamente igual que él, un hermano o... o una réplica.
Every time he looks at me it's like I've got whore written across my forehead.
Cada vez que me mira, es como si tuviera puta escrita en mi frente.
( hushed chatter ) She looks like a witch.
Parece una bruja.
Neil, this looks a hell of a lot like you're asking me to be a party to fraud.
Neil, parece que me estás pidiendo - que sea parte de un fraude.
Well, it looks to me like I paid you to do a job, and you're sitting here doing this.
A mí me parece que te pagué para hacer un trabajo y estás aquí haciendo esto.
- She looks a little like Madame Curie.
- Se parece a madame Curie.
That one looks just like Captain Lance.
Esta se parece a la capitán Lance.

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