Not out tradutor Espanhol
46,714 parallel translation
The future of mankind is not out there.
El futuro de la humanidad no está ahí afuera.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.
No podrás enchufar, verlo y escurrir el bulto.
You couldn't talk Andrew out of anything, not once his mind was made up.
No se podía disuadir a Andrew de nada, no cuando ya había tomado una decisión.
- If he wanted me gone, why not get me out of the country?
- Si quería que me fuera, ¿ por qué no sacarme del país?
Then you know that the president will not hesitate to cut you open and pull it out.
Entonces sabes que el presidente no dudará en abrirte y sacarlo.
It's not weird that their teeth get pushed out of their heads by other teeth.
No es raro que sus dientes empujen otros dientes.
Please, man, listen, you're strung out and you're not thinking straight.
Por favor, tío, escucha, estás colocado y no piensas con claridad.
It's not the long one leading out.
No es el que sale fuera.
I'm not dropping out of the race.
No voy a retirar mi candidatura.
This tea would not be out of place at a cafe in Karachi, Ellen.
Esto no está fuera de lugar. En un café de Karachi, Ellen.
That at some point, progress cannot begin and suffering will not end until someone has the courage to go out into the woods and drown the damned cat.
Que en cierto momento, el progreso no puede comenzar y el sufrimiento no cesará hasta que alguien tenga el valor de salir al bosque y ahogue al maldito gato.
On some level, whether we were prepared to acknowledge it out loud or not, I believe we both knew the fortune would likely cause as many problems as it would solve.
A cierto nivel, estuviéramos o no preparados para admitirlo en voz alta, creo que ambos sabíamos que esa fortuna seguramente causaría tantos problemas como los que podría resolver.
But I'd prefer not to find out.
Pero preferiría no tener que averiguarlo.
I'm not about to be out-trusted by a DJ from Iceland.
No me superará una DJ islandesa.
Heroin is not going help you figure out how to find Whispers.
La heroína no te ayudará a encontrar a Whispers.
And instead of laying in bed, wishing she was going out with you and not her current boyfriend... she has decided to do something about it.
Y en vez de echarse en la cama a desear salir contigo y no con su novio actual, decidió hacer algo al respecto.
Because, for me, fixing something does not mean shooting someone with a rocket launcher, to which I would like to point out that much of your present trouble is a direct result of this kind of violent choice, so the jury is most definitely still out as to whether that is ever a good solution to anything, but... I know...
Porque, para mí, arreglar algo no es salir a los tiros, y por cierto, muchos de tus problemas son resultado directo de elegir la vía de la violencia, de modo que está por verse si la violencia soluciona algo alguna vez, pero yo sé sé que no quiero herir a Rajan.
I'm not gonna kick you out.
No te echaré.
I'm not letting you out, and I am not feeding you.
No te dejaré salir, y no te alimentaré.
They're not going to drive me out.
No me van a sacar del medio.
I'm not coming out until it's safe.
No saldré hasta que sea seguro.
But you do not come out of that lab without triple checking everything.
Pero no sales de ese laboratorio sin revisar todo tres veces.
Rory... I can not let you out.
Rory... no puedo dejarte salir.
She is not gonna tell you, that's her heart is beating out of her chest
Ella no te lo dirá, pero su corazón está latiendo descontroladamente
But it can not live much longer out there.
Pero no puede sobrevivir mucho tiempo más.
Now is not the time for a rat autopsy, so get this and yourselves out of here.
Ahora no es el momento para hacerle la autopsia a una rata, así que agarrad esto y largaos de aquí.
Hey, cabron, it's not my fault you got spooked and had me rush out of that house last minute, okay?
Hey, cabrón, no es mi culpa que te hayas asustado y me hayas hecho salir de esa casa a última hora, ¿ vale?
Not what's out there...
No lo que hay por ahí...
Our job is to protect and reassure the civilians, Drax, not frighten them out of their wits.
Nuestro trabajo es proteger y tranquilizar a los civiles, Drax, no acojonarlos vivos.
Get out! - I'm not doing this.
- No voy a hacer esto ahora.
Look, I'm not trying to get an apology out of you.
Mira, no estoy tratando de que te disculpes.
And I may not be a... a rich writer or a famous writer or a writer with a picture of myself hanging out with Toni Morrison.
Y quizás no sea... una escritora rica o famosa o una escritora con una fotografía de mí saliendo con Toni Morrison.
She's not picking up. What if she's passed out somewhere?
No lo coge. ¿ Y si está desmayada en algún lado?
Hannah, the pull-out method does not work.
Hannah, la marcha atrás no funciona.
No, it's, like, way too early for that, but if it's not a girl, or like, the gayest boy in the entire world, obviously I'm gonna flip the fuck out.
No, es demasiado pronto para eso, pero si no es una niña, o el niño más gay del mundo entero, obviamente, me va a dar algo.
You're not getting out of this.
No te vas a salir con la tuya.
It's not hot dogs and tacos, rather, he makes the tacos out of hot dogs.
No es de perritos calientes y tacos, hace los tacos de perritos calientes.
I wish I was younger so we could hang out and it's not weird, but it feels weird. I'm sorry.
Me gustaría ser más joven para poder salir contigo y que no pareciera raro, pero parece raro, lo siento.
I mean, I'm not gonna kick Elijah out.
Quiero decir, no voy a echar a Elijah.
If you guys happen to know all of those really pretty girls out there who have, like, jobs and purses and nice personalities, those are now my friends, not you guys.
Tenéis que saber que todas esas chicas guapas de ahí fuera que tienen trabajos, recursos ecónomicos y personalidades agradables, son ahora mis amigas, no vosotras, chicas.
This is not how it played out in my head.
No es así como me lo imaginé en mi cabeza.
I prefer not to find out.
Prefiero no descubrirlo.
You got to go down there ; you got to be strong, not black out, and you have to do it now.
Tienes que bajar, tienes que ser fuerte, nada de perder la cabeza, y tienes que hacerlo ya.
I'm not gonna stay home because my boyfriend's out of town.
No me quedaré en casa porque mi novio esté de viaje.
And in the future, would you mind not yelling out stupid things like, "Let him pass!"
De ahora en adelante, ¿ podrías dejar de gritar estupideces como "déjalo pasar"?
We're not getting out of here alive.
No vamos a salir vivos de aquí.
'Cause if not, you gotta get out now, before she gets in too deep.
Si no, debes dejarla antes de involucrarte más.
If any kind of foul play's involved, I'd advise you not to rule out that, er, Mayor Richards is connected in some way.
Si hay envuelta algún tipo de mala práctica, le advertiría que no descarte que... el alcalde Richards esté conectado de un modo u otro.
It's not worth getting all bent out of shape about.
No vale la pena enojarse al respecto.
But let's not wait around to find out.
Pero no nos quedemos a averiguarlo.
I repeat, do not go rogue out there.
Les repito, no hagan nada inesperado.
not out here 16
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896