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Not this week tradutor Espanhol

617 parallel translation
Not this week, François.
Esta semana no, François.
- Hm? Oh, not this week, Jimmy.
- Oh, esta semana no, Jimmy.
You stop sometime, maybe next year, next week... but not this week.
Me dejarás, quizá el próximo año o la próxima semana... pero esta semana no.
Not this week.
Esta semana no.
- No, not this week.
No, no esta semana. Te puedes quedar.
- Not this week.
- No esta semana.
Not this week.
No esta semana.
Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this week, but I'll find him.
Tal vez mañana no, ni esta semana, pero lo encontraré.
This week you are not queen of the forest. Chi Chi DeVayne, your Disco Dorothy did not inspire oohs or ahhs.
Chi Chi DeVayne, tu Dorothy Disco no inspiró uuhs y aahs.
Well, this ain't old home week. I'm not patching up any old friendships.
No intento remendar una vieja amistad.
Remember that this great football classic comes on Armistice Day... just one week before we play Harvard... and we dare not risk facing as strong a team as Michigan.
Recuerden que este gran clásico de fútbol es en el Día del Armisticio... una semana antes del partido con Harvard... y no podemos enfrentar a un equipo tan fuerte como Michigan.
I "ll not be needing any candles this week, so you" d best run along home, child.
No necesitaré ninguna vela esta semana, así que regresa a tu casa, niña.
- There's not a copy of this week's Punch?
¿ Tiene el "Punch" de esta semana? - ¿ Cómo dice?
Let her keep it. Come on, sit down, drink you malt. We're not looking for talent this week.
Siéntate, esta semana no buscamos nuevos talentos.
And another thing : last week we kept talking about me... let's not this time!
Y otra cosa : no hacemos más que hablar de mí, ¡ cambiemos de tema!
I don't know whether or not this might be a little bit expensive for you... 65 Marks a week room and board, I can afford it.
No sé, si para Ud. será un poco caro... 65 marcos por semana con manutención, puedo pagarlos.
Don't be cynical. It's not for this week. It's for eternity.
No seas cínico, es para la eternidad.
To judge from this letter, the one from Rainaldi last week, She wants nothing more of us, not one shilling.
Viendo su carta, la enviada por Rainaldi la semana pasada ella no quiere nada más de nosotros, ni un chelín.
I not a friend that's due in Tangiers this week.
Una amiga pasará por Tánger esta semana.
Well, obviously, this is not my week.
Obviamente estoy de mala suerte.
No, this is what I do three nights a week, but not for a living.
No, ésto lo hago tres veces por semana, pero no para vivir.
After a week of this, it's a wonder we're not all sick.
Me sorprende que no estemos enfermos después de una semana como ésta.
Not only that, they took out for Blue Cross again this week.
No sólo eso, volvieron a descontarme el seguro esta semana.
Jimmy... i want you to have this. It's not much but i've only been working two week s.
Jimmy, te he traído esto.
Unless this man is out of here by the end of the week you will not be in charge of this barracks, you will not be a sergeant you will in all probability be a permanent latrine orderly.
A menos que este hombre se haya ido para final de la semana no estará a cargo de los barracones, no será sargento y probablemente será un ordenanza permanente de letrinas.
Only last week, a man was murdered between here and Ankara... not far from this town on the road to Ankara.
Hace una semana, mataron a un hombre entre aquí y Ankara... no lejos de este pueblo, en el camino.
Rather not have this week's overtime show on the books.
Sus horas adicionales no figuran en los libros.
You forgive, but this week, not a fat one.
Usted perdone, pero esta semana, ni una gorda.
Faustino, this week does not charge anything.
Faustino, esta semana no cobra nada.
No, I did not have time to wash this week.
No, no tuve tiempo para lavar esta semana.
I mow that stinking, lousy lawn not once, but twice a week because this house is going to be neater, more well kept, than any other house on the block.
Corto este asqueroso césped no una sino dos veces a la semana para que esta casa esté más arreglada. Más aseada que cualquier otra casa.
I'm not in this one, I'm in next week's, I think.
Yo salgo en el programa de la semana que viene.
I don't know if I shall be introducing the show next week as I understand that my bits in this show have not been received quite as well as they might but er, never mind, the damage is done
No sé si presentaré yo la semana que viene... porque tengo entendido que mis intervenciones... no han tenido la aceptación que se esperaba... pero no importa, ahora el mal ya está hecho.
Ladies and gentlemen I am not simply going to say "and now for something completely different" this week
Señoras y señores, hoy no diré, "Y ahora algo totalmente distinto"... porque no me parece apropiado.
We would have had them up by now, except Robbie's had the runs... so we've been trying not to use him much this week.
Podríamos haberlas tenido listas, pero Robbie estuvo con diarrea así que le dieron la menor cantidad de trabajo posible.
- Him not comin'for money this week.
- No vendrá para el dinero de esta semana.
I don't know if you can help me at this hour or not, sir, but I want information concerning last week's weather.
No sé si podrá atenderme a esta hora pero quisiera información acerca del clima de la semana pasada.
Yeah, this week's address, not last.
- La dirección de esta semana. - Entiendo.
I did not even have enough to pay the hotel this week.
Ni siquiera tengo para pagar el hotel, esta semana.
Not many neighbors this time of the year, Lieutenant... especially in the middle of the week.
No hay muchos vecinos en esta época del año, teniente especialmente a mitad de semana.
This tragedy is little more than a week old and already three... three, mark you... sets of parents have written advising me that their daughters will not be here next term.
Esta tragedia ocurrió hace tan solo unos días y ya son tres padres que me han escrito avisando de que sus hijas no estarán con nosotros el próximo curso.
Not just chronologically, but emotionally, culturally, physically, every way, and this world would get bigger and worse with every passing week.
Y esa diferencia se acentúa más aún cada semana.
I mean, with all the women that you must have, not to mention your wife, I mean. You know, I'm not gonna accept another date all week, just so I can lie in bed and remember this.
Con todas las mujeres que debes tener, sin mencionar a tu esposa, no haré el amor en una semana.
Not much this week.
No mucho esta semana.
It's frightfully good at the moment. It's not expensive this week. We've got so much, we're having a sale to try and shift it all. 75p each, two for £ 1.
No están nada caras, tenemos muchas y hay que venderlas, 75 peniques cada una, dos por 1 libra.
If he's not in jail this week, he'll be in jail next week.
Sólo gente. Si no acaba en la cárcel esta semana lo hará la siguiente.
In the unlikely event that Beta Andromedae blew itself up a week ago Tuesday we will not know of it for another 75 years as this interesting information, traveling at the speed of light crosses the enormous interstellar distances.
En el caso improbable de que Beta Andrómeda haya explotado el martes pasado sólo lo sabremos dentro de 75 años que es lo que tardará esta información en cruzar las enormes distancias interestelares.
In the unlikely event that Beta Andromedae blew itself up a week ago Tuesday we will not know of it for another 75 years as this interesting information, traveling at the speed of light crosses the enormous interstellar distances.
Reacciones químicas similares debieron originar la materia orgánica del espacio y los aminoácidos en meteoritos. Reacciones similares debieron ocurrir en mil millones de mundos de la Vía Láctea.
No, not this week. We have the Guatemala serie.
¡ No en Guatemala!
We'll not find this "smile" or "rice" even if we search for a week.
Ni estando una semana buscando a este "sorriso", "riso"... lo íbamos a encontrar, hagamos una cosa.
Every week... they simply disappear. ... as we're not at all certain as of this moment exactly where we stand... I would call upon him, if you would, my Führer,
Cada semana... desaparecen simplemente. yo lo citaría, si usted quiere, mi Führer.

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