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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Not your problem

Not your problem tradutor Espanhol

1,264 parallel translation
It's not your problem.
No es problema tuyo.
It's not your problem.
No es tu problema.
"It's not your problem"?
No es tu problema.
- Not your problem.
- No es asunto tuyo.
Our problem. Not your problem.
Es problema de mi país, no del tuyo.
That's not your problem.
No es asunto suyo.
It's not your problem now.
No es tu problema ahora.
It's not your problem.
No es tu problema
This is so not your problem.
No es problema tuyo.
But that's not your problem.
Pero ese no es tu problema
Look, besides... it's not your problem. It's mine.
Mira, además... no es tu problema, es el mío.
Not your problem.
No es tu problema.
I know it's not your problem, okay but I'm sorry.
Sé que no es su problema pero lo siento.
What I need's not your problem.
Lo que necesito no es tu responsabilidad.
I mean, that's not your problem.
Quiero decir, no es su problema.
- What do you mean, not your problem?
- ¿ Qué quiere decir? ¿ No es su problema? - ¿ Quién eres?
Fortunately, that's not your problem.
Afortunadamente, no es tu problema.
- It's not your problem.
- No es su problema.
So that's not your problem.
O sea que no es su problema.
Tell the jury that it's not your problem.
Dígale al jurado que no es su problema.
Say it to Celeste Wood who lost her husband, that it's not your problem.
Dígaselo a Celeste Wood quien perdió a su marido, que no es su problema.
... that the print-resistant finish is not your problem!
... que el acabado anti-huellas no es su problema!
You're right, lieutenant it's not your problem.
Esta en lo correcto, teniente No es su responsabilidad.
- Where? - That's not your problem. - Where?
- ¿ Dónde?
- That's not your problem.
- Ése no es su problema.
- This is not your problem.
- No es tu problema, es del propietario.
Look, I don't know what the hell your problem is but you do not want to tick me off right now.
Mira, no sé cual es tu problema pero no quieres meterte conmigo ahora.
- If the amendment's redundant what's your problem if it's passed or not?
- Si la enmienda es redundante ¿ qué importa si es aprobada?
They're not leaving, there's press everywhere I just made it your problem.
No se irán. La prensa está por todas partes. Acabo de hacerlo tu problema.
Well, that's your problem, not mine.
Bueno, Ese es problema es tuyo, no mío.
This better not be no bullshit... because I ain't got no problem with shooting your ass.
Más vale que no sea mentira... Porque no tendré problemas en dispararte.
What is your problem with Francis? He's the nicest guy around here. - Not like the rest of you freakin'animals.
¿ Por qué no lo hizo el mismo Morón, o Morán, como lo llaman Uds. bastardos yanquis?
- I do not know it, your tell me. We have a problem?
- No lo sé, tu dime. ¿ Tenemos un problema?
But I think the real problem is your battery's not holding a charge.
Pero el problema es que su batería se descarga.
If you don't feel right for the part, that's your problem not mine.
Si sientes que no vales para el puesto es tu problema, no el mío
president about another problem team or we want your understanding if we deem it necessary to take rapid or drastic action ford we will understand and will not press you on this issue we understand the problem you have and the intention to have Kissinger you
Nos gustaria que nos comprendiera si nos vemos en la necesidad de tomar medidas rápidas o drásticas ". "Lo entendemos y no lo vamos a presionar sobre este tema entendemos su problema y sus intenciones"
Although your problem is not that good, you don't have to be worried too much.
Creo que tu problema no es tan malo, no tienes que estar tan preocupado.
That's your problem, Mr. Not mine
Es tu problema, Mr., no el mío.
Finding the Grimoire is not your biggest problem.
Tu mayor problema no es encontrar el Grimoire.
Your problem's not with me.
Su problema no es conmigo.
If it's not humanly possible for your life to get worse what's the problem?
Si no es posible que sea peor, ¿ cuál es el problema?
Maybe not, but you know what your problem is?
Quizá no, pero ¿ sabe cuál es su problema?
Did it not occur to you that the club might cause a problem for your husband?
¿ Nunca se le ocurrió que el Club pudiera ser un problema para para su marido?
Francamente, no estoy interesada en oír ni uno más de tus problemas.
- He was your problem, not ours.
- Él era su problema, no el nuestro.
That's your problem, not mine!
¡ Oye! Eso es problema tuyo, no mío.
Sometimes the problem is not what's in your food, but what is not.
A veces el problema no es lo que hay en la comida, sino lo que no hay.
It's got 5.1 Dolby. ... about what I did to your ass but you not getting an erection that's a real problem for me.
Tiene Dolby 5.1... sobre lo que le hice a tu culo... pero si no tienes erecciones... es un verdadero problema para mí.
Your pen's still out of ink. Not a problem, sir.
La pluma sigue sin tinta.
It's because your husband comes in here and steals food from his own family... to feed every druggie in Cleveland, like it's not a problem. I'll tell you.
Te lo diré.
You're not so insecure that you won't talk to me. You don't have a problem with showing your tits in films. You have friends.
No representa ningún problema enseñar tus... tetas en las películas, y tienes muchos amigos.

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