Not your family tradutor Espanhol
1,302 parallel translation
It's not your family.
No es tu familia.
They're not your family.
Ellas no son tu familia.
I'm not your family.
Yo no soy tu familia.
I notice, you're, uh, not with your family today.
Ya veo, que no estas con tu familia hoy?
Oh. By the way, it's not just your family that stresses him out.
A propósito, no es sólo tu familia que lo estresa.
You've been doing your little... thing a lot more lately- - not because of your job or my family or other families.
Has estado haciendo tu... cosita... mucho más últimamente no por tu trabajo o por mi familia u otras familias.
I may have only been a father for a few months... but one thing I am dead sure about... is that fatherhood's not about proving to your family... that you've got steel balls.
Quizás haya sido padre unos pocos meses pero de algo estoy bien seguro y es que la paternidad no es demostrarle a tu familia que tienes bolas de acero.
Pete, you're not losing your family, it's just changing.
Pete, no estás perdiendo a tu familia, sólo está cambiando.
The amount of money your family funnels into this university... does not grant you the right to storm in here and interrogate me.
El dinero que su familia abona a esta universidad no le da derecho a irrumpir aquí o a interrogarme.
Your family is not enough. The machine is hungry.
¿ Sabes dónde están los muchachos?
I've got not a shred of evidence to work with here, but that doesn't really matter to your family, does it?
No me das ni media prueba, pero a tu familia eso no le preocupa. ¿ Verdad?
- Your family is important to you, and what kind of future are we gonna have together if--if I'm not accepted here?
¿ Y qué futuro nos esperaría si no me aceptan?
However, I do not apologize for the way I played this game, but if I did your family wrong, then I apologize, and I'm sorry.
Gracias. Osea, gracias por el SI o NO en tu respuesta. Gracias.
The memory of your brother, and the fact that she has not been able to have a family of her own...
El recuerdo de tu hermano... y el hecho de no haber podido tener una familia propia.
It's not just your family.
No sólo es tu familia.
You know, it's not every day I invite good-looking men to my bedroom... but I just wanted you to meet your family... the Baylors and the Conleys.
No suelo invitar a hombres apuestos a mi cuarto... pero quiero que conozcas a tu familia... Ios Baylor y los Conley.
Why not live where your family is buried?
¿ Por qué no vives donde está sepultada tu familia?
Florie, that uniform ties him not only to you But to your family.
Florie, ese uniforme lo enlaza a él no a ti, pero a tu familia tu padre ya tu madre
If it was a clever satire, it might not just destroy you in the eyes of your associates, it would destroy you in the eyes of your family.
Si fuese una sátira brillante, no te destruiría solamente a los ojos de tus asociados ; te destruiría ante los ojos de tu propia familia, y te destruiría ante tus propios ojos.
- yes - it was not because of benefit from a socialist government it was a nation's social politics gave you the chance to have your family and stopped Scholl's request to write an article based on this Stalingrad female hero's story
- Si - no fue por el beneficio de un gobierno socialista fue el nacional socialismo que le ha dado la oportunidad de tener una familia y negarse a la petición de Scholl para que escribiera un artículo basado en una heroína de Estalingrado
Can I just say before you make a fool of yourself trying to save the factory because, "It's the history of my family", the reason Richard came to see me, OK, not you, was because your dad approached him about selling.
Sólo puedo decirte que antes de que hagas el tonto tratando de salvar la fábrica porque, "Es la historia de mi familia", Nichola es que la razón por la que Richard viniera mí y no a tí fué porque tu padre le habló sobre vender.
I could do a lot of PSAs to support "Do not fuck your family".
Podría dar muchos consejos de ayuda "No se coja a su familia".
'Of course, as in your family you are subnormal all do not know... Than in the rest... enters every god.
- Claro, como en tu familia sois todos subnormales no sabes que en el descanso entra todo dios.
Well, I certainly hope those fond memories of your family in Park City are not gonna be tainted by yours truly.
Espero que esos recuerdos de tu familia en Park City no sean manchados por ti.
How do you tell your family they're not safe anymore?
Como le dices a tu familia que ya no estan seguros?
You take care of other people but not your own family.
Te preocupas del resto de la gente excepto de tu propia familia.
Your family will not be spared.
No perdonará a su familia.
Your letter said not to... and I would never want to hurt the family.
- ¿ Qué? No. Tu carta decía que no vendiera, y yo nunca dañaría a la familia.
Well, your family did not come off well on last night's Scandalmakers.
Tu familia no se vio bien anoche, en Los Escandalosos.
Is your family not laughing at that yet?
¿ Tu familia aún no se ríe de eso?
You know, we're here to talk about your family, not mine.
Estamos aquí para hablar de su familia, no de la mía.
Not before you walk us through your family tree. You have any other relatives?
No sin su árbol genealógico.
Mr Bullock, if you believe... the change in my condition... and the decent concern for others... we claimed as our purpose in separating... dictates now your leaving the camp... and uprooting your family, I will not judge your decision.
Sr. Bullock si cree que el cambio en mi condición y la decente preocupación por otros que dimos como nuestro propósito de separación dicta ahora que deje el campamento y desarraigue a su familia no juzgaré su decisión.
Considering you're a first-time offender with demonstrably excellent character, not to mention your family's standing in the community, the most you'll get is a little community service, ten hours, give or take.
Considerando que es tu primera ofensa y tu excelente carácter, sin mencionar la posición de tu familia en la comunidad, a lo más será algo de servicio comunitario, a lo más 10 horas.
With all due respect, Danny, you are your family's legacy, not this company.
Con el debido respeto, tú eres el legado de tu familia, no esta compañía.
Glacienda, you sacrificed your future for a family that's not even grateful.
Glacienda, tú sacrificaste tu futuro por una familia malagradecida.
Look, I know things haven't been very easy around here, everything with Caleb and your father leaving, but this is the only family we have, and I really want it to work, and not just for the photo shoot.
Mira, sé que las cosas no han sido fáciles por aquí con todo lo de Caleb y con la marcha de tu padre pero esta es la única familia que tenemos y realmente quiero que funcione y no sólo por la sesión de fotos.
Not your whole family, Hales.
No toda tu familia, Hales.
David believes - and your mother will be agree when I tell him it is best for our family if you do not longer.
David siente y tu mama estará de acuerdo cuando le diga... que es mejor para nuestra familia, si ya no estas en ella.
Look, I'm not a family therapist, but I would suggest that you talk to your son.
Mire, no soy un terapeuta familiar, pero le sugiero que hable con su hijo.
If someone close to your family, a dear friend, was in danger of being taken by the Wraith, would you have not done the same?
Si alguien cercano a tu familia, un amigo querido, estuviera en peligro de ser tomado por los Espectros, ¿ no habrías hecho lo mismo?
I know you're not delusional, Richard, and I know that something terrible happened to your family and you were only trying to protect yourself... but I need you to tell me what happened when you were 13
Sé que no estás delirando, Richard. Y sé que algo terrible le sucedió... a tu familia y tú sólo estabas tratando de protegerte. Pero necesito que me digas que sucedió cuando tenías 13 años... y qué es lo que Novak quiere de ti ahora.
Again and again my wife reproached me and said you must think not only of the service always, but of your family too.
Una y otra vez mi esposa me reprochaba y decía : "Debes pensar no sólo en el deber, sino también en tu familia".
I will not harass your family members.
No molestaré a los miembros de tu familia.
It's not gonna kill you to eat dinner with your family, sweetie.
Cenar con tu familia no te va a matar, cariño.
No excuse not to be with your family.
No hay excusa para no estar con tu familia.
- Why do not you take that of your family?
- ¿ Por qué no das la de tu familia?
I'm not getting on that bus again. Dwayne, for better or worse, we're your family.
Para bien o para mal, somos tu familia.
If you do not bring me the diamond I will find the rest of your family.
Si no me traes el diamante encontraré al resto de tu familia.
Well, maybe it's not as bad as being ripped away from your family - and told you can't see them anymore.
Quizas no es tan mala como... estar separado de tu familia y ya apenas los ves.
When you're not treating the president or his family, the hospital could use your expertise.
Cuando no esté atendiendo al Presidente o a su familia al hospital le caería bien aprovechar sus conocimientos.
not yours 613
not your business 22
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your wife 16
not your 16
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28
not your business 22
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your wife 16
not your 16
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28