Pick that up tradutor Espanhol
3,859 parallel translation
I should pick that up.
Debo recoger eso.
I was wondering when you'd pick that up.
Me preguntaba cuando lo notarías.
Where did you pick that up?
¿ Dónde aprendiste eso?
Pick that up.
Recoge eso.
- Pick that up now!
¡ Recógelo ahora!
Get out your seat and pick that up now!
¡ Sal de tu asiento y recoge eso ahora!
Pick that up. Throw that in here.
Recoge eso y arrójalo aquí.
We gotta go back and pick that up.
- Tenemos que volver atrás y recoger eso.
Did you pick that up from the database?
¿ También tenéis este tipo de datos sobre nosotros?
Pick that bat up.
Recoge ese bate.
Hey, while I'm at it I'll pick up that filter.
Mientras estoy en esto, voy a recoger ese filtro.
I needed to pick up the passes because that creep-o guy from the farm...
Tenía que recoger los pases Porque ese tipo esperuznante de la granja.
So I've decided that I myself late pick up and then I quit.
Así que he decidido que yo mismo recojeré todo y luego los dejarré.
- But Gob had slept through the seven ambulances that had arrived after Josh Abramson had swung by to pick up an old computer.
- Pero Gob había dormido a pesar de las siete ambulancias que habían llegado después de que Josh Abramson había vuelto para recoger un viejo ordenador.
So stressful that you forgot to pick me up?
¿ Tan estresante que se te olvidó recogerme?
Pick me up, take me there, buy me that - she's got him by his tail, like a little mouse.
Ven a buscarme, llévame allí, cómprame esto, lo tiene por la cola como si fuera un ratón.
Remember that time you were late to pick the girls up... And you were so stressed out because they were wondering what happened?
¿ Recuerdas cuando llegaste 35 minutos tarde a recoger a las niñas y te estresaste porque sabías que estaban fuera en el parque sin saber dónde estabas?
You take the girls to school, I pick them up. That's fair.
Llevas a las niñas al colegio, yo las recojo.
We've had good luck with the Esso before, so that's where we're going. Pick up some more cans.
Tuvimos suerte con las Fuerzas Especiales, Y ahora volvemos a buscar combustible.
Where did you pick up that word?
¿ De dónde has sacado esa palabra?
I think he very quickly grew from "let me get a package together that a syndicate will pick up,"
Creo que à © l muy pronto pasà ³ de : Lee Salem Presidente de Universal Uclick
Look, I'm calling because I've been clearing out Gretchen's old room here and I came across some things that I think might be yours. So, I thought I'd see if you wanted to come by and pick them up.
Te llamo porque estaba limpiando la habitación de Gretchen y he encontrado algunas cosas que deben ser tuyas, quería saber si te puedes pasar a recogerlas.
I mean, once she recovers from the possibly horrifying shock that she's topside... that she cannot pick up where she left off.
Quiero decir, una vez que se recupere Del posiblemente horrible shock que no puede recogerle donde la dejó.
Listen, I think I could probably just... what is that? Oh, pick up.
Dude, I would pick up that camera and forge ahead like Denzel picked up the flag in Glory.
Tío, pues cogería la cámara y tiraría para adelante como Denzel cogió la bandera en Tiempos de Gloria.
But when I returned later that night to pick up some files, I found him laying on the floor, dead.
Pero cuando volví más tarde esa noche para recoger algunos documentos, le encontré tumbado en el suelo, muerto.
We told him that we would pick up Rita.
Le dijimos que recogeríamos a Rita.
- You know what I just remembered is that they gave me a prescription to go pick up.
- Sabes, acabo de recordar. que me dieron una receta para medicamentos.
And while she was giving me a blowjob, Tzipie called to say... that they called from school... because I forgot to pick up Michaela.
Y mientras ella me daba una mamada, Tzipie llamó para decirme que habían llamado de la escuela porque me había olvidado de buscar a Michaela.
Amy wants me to pick up a pony keg for our party tonight, and I don't know if I'm physically capable of doing that.
Amy quiere que recoja un barril de cerveza para nuestra fiesta de esta noche, y no sé si soy físicamente capaz de hacerlo.
Now you pick up that special little phone of yours and you tell the president to implement martial law, and tell the Chinese we're going it alone.
Ahora levante ese pequeño teléfono suyo y dígale al presidente que implemente ley marcial. Y dígale a los Chinos que lo haremos solos.
Oh, well, um... supposed to pick up the thing um... for the movie that... and I forgot it was Saturday, my head is like...
Oh, claro, por eso... ya, eh, yo se supone que tenía que recoger el... la para la película y olvidé que era sábado, no sé dónde tengo la cabeza.
- While I'd like to publicly state that it is my intention to pick up everyone's contract... [applause]
- que nos lo haga saber. - Mientras, me gustaría hacer de conocimiento público mi intención de mantener los contratos de todos.
Jenny will pick the little ones up from school, don't worry about that.
Jenny dejará los niños en la escuela, no te preocupes.
Make your game off, pick that shit up and make it a pleasant day.
Termina con tus cosas, recoge eso y ten un buen día.
Yeah, where that painter tries to pick up two girls.
Sí, dónde ese pintor trata de seducir a dos chicas.
He came by here yesterday to pick up that getup of his from the show.
Se pasó ayer para recoger esa ropa suya de la serie.
Every time I try pick it up, look... That deeper.
Cada vez que Quité que, pescado y profundizar.
I've given Inspector Villani an assurance that seven trained officers can pick up three kids without any problems.
He dado un inspector Villani seguridad de que siete oficiales entrenados puede recoger tres hijos sin ningún problema.
I trust you to go pick up that phone and dial out.
Confío en ti para que agarraste ese teléfono y marques.
You started to pick up that voice and you began to have an allegiance to that voice.
Uno escuchaba esa voz y empezaba a tomarle cariño.
Just give her the message that I've gone to pick up our son, Zubin.
Sólo dale el mensaje de que he ido a recoger a nuestro hijo, Zubin.
That felt great. Let's pick this back up tomorrow. ( door opens, bells jingle )
Retomemos esto mañana. " Querido Allen, sé que tengo camino por recorrer antes de recuperar tu amistad.
Those that knock the porta-johns over, and those that gotta pick this crap up.
Los que derriban los baños portátiles, y los que tienen limpiar la mierda.
I'll tell them that they can pick him up.
Les diré que pueden recogerlo.
It'll pick up anything that we miss.
Se va a recoger todo lo que nos perdemos.
And to pick up that plate.
Y al levantar ese plato.
But I read this book, it said the only way to quit is to imagine yourself the kind of person that would never pick up a cigarette in the first place.
Pero he leído este libro, dice que la única manera de dejar de fumar Es imaginarse a uno, siendo el tipo de persona, que jamás tomaría un cigarro desde un inicio.
You know, that's my superpower- - I pick up on people's vibes.
Ya sabéis, ese es mi superpoder... Capto las vibraciones de la gente.
You learned how to paint walls and ceilings, pull up carpeting, do grouting, and help pick out the tiles. So, that was good, right?
No ha estado mal, ¿ verdad?
That means he's got to fly back to Mexico, pick up the drugs, board the cruise ship, sail back, go through customs... It's just, it's a lot of trouble.
Eso quiere decir que volará de nuevo a México, recogerá las drogas, abordará el crucero y volverá en él atravesando la aduana.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87