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Send them away tradutor Espanhol

296 parallel translation
Send them away!
Haz que se vayan.
You did it. You did that so that I send them away.
Has fingido un ataque para que los echara.
- Send them away.
- Diles que se vayan.
Send them away.
Diles que se vayan.
Send them away!
¡ Que se vayan! ¡ Cobby!
Send them away, and come back in here.
Haced que se marchen, y volved aquí.
Send them away, I don't feel good.
Que se vayan, no me encuentro bien.
You must never be rough with them. You must always send them away quietly.
No debe ser brusca con ellos, debe ahuyentarlos con calma.
- It looks like he'll send them away.
- Parece que van a salir.
Uh, the journalists are still waiting, Mr. Stevens. Shall I send them away?
Los periodistas siguen esperando, Sr. Stevens. ¿ Les pido que se vayan?
Oh, yes, I'll have to send them away.
Sí, tendré que alejarles.
- You tried to send them away.
- Ha tratado de alejarles.
Well, send them away then, the same way mademoiselle is about to send me.
Pues entonces échalos, igual que mademoiselle va a echarme ahora.
You can't send them away. Here.
No puedes echarlos.
Why do you want to send them away, Highness?
¿ Por qué queréis mandarlas fuera?
There's Maria and Tilde, Father will send them away because they lost me.
Está Maria y Tilde, papá las echará porque me han perdido.
That they were to be put away forever. That's why I can't send them away.
No puedo pedirles que se vayan.
Suppose I send them away?
¿ Y si les digo que se marchen?
OK, send them away.
Bien, deja entrar al resto.
Y ahora, caballero, sea tan amable de entregarme... esa fortuna.
Send them away.
Que se vayan a casa.
One must always give coin to the little brother to send them away.
Que a los hermanos de las chicaslindas siempre hay que darles una moneda para que se vayan.
- Send them away.
- Alejarlos. - ¿ Pero?
Yes, they want to send them away.
Si, quieren echarla junto a sus compañeras
There are only servants, and I'll send them away when you've gone.
Son solo criados, y les ordenaré que se vayan en cuanto se marche.
These people - send them away.
Oh! Esa gente... échalos.
We can't let them drive miles to get here... and send them away unfed.
Tonterías. No podemos hacerles venir hasta aquí... y enviarlos de regreso sin comer.
- Oh, send them away.
- Que se vayan.
Send them away, Carmela. Tonight, I don't feel like signing autographs.
Despídelos, Carmela, esta noche no me siento capaz de firmar autógrafos.
Send them away!
Que se vayan.
Send them away.
Que se vayan.
We must send them away!
¡ Espabila! ¡ Hay que sacarlos de aquí!
Mother, please don't send them away. It's daylight. And they'll be caught.
Madre por favor, no les eches.
Please don't let them send Spunky and my duck away.
Por favor no deje que ellos Lleven Animoso y mi pato.
What does it matter? I'm the prisoner, send them both away.
Yo soy la prisionera, suelte a los dos.
I can't send boys away, not any of them.
No puedo sacar a ningún chico.
Send them back to Kent's office right away.
Envíalos a la oficina de Kent de inmediato.
Send them over right away.
Envíelas de inmediato.
Do I send the boys to scare them away?
¿ Quieres que le echemos a los muchachos para que los corran?
Send them up right away, please.
Enseguida, gracias
Send them over right away You know the address?
Envíelas ya mismo. ¿ Ya tiene la dirección?
He traído conmigo a algunos miembros de mi personal.
Either they take your men away and never send them back at all or they send them back unexpectedly to embarrass you.
O se llevan a tu hombre y no te lo devuelven jamás... o te lo envían sin aviso sólo para avergonzarte.
Give the girl a gold piece and send them away.
Dale a la chica una moneda de oro y que se vaya.
Send them right away.
- Mándelos ahora mismo.
- Send them right away.
- Envíelas ahora mismo.
If you send them to the land of the shadow... the Great Spirit will turn his face away from our people.
Si se le envía al país de las sombras, el gran espíritu dará la espalda a nuestro pueblo.
Get Dr. Curley, get Stanley send them here to Charlie Castle's house right away.
Dile al Dr. Curley y a Stanley que vengan a la casa de Charlie Castle ya mismo.
You know I send them all away.
Ya sabe usted que los echo a todos.
Well, I'll send them something right away... but I'll...
Les enviaré algo de inmediato.
Ahora mismo les mandamos una copia.

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