She got away tradutor Espanhol
661 parallel translation
You say she got away from you before.
¿ Y dices que no es la primera vez que se te escapa?
- That woman... she got away with it.
Esa mujer... - se las llevó.
She got away from Kleinsilber.
- Que va, se le escapó a Kleinsilber.
She got away, sir.
Ha escapado, señor.
- She got away.
- Se ha escapado.
If she got away without signing it, we'd be done for.
Si escapara sin firmar, estaremos perdidos.
And she got away with the invention.
Y escapó con el invento.
Well, she ducked into the florist's shop, I followed, but she got away.
Pero se metió en la florería. La seguí, pero escapó.
She got away.
Se ha escapado.
Partió ayer.
─ She got away.
- Se escapó.
She got away.
Se escapó.
- Sire, she got away, sir. - She got away?
- Sr, ella se fue, Sr. - ¿ Se fue?
I almost had her once but she got away.
Casi la atrapé una vez pero se me escapó.
We found her at her brother's hotel, but she got away from us.
La encontramos en el hotel de su hermano, pero logró escaparse.
She got away.
Ella se fue.
Even if she got away with it in court... crime of passion, temporary insanity... those headlines would kill her.
Aunque se salvara de la cárcel... crimen pasional, locura transitoria... aquellos titulares la matarían.
She got away?
¿ Se ha ido?
I'm afraid she got away from me soon after you'd gone.
Me temo que se me escapó poco después de irse usted.
She got away from him.
Se escapó de él.
I don't know how she got away with it.
No sé como lo hizo.
She almost got away from you that time.
Casi se te escapa.
How is she going to keep him when she's got him? Somebody waiting on every corner to take him away from her.
Te has convertido en todo lo que te burlabas, todo lo que no podías soportar.
You put things away before she got back from the grocer.
Le quitó el plato antes que volviera de la compra.
Find out right away if she's got a friend.
Averigua si tiene una amiga.
She got clean away.
Se fugó.
Says she's got to see you right away.
Dice que necesita verlo ahora mismo.
She's worried about whether he got away.
Le preocupa lo de su fuga.
I've got to see Edie right away. - Where is she?
Tengo que ver a Eadie. ¿ Dónde está?
She's got away again.
Se ha escapado otra vez.
That's why I ran away when I was 9. I got tired of being hungry... and seeing my old lady go hungry until she died.
Huí a los 9 años, después de ver cómo el hambre mataba a mi madre.
I doubt it, Charles. She's got a hard mouth. It's her mouth that gives her away.
Lo dudo, Charles, tiene una boca áspera y su boca la delata.
Gradually she got used to being away from you and everything was fine.
Poco a poco se acostumbró a estar lejos de ti, y todo estaba bien.
She might have got away.
Puede haberse escapado.
She got away in the brush.
Se había escapado a los matorrales.
Mamá tiene que ir aquí al lado y te traerá tu desayuno enseguida.
She got him away.
Ella le ayudó a escapar.
- Teniente. - ¿ Sí? El Dr. dice que está muy mal.
She was glad he got away, Father.
Se alegró de que escapara.
Corinne will meet me at 9 : 30 and may I say that she would have come sooner if she could have got away.
Me das asco. Corin irá a la casa de los barcos a las nueve y media. Y antes si hubiera podido.
I tried to stop it but I failed. I was there outside when she fell, and I saw him run away before Dr Lucas got there.
Cuando se cayó, salió corriendo antes de llegar el Dr. Lucas.
When she was my age, she put a little away each week... and got herself a license.
Cuando tenía mi edad, empezó a ahorrar hasta poder pagarse una licencia.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. And she could have been my twin. Who got in to trouble in a big city far away.
Había una vez una chica que tuvo problemas en una gran ciudad, lejos de aquí.
She's got that vase hidden away somewhere.
Tiene el jarrón escondido en algún lado.
She's got it hidden away in that house somewhere.
Lo tiene escondido en esa casa, en algún lado.
Well, she tipped me off the police were coming, And Gus got away.
Me dijo que venía Ia policía... así que Gus se marchó.
She made one slash, and then I got out, and I made her drop the blade... and I got it and threw it away.
Se pegó el tajo y entonces yo salí y le hice soltar la cuchilla, la cogí y la tiré.
Once you get her... get her away from her father's influence, she's got the makings of a wonderful wife.
Una vez que la alejes de la influencia de su padre, reúne los requisitos de una gran esposa.
But if he got the idea... that we thought she was safely hidden away someplace- -
Pero si él tuviera la idea... de que pensamos que ella está a salvo- -
They got married but she couldn't stay away from men.
Se casaron pero ella no podía estar alejada de los hombres.
Well let's hope she was safely away last night before these men got into her room.
Esperemos que hubiera salido antes de que estos hombres entraran en su habitación.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
got away 26
away 568
away from home 17
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
got away 26
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17