She is great tradutor Espanhol
775 parallel translation
Ah, the supper she is great tonight, Olley.
Qué rica la cena de hoy, Olley.
She is great! Deadwood doesn't need no imported actress. We roll our own!
Ella es grandiosa Deadwood no precisa actrices forasteras, tenemos las nuestras.
She has tandem parking, so after I'm there for a while, I have to pull out. Oh. Which is such a pain,'cause it feels so great just to leave it in there.
Su parking es pequeño, así que cuando pasa un rato, tengo que dar marcha atrás. Y es un incordio, porque es genial dejarlo ahí metido.
Inga has found comfort in the great call of nursing, and destiny will that she is sent to care for the countess.
Inga ha encontrado consuelo como enfermera, y el destino dirá si la envían a cuidar a la condesa.
It must be great for a woman when everything is right - you know, when she can afford a doctor like that man Burgess... and when she knows her husband wants the baby.
Debe ser fantástico para una mujer cuando todo marcha bien... Cuando puede permitirse un médico como ese hombre, Burgess, y cuando sabe que su marido quiere al bebé.
If Madame Goro's patience is a great as your stupidity maybe she will teach you the etiquette of geisha
Si la paciencia de la Señora Goro es tan grande como tu estupidez... quizá pueda enseñarte los modales de una geisha.
Binelli is no more her personal affair than one of those sheepdogs. That's a swell item about Burns. She's great copy because she don't know what she wants.
Ella hace vender periódicos porque no sabe lo que quiere, y todos los días quiere una cosa diferente.
She is having a great career here.
- Acá tiene una gran carrera.
I sometimes think, Sir Charles that a great government resembles a beautiful woman who, intoxicated with her own beauty is apt to withdraw from a sincere suitor the favors she's always granted.
a veces pienso, Señor Charles que un gran gobierno se parece a una bella mujer que, al hallarse intoxicada por su propia belleza se aleja de el que siempre le concedió favores
And Renée... By the way, she's Madame de Penable, not Mrs. Penable. Renée is the true woman of this great world here.
Renee, que es Madame De Penable, no Sra. Penable, es una mujer de gustos exquisitos.
She is a woman, Your Majesty, a woman of great charm.
Es una mujer, Su Majestad... una mujer encantadora.
And by the hands of her citizens... she offers them to become a part of the great highway... which is about to unite her in closer fellowship... with her sisters of the Atlantic.
Y en manos de sus ciudadanos... se los ofrece al gran ferrocarril... que se unirá en amistad... con sus hermanas del Atlántico.
Quiere decir que somos amigos, eso es todo.
She has a great influence with her father and is the one person who can make him change his mind.
Ejerce una gran influencia sobre su padre,... y es la única persona que puede obligarle a cambiar.
This is what my great grandmother wore the day she was introduced to the king.
Mi bisabuela llevaba este vestido..... cuando fue recibida por primera vez en la corte.
a great actress is equal to anybody to the noble and the poor, to kings and beggars that's why a great artist is himself of the highest rank she's dreaming one must be born noble and one must be chosen for art
una gran actriz es igual a alguien al noble y al pobre, a los reyes y mendigos por eso un gran artista es del rango más alto ella está soñando uno debe nacer noble y uno debe ser elegido para el arte
Tonight, in this house, for the benefit of this great cause for which she's already done so much, our hostess, Mrs. Sutton, is putting up for auction one of her most treasured possessions, one of the famous Sutton jewels.
Esta noche y en esta casa, en beneficio de la gran causa por la que ella tanto ha trabajado, la Sra. Sutton va a subastar una de sus posesiones más preciadas : una de sus famosas joyas Sutton.
She is shaking hands with a great many people down there right now.
Está saludando a una gran cantidad de gente.
She is only one of the millions who, when the great day comes... will be swept out of existence like - like so much chaff on the wind.
Junto con millones de personas, cuando llegue el gran día, desaparecerá como el viento se lleva la suciedad.
He'd say, " this is My great-grandmother. Lovely, isn't she?
Era mi bisabuela, ¿ verdad que era bonita?
Uti? copied post cards and he / she is considered a great painter.
Utiè copiaba tarjetas postales y se le considera un gran pintor.
Emily is the most loving and loveable person in the world. But if you are implying that she's experienced a great, romantic passion. I can assure you that such is not the case.
Emily es la persona más cariñosa y adorable del mundo... pero si deduce Ud. que ha vivido un gran pasión romántica... puedo asegurarle que no es el caso.
Why, I think it's great. Because she is on your side.
Me parece muy bien porque está de tu lado.
But if she dreams of daffodils, she is in great danger.
Pero si sueña con narcisos corre un grave peligro.
She is a liar, a thief and a cheat, has no more manners than my great aunt's cat.
Es una mentirosa, una tramposa y una ladrona. El gato de mi abuela sabe más de modales.
And it's a great deal better, Workhouse, that she died when she did, or else she'd have been doing hard labor in Bridewell. Or transported or hung, which is more likely than either, isn't it?
Y fue mejor que muriera cuando murió, o estaría haciendo trabajos forzados en la cárcel, o la habrían deportado, o ahorcado, que es lo más probable.
She is a woman of great merit.
Tiene mucho mérito.
But she is of great concern to you.
Ud. si parece preocuparse, al jgual que sus amjgos.
She is a great actress, so they tell me.
Ella es una grán actriz.... me han dicho.
And you're capable of burning that test, as great as it is and making it known she had nothing worth testing
Y eres capaz de quemar la prueba, y mira que es buena y hacer correr que no pudo haberlo hecho peor
A common taxi driver who is ultimately richer and stronger than she is since he's able to bring down the great scaffolding as you say.
Un vulgar taxista que últimamente es más rico y más fuerte que ella ya que ha sido capaz de echar abajo ese gran andamiaje como usted dice.
She is responsible to a great extent for the success of the expedition.
Es responsable de gran parte del éxito de la expedición.
Paps he had a daughter and he married her she said of love to his great fame nobody plays with the Sheriff of Wichita and me it is a beautiful town there in Wichita prevailing law and order
Tenía una chica y se casó con ella. Ella añadió amor a su gran fama. Nadie juega con el sheriff de Wichita.
She is truly a work of great beauty
Es sublime, ¿ no os parece?
She is a great leader...
Es una gran líder...
She still thinks your husband is a great man.
Opino que ella sigue pensando que tu marido es un gran hombre.
Rome has said she is ready to join your life to hers in a great future.
Roma quiere unir tu vida a la suya hacia un gran futuro.
What's great is that she stuck by him. She said : "l like you, too".
Lo mejor es que ella no le abandona, sino que le dice : "¡ yo a ti también!"
And Viula is maimed and nearly bald, and over the years she's had a great deal of trouble with her eyes.
Y Buella está mutilada y casi calva, y a lo largo de los años ha tenido una gran cantidad de problemas con sus ojos.
If Anarkali is not freed, this night she spends in the prison will ruin the plans of Akbar the Great
Si Anarkali no es liberada, esa noche en prisión arruinara los planes de Akbar el Grande
- Oh. - We took great pains to wrap that attractively, knowing how she is.
Conociéndola, la envolvimos bien.
What she wants to do is great with me as long as she understands me.
Lo que quiere me parece bien siempre que me entienda.
It means that the thief and the murderer are almost certainly the same and that he or she is in that house and that your life may be in great danger.
Significa que el ladrón y el asesino son casi seguramente el mismo que él o ella está en esa casa y que su vida puede correr un gran peligro.
She is a very great lady.
Es una gran dama.
Hey you know that girl over there is great. She's with everybody.
Esa chica es estupenda.
Your mother is a great woman, and we must respect her but she reasons like women do.
Tu madre es una gran mujer y debemos respetarla, pero razona como una mujer.
She is looking for something great. A masterpiece.
Anda buscando la perla, quién sabe si la obra maestra.
Must be a great girl all around. Oh, she is.
- Luce muy buena chica.
Maria has a great taste, she is married to me after all.
Mi mujer tiene muy buen gusto : Se casó conmigo.
En primer lugar, debes impresionarla con el hecho que hasta que declare, su vida está en grave peligro.
If she is my hunter, great!
Si es mi cazadora, genial.
she is my sister 22
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
she is fine 24
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
she is fine 24
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is my wife 30
she is my daughter 29
she is nice 18
she is a woman 24
she is crazy 20
she isn't here 44
she is not here 20
she is not 72
she is good 37
she is dead 73
she is my daughter 29
she is nice 18
she is a woman 24
she is crazy 20
she isn't here 44
she is not here 20
she is not 72
she is good 37
she is dead 73
she is gone 33
she is right 38
she isn't dead 20
she is alive 24
she is here 40
she is sick 17
she is now 20
is great 27
she is right 38
she isn't dead 20
she is alive 24
she is here 40
she is sick 17
she is now 20
is great 27