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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She liked you

She liked you tradutor Espanhol

530 parallel translation
If she liked you better than nothing, I would ask Masako to give her up instead.
Si ella la quisiera a Vd. más que a nadie, le pediría a Masako que la cediera.
Well? - She liked you.
Le has gustado.
If you like someone and you don't tell'em right off, why, maybe all that time you wasted, she liked you too, so, well, all that time's wasted, ain't it?
Si alguien te gusta y no se lo dices pronto estás perdiendo el tiempo, porque puede ser que tú también le gustes a ella. Así que, ¿ para qué esperar tanto?
She liked you.
Le gustó.
Es poca cosa, ya lo sé, pero... si ella fuera alguien de confianza... si a ella... a ella le cayera usted bien, señor... bueno... eso le daría una perspectiva nueva... podría convertirle en una persona completamente distinta, créame.
I wonder if that meant she liked you.
Me pregunto si eso significa que a ella le gustaba.
That slightly insane woman that was on the bed next to you... she liked you, didn't she?
La mujer un poco loca que estaba en la cama de al lado. Te cogió cariño, ¿ verdad?
Rhoda, when we lived in Wichita, Rhoda, there was an old lady who lived upstairs, Mrs. Clara Post. - She liked you very much. - Yes.
Cuando vivíamos en Wichita, la anciana de arriba te adoraba.
She liked you too, then.
- ¿ Y tú le gustabas a ella?
I can see why she liked you.
- Ya veo por qué le gustabas.
She liked you, didn't she?
Te gustaba, ¿ verdad?
- She liked you.
- Le gustabas.
I'll bet you could know a woman for 100 years without ever being really sure if she liked you or not.
Apuesto a que puedes conocer a una mujer durante 100 años sin estar jamás seguro de si le gustas o no.
Well, she liked you right away... from the first time she saw you.
Bie, le caiste bien desde la primera vez que te vió.
She liked you.
Tú le gustabas.
She liked you, Eddie, that's for sure.
Sin duda tú le caíste bien, Eddie.
She told me she liked you.
Ella me dijo que tú le gustabas.
- I can tell she liked you.
Vaya... se ve que le gustabas.
She could make out like she liked you instead of saying she didn't know.
Podría fingir que le gustas en lugar de decir que no sabía.
But, Ted, you know what Edna was like, anyone she liked had to be wrote in.
No puedo esperar más. ¿ Dónde está ella? ¡ Rápido, aquí!
-'She always liked you, Al.'
- Siempre le caíste bien.
Then, when I fell in love with Marie Frisette and she liked me, out of jealousy, you came between us!
Tiene un complejo de persecución Entonces, cuando me enamoré de Marie Frisette y yo le gustaba ¡ por celos, se metió entre nosotros!
I think she'd have liked it. - Don't you?
Creo que le habría gustado, ¿ no?
And all while leading me to believe she liked me, it's you she continued loving?
Dejándome creer que yo le gusto pero es a ti a quien ama.
My wife liked your story before she knew anything about you.
A mí mujer le gustó su historia antes de que ella supiese algo.
I thought she liked me. Dad, you were so anxious to like a fiancée of mine, that you gave yourself the wrong impression.
Estabas tan desesperado porque te gustara una prometida mía... que te diste la impresión incorrecta.
They must have been flowers she liked so I think you should leave some before the funeral.
Le gustarían esas flores así que he pensado que podrías llevarle algunas antes del funeral.
She asked me to return your manuscript, tell you she liked the story very much, but...
Me pidió que le devolviera su manuscrito y le dijera que le gustó...
What a way mothers always want she would have liked me too, don't you think?
Madre habría querido que llevara los suyos, ¿ no crees?
She wouldn't have liked you anyway, as soon as she found out you weren't a blue blood.
De cualquier modo, no le habrías gustado, tan pronto se hubiese dado cuenta de que no eres de sangre azul.
Mae never liked you, and she's right not to and I'm sick and tired of listening.
Mae nunca te quiso y tiene razón al no hacerlo y estoy harto de escuchar. Usa tu cerebro.
- She never liked you.
- Nunca le gustaste.
You've never liked her from the day she arrived. Then why has she been sending her allowance
Ella nunca te agradó desde el día que llegó.
When did you bother to know what she..... wanted... what she liked.
¿ Te preocupaste alguna vez por saber lo que ella quería?
She's always liked you, kitty.
Siempre le has gustado.
I think she'd have liked us to live together in the manor, don't you?
Creo que le hubiera gustado que hubiésemos vivido juntos en la casa señorial ¿ verdad?
I thought she rather liked you.
Pensé que le gustaba.
Where is she? - I'm glad you liked them.
- Me alegra que les gustaran.
You liked it at the house, she thought you could use it.
Te gustó cuando lo viste en casa.
She came to Whitewood two weeks ago. I met her and liked her and she told me that she was a student in one of your classes, that you recommended that she stay at the Raven's Inn.
Llegó a Whitewood hace 2 semanas, tuve el gusto de conocerla y me contó que era alumna en su clase.
If you had a friend, you'd be upset if she liked anybody else.
Te molestaba que tus amigas se llevaran bien con otras.
As your wife, she must understand. But even so, I think she would have liked you to tell her.
Pero aunque así fuera, creo que Ie habría gustado que se Io dijeras.
Because she would have liked for you to stay exactly as you were when you first wore them.
Porque a ella le hubiera gustado que tú te quedaras exactamente tal y como eras cuando empezaste a llevarlas.
You know, she liked to go to the casino.
Sabe, a ella le gustaba ir al casino.
That was just a reward from Dolores - maybe she liked the song - and if you hated me as much as you pretend you wouldn't be angry at all.
Oh, Eso. Esa fue simplemente una recompensa De Dolores - Tal vez a ella le gustó la canción -
- All right, Sheila liked you. How well is she gonna like you when she sees you with a pound of grease in your hair workin'on somebody else's car?
Ya verás Io mucho que vas a gustarle cuando te vea lleno de grasa y trabajando en un coche que no es tuyo.
Once you realize how much I liked Dani she put me on the street.
- Y hay otra cosa. - ¿ Qué, Sam?
She didn't have much, but we'd be pleased, and I'm sure she'd want you to have anything of hers that you liked,
No tenía mucho, pero nos gustaría, y seguro que a ella también, que se quedara con lo que le guste.
Hell, I brought her, but she really liked you.
Cielos, yo la llevé, pero usted realmente le gustaba.
She likes me as much as she ever liked you.
Yo le gusto más de lo que le gustabas tú.
you see, your mom, well, she never liked it here at bly, and your father was always chasing after mechanical instruments.
A tu mamá... nunca le gustó este lugar. Y tu padre siempre andaba tras instrumentos mecánicos.

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