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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Tell me something good

Tell me something good tradutor Espanhol

198 parallel translation
Tell me something good.
Dígame algo agradable.
Oh, Andrew, tell me something good.
Andrew, dime algo bueno.
Tell me something good.
Dime algo bueno.
Agent Finn, tell me something good.
Agente Finn, déme buenas noticias.
~ Tell me something good ~
- ¡ 150 millones de dólares! - ¡ Oh, Dios mío, Sherman!
Pacey, tell me something good.
Dime algo bueno, Pacey.
- OK, tell me something good.
- No. Bien. Ahora dime algo bueno.
Broots, tell me something good.
Broots, dime algo bueno.
Tell me something good, anything.
Dime algo bueno, lo que sea.
Tell me something good, Speed.
Dime algo bueno, Speed.
Listen, you go back and tell that firm of yours that they sold me something good, and they just found it out.
- Escucha. Regresa y dile a tu compañía que me vendieron un naranjal bueno... y acaban de darse cuenta.
Norah, I've got something strange to tell you. You've been so good to me, it only makes it harder.
Nora, me parece extraño contártelo has sido tan buena conmigo que lo hace más duro.
Tell him for example as if by chance in conversation, that there is the question of a departure from Marseilles, that it would be good for him to come see me, invent something!
Supongamos que usted le hablara en una conversación, acerca de un posible reembarco a Marsella, que sería conveniente que me viniera a ver. En fin, invente algo.
I forgot to tell you something, but your play wasn't good at one part.
Se me olvida decirte algo, no has tocado bien una parte.
Oh, yeah? Tell him to hand me just one more "good evening" like he give me tonight, and I'll hand him something that will take his mind off marriage for good.
Dígale que me dé otro "buenas noches" más... como el que me ha dado esta noche... y le daré algo que le quitará... el matrimonio de la cabeza para siempre.
- Would you be good enough to tell me something?
- ¿ Sería usted tan amable de decirme algo?
They tell me it's something good, just like money.
Me dijeron que era algo valioso, igual que dinero.
Let me tell you something else Martha, I had a good look at that elevator. And nothing, absolutely nothing, could have happened.
Te diré algo más, Martha, le he echado un vistazo a ese ascensor y nada, absolutamente nada, pudo ocurrir.
I decided something'to tell ya, somethin good. I don't like to wait when I get an idea.
Quería decirte algo, y no me gusta esperar.
Sure you mean something. Come on. Tell me like a good feller.
Sabes algo, dímelo como amigo.
Tell me something, you seem so innocent, like a little girl, good and not sly.
Dime una cosa. Me pareces tan ingenua, tan infantil, tan buena...
Good, then let me tell you something.
Bien, déjeme decirle algo.
"And tell me something That will do me good"
"Y cuéntame algo que me haga bien"
Before I say good-bye to you, Shelby... there is something I'd like to tell you.
Antes de despedirme de Ud., Shelby... me gustaría decirle algo.
And good day to you, Mrs. McVitie. Well, now, tell me something... Do we have a full house?
Y buen día para usted, Sra. Mc Vitie... dígame algo, ¿ tenemos una casa completa?
And let me tell ya something. We all better be virgins or have a pretty good story.
Más nos vale ser vírgenes... o tener una buena explicación.
Good. tell me something.
Dime, Rosco.
Can you tell me something about him? My son, my son was no good.
Verá, su hija era un hombre de especial importancia en las noticias.
I tell you that... you do something good so I can brag in old country... about my son, the American!
Te lo digo... haz algo bueno para que me pueda jactar en tu viejo país... sobre mi hijo, ¡ el americano!
Not that St. Amelia's School for Girls wasn't a good place to get started... but it was like everything that happened to me those four years... was trying to tell me something, and I listened.
Aunque la escuela para chicas de Santa Amelia era un buen sitio para empezar. Pero todo lo que me ocurrió durante esos cuatro años fue con el objeto de decirme algo. Y escuché.
I want to tell you something I don't feel good having cheated her I can't sleep
quiero decirle algo no me siento bien engañándola no puedo dormir para no hagas ruido
Let me tell you something for your own good, Julius.
Te diré algo por tu propio bien, Julius.
You know, it's a good thing they're not judging loyalty or character, because let me tell you something, you'd have lost by a landslide.
¿ Recuerdas que antes de venir Marjorie y Sara me excluían?
Is there something good you can tell me about myself?
- ¿ Hay alguna cosa buena que puedas decirme sobre mi? ¿ Alguna cosa que merezca la pena recordar?
Tell me something, toughie, is she as good as she looks?
Dime algo, amigo. ¿ Es tan buena como se ve?
Anything else? Now we're both in a good mood, let me tell you something that's gonna tickle you.
Ahora que estamos de buen humor, déjeme decirle algo gracioso.
Let me tell you something... your secrets weren't good enough.
Deja que te diga una cosa. Tus secretos no eran lo bastante buenos.
But even if this is true... there must be something and what you are good... only what you tell me.
Pero incluso si fuera cierto... debe haber algo en lo que seas bueno... y no me lo dices.
When something happens to me now, good or bad, I tell you.
Dios, debió estar furiosa.
Well, that's good, because I gotta tell you there's something about a little bony banker that really turns me on.
Bueno, eso está bien, porque quiero decirte que hay algo un poco en una banquera delgada que realmente me vuelve loco.
I need to tell the people something, or you've got to give me a good reason not to.
Necesito decir algo o que me dé una razón para no hacerlo.
Tell me it's something good.
Dime que es por una buena razón.
Let me tell you something, you can't get good sausage and peppers no more.
Ya no puedes conseguir buenos pimientos o salchichas.
Then tell me. because I know that you would never do something like this unless you had a very good reason.
Entonces explícamelo, porque se que esto no habría pasado, a menos que tuvieras una buena razón.
Very good work, but let me tell you something.
Trabajas muy bien, pero te voy a decir algo.
Nan... I have something to tell you. It's a piece of good news, and you must promise to be happy for me.
Nan... tengo algo que decirte. y tienes que prometerme que te alegrarías por mí.
- Let me tell you something about the word "good."
- Déjame decirte qué has dicho.
You know, if you're so good at this why don't you tell me something about me?
Si eres tan bueno, dime algo acerca de mí.
For you, protect Good Lord, that arrogance Let me tell you something, Mr. Holmes I have seen demons work, in Vienna and here in London And the only one who can protect us Is far beyond his power.
Para usted, el protegernos buén Señor, que arrogancia déjeme decirle algo, Sr. Holmes he visto demonios trabajar, en Viena y aquí en Londres y el único que nos puede proteger está mucho más alla de su poder.
Melinda, if there was something else, it would be a good idea to tell me.
Melinda, si hubiera algo más, sería una buena idea decírmelo.
- Why you want to know? If you want to sell something, tell me, I will get you a good price
Si quieres vender algo, dímelo, te conseguiré un buen precio.

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