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Terrible idea tradutor Espanhol

868 parallel translation
One's liable to get the most terrible idea :
Una es capaz de tener las ideas más horribles.
It's a terrible idea.
Es una idea terrible.
It's a perfectly terrible idea.
Es sencillamente espantoso.
It's a terrible idea.
Es horrible.
Chief, that's a terrible idea!
Jefe, esa es una idea pésima.
- I just had a terrible idea. - Hmm?
Se me ocurrió algo horrible.
that's a terrible idea.
Qué estupidez de idea.
That's not such a terrible idea sometimes.
A veces resulta muy conveniente.
- Terrific idea. You wanna tell me how?
- Terrible idea. ¿ Podrías decirme cómo?
- I knew this was a terrible idea.
- Sabia que era una terrible idea.
I think this is a terrible idea.
Es una pésima idea.
This was a terrible idea of yours.
Esto fue una idea horrible de su parte.
No, that's a terrible idea, son!
¡ Ésa es una mala idea, hijo!
" Great idea... but I was fired for being a terrible actor Make them keep me...
Gran idea, pero fui despedido por ser un terrible actor. Haz que siga con ellos...
The noise is getting worse, you can't imagine, the French have opened up, it's going to be a terrific battle, but they can't kill everybody.
El ruido se hace peor, no te puedes hacer idea. Los franceses han abierto filas, va a ser una batalla terrible, pero a todos no nos van a matar.
What's your idea of terrible?
¿ A qué llamas tú terrible?
Very bad idea, come to think of it.
Fue una idea terrible, ahora que lo pienso.
"You've no idea how terrible it is for me to be trapped in this school..." "... where I'll probably end up spending my entire life.
No sabes lo triste que es mi suerte aquí en esta escuela... donde paso toda mi vida.
A terrible, abominable, criminal idea crosses the mind of this wretched soul.
Una idea atroz, abominable, criminal, cruza la mente del desventurado.
- What a terrifying thought.
- ¡ Qué idea tan terrible!
The idea of that terrible man...
La idea de que ese hombre terrible...
Well, what are you doing here? I've had such a terrible time! You've no idea what's happened to me!
Pedro... dame eso.
He had no idea it was going to be used for this terrible, terrible purpose.
No sabía que iba ser usado para este terrible fin.
You have no idea what an evil man he is! Or what terrible things he does!
No puede imaginarse cómo es ese hombre,... y las terribles cosas que hace.
Terrible thought.
Una idea terrible.
What a terrible thought.
Qué idea tan terrible.
Oh, no, that's a rotten idea.
Es una idea terrible.
But then a horrible thought struck me...
Mas de pronto cruzó por mi mente una idea terrible...
I've just had an idea, as long as we have him in our hands, anything can happen to such cat, he can eat something terrible for example, or...
Recién he tenido una idea, mientras lo teníamos, algo puede pasarle al gato, puede comer algo terrible por ejemplo, o...
I can't bear to think of such an awful thing happening.
No puedo soportar la idea de algo tan terrible pasa.
An awful idea.
Una idea terrible.
- Terrible, terrible... haven't had a decent idea all morning.
- Muy mal. No he tenido ni una buena idea.
Now, there are treasure hunts and treasure hunts and at first, I thought Bud's idea was a rotten idea myself.
Hay búsquedas del tesoro y búsquedas del tesoro... y al principio yo mismo pensé que la idea de Bud... era una idea terrible.
- No. I've no idea. This is so dreadful.
- No, ni idea. esto es terrible.
It's... it's terrible up there, you know, Swann, you've no idea.
Es... es terrible allí arriba, ya sabes, Swann, no tienes idea.
And if you ever say that this was my suggestion, well, I should denounce you both for the terrible liars that you are.
Y si alguna vez dicen que fue idea mía, les denunciaré a los dos por ser semejantes embusteros.
The terrible pain I felt when Charles took his life gave me but a small idea of your sorrow
El terrible dolor que sentí cuando Charles decidió quitarse la vida me dio una pequeña idea de tu dolor
Yes, a terrifying advantage. Any idea how they do it?
Sí, una ventaja terrible. ¿ Alguna idea de cómo lo hacen?
( Rudolf Vrba ) The idea of a mother being told, after this terrible journey, that her children are going to be gassed was an utter outrageous idea in her mind, because after all that she'd suftered,
( Rudolf Vrba ) La idea de una madre que le digan, después de este terrible viaje, que sus hijos van a ser gaseados era una idea escandalosa absoluta en su mente, porque después de todo lo que había suftered,
BUT THE idea OF A time limitation is A terrible HALF-MEASURE.
Pero la prescripción es algo a medio camino.
No one had any idea this was gonna develop into such a horrible thing.
Nadie tenía ni idea de que iba a acabar siendo algo tan terrible.
She was trembling and pale and a terrible thought occurred to me.
Estaba pálida y temblaba y me vino una idea terrible.
I saw that terrible coldness in his marriage... and was somewhat obsessed with the idea that he would turn to me.
Vi la falta de amor terrible de su matrimonio.
You've no idea of the harrowing ordeal I've been through, april.
No tienes idea de la terrible experiencia por la que pasé, April.
Soon it's back to the old books and back to work. What a terrible thought!
Pronto hay que volver a los estudios y el trabajo. ¡ Qué idea más horrible!
i have an idea, but it means doing something terrible to an innocent person.
Tenemos que entrar. Tengo una idea, pero sería hacerle algo terrible a una persona inocente.
A terrible idea.
Una idea malísima.
I know this is a terrible time, but do you have any idea who might harbour a grudge against your mother?
Sé que este es un momento terrible, pero, ¿ tiene alguna idea de quien podría albergar un resentimiento en contra de su madre?
- You got an A?
Es una idea terrible.
It's a terrible thought for a wife to have. I've got this dreadful idea.
Y que una esposa piense eso es terrible pero yo tengo esa horrible intuición.
Plainly speaking, it's a lousy idea.
Hablando francamente, es una idea terrible.

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