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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / That says it all

That says it all tradutor Espanhol

482 parallel translation
Mercury cyanide... That says it all.
Cianuro de mercurio... ¡ No digo más!
That says it all.
Eso lo dice todo.
- Well, that says it all.
- Eso lo explica todo.
God, that says it all.
Eso lo dice todo.
See, that says it all, don't it?
Ya ves, eso dice todo, ¿ no es así?
You know, when he talks about Granny that says it all
Cuando habla de la abuela vieja, entoces se le comprende. Entonces, sí.
I think that says it all, Frank.
Eso lo dice todo, Frank.
That says it all.
Con eso está dicho todo.
Well, I guess that says it all.
Supongo que eso lo dice todo.
Pastor says that Lou's got it all over Della Fox.
Pastor dice que Lou tiene todo lo que Della Fox.
I only wanted to say that I'm sorry for you, George, that's all. But it's only old Fanny, so whatever she says, pick on her for it.
Sólo soy la vieja Fanny, así que diga lo que diga me atacarás.
His letter says that he's, uh... negotiating a piece of business with some lawyer, and if it works out satisfactory, then everything is gonna be all right.
En la carta dice que está negociando con un abogado, y si le sale bien, todo se arreglará.
If he says it's all right, and the first school dance is a big success and you know that that's what you wanna do, go to her and tell her.
Si está de acuerdo, y el primer bailer escolar es un gran éxito... y sabes que eso es lo que quieres hacer, vas y se lo dices.
Oh, you're all right. It says here, that's the way it acts on a lot of people.
Dice que le suele pasar a mucha gente.
Mum sometimes says that all I think about is having a good time, but - Well, it isn't only that.
Mamá dice muchas veces que sólo pienso en divertirme, pero no es sólo eso.
That really says it all in a nutshell.
Creo que eso lo dice todo.
Well, I guess that says it all.
Esto lo dice todo.
She says she's sorry but that's all there is to it.
Lo siente, pero no quiere verte.
All it says in my book, sister, is that the good of the majority has got to be upheld.
Lo que se dice en mi libro, hermana, es que el bien de la mayoría tiene que ser protegido.
It says in timothy That the love of money Is the root of all evil.
Dice en Timoteo, que el amor al dinero es la raíz de todo mal.
Climbing up that hill and all, ruth says it hurts her back.
Ruth dice que le duele la espalda al subir y bajar la colina.
It says that all men born in 1899 are called to arms and must report to headquarters in Aquila in two days.
Dice que todos los nacidos en 1899 están llamados a filas y que deben de presentarse dentro de dos días en el distrito de Aquila.
After all any man says, it's what he does that counts.
No importa lo que un hombre dice, lo que hace es lo que vale.
Do you think all that happens... is that he says to himself, "I want something" and then goes and gets it?
¿ Cree que se apoderó del dinero solamente porque lo necesitaba?
It says that all the deeds, papers and properties of this shop belong to me.
Todos los bienes de esta tienda son míos.
# On all the posters that I read, it says #
En todos los carteles que leo, dice que
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
Dice que como tú has tenido todos esos novios antes que yo... ... y como yo no he tenido ninguna novia antes que tú... ... Virge piensa que entre los dos el problema se equilibra...
I told him that, but he says the job's all set up and it's gonna be done.
Le dije eso, pero dijo que el trabajo está todo preparado y que va a ser hecho.
Mama, Elizabeth says it's Old Yeller... what's been doin all that stealing'out in Salt Licks.
Mamá, Elizabeth dice que ha sido Old Yeller... el que ha estado robando todo en Salt Licks.
See here, it says all about me, and the rest shows you all the countries that I've visited.
Mira aquí, te pone los datos personales y en el resto se muestran los países que has visitado.
She says all a boy wants out of a girl is that and when the girl marries, it's something she has to endure.
Dice que eso es todo lo que un muchacho quiere de una chica y cuando la chica se casa, es algo que tiene que soportar.
And that's all it says.
Nada más que eso.
It says on the telly that Mick's coming home and that's all that really matters.
Han dicho en las noticias que Mick vuelve a casa y eso es lo que importa.
And it says all this filming isn't healthy, and that you need help.
Y me dice que tanta filmación no es sano, y que usted necesita ayuda.
You write a piece of music, I listen to it, and that's what it says. Ram Bowen, all by itself.
Compones una pieza, la escucho y eso es lo que dice, Ram Bowen.
A treaty that says how important it is for all men to be proud and strong.
Un tratado que diga lo importante que es que los hombres sean fuertes y orgullosos
It says clearly that if big ranchers north of the Picketwire River win their fight to keep this territory in open reign, then all your truck farms and your corn, the small shopkeepers and everything, your kids'future, it will all be all over, be gone!
Está claro que si los grandes rancheros al norte del Río Picketwire ganan la lucha para mantener el territorio como espacio abierto, vuestras granjas, vuestro maíz, los pequeños comerciantes y el futuro de vuestros hijos se acabará. ¡ Desaparecerá!
- It says that all are lost.
¿ Qué sobrevivientes? Dice que todos murieron.
He says he won't surrender, that you can blow it all up.
Dice que no se rendirá, que podéis volarlo todo.
That's what it all says.
Eso es lo que parece.
My husband says it's psychological, that it all began when we lost our money.
Mi esposo dice que es psicológico, que todo comenzó cuando perdimos nuestro dinero.
It also says that KAOS tried to take over all
También dice que KAOS intentó controlar...
- Is that all it says?
- ¿ No dice nada más?
I asked him to pick it up, that's all I did. Ginny said to him "Do what Mummy says", and he hit her!
Ginny le dijo que obedeciese, y le pegó!
That's all it says.
Ya está.
quint says he doesn't want to see you again ever, and that it's all over, he says.
Quint dice que no quiere volver a verla y que todo se acabó.
It says all that right on the...
Dice todo eso en...
That's not written in it, it says God, that's all.
Eso no lo pone en ningún lado. Dice "Dios", eso es todo.
That's all right. Why don't you just tell me what it says, and I'll write it.
Está bien. ¿ por qué no me dicta lo que dice?
He says we can all learn that, whenever we want to learn it.
Dice que todos podemos aprenderlo cuando queramos aprenderlo.
It says that they all live in hollow trees.
Aquí d! ce que todos v! ven dentro de érboIes huecos.

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