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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / The eagle

The eagle tradutor Espanhol

1,959 parallel translation
Hey, do the eagle scream.
Oye, haz el grito del águila.
And it's free, like the eagle.
Y es gratis, como el águila.
If you make her fall in love with The Eagle, you're gonna get into big trouble.
Como la enamore usted del águila la va a liar bien gorda.
Gonzalo, maybe not, but the Eagle himself, yes.
Gonzalo quizás no, pero el águila sí.
No emotional blackmail, please. They want to see The Eagle's head right now, I can't do anything more for you.
Chantajes emocionales no, por favor, quieren ver la cabeza de águila roja ya, no puedo hacer nada más por ti.
Enemy ships, flying the Black Eagle.
¡ Muchos navíos, viniendo en nuestra dirección!
Kill The Red Eagle and you'll have a place among us.
Mata al águila roja y tendrás un sitio entre nosotros.
The safety of this village is in danger because of The Red Eagle and his band of thieves.
La seguridad de esta villa está en peligro por culpa de ese águila roja y su banda de ladrones.
If my plan works, you'll have The Red Eagle within hours.
Si funciona mi plan tendréis al águila roja en cuestión de horas.
The guy who shot Jess was using this type of gun, a.50 caliber Desert Eagle.
El tipo que disparó a Jess estaba usando este tipo de arma, una calibre 50, Desert Eagle.
But The Red Eagle has a very good nose, and magical eyesight ; he can smell and see everything at once.
Pues el águila roja tiene muy buen olfato, y una vista mágica, puede olerlo y verlo todo a la vez.
Well, okay, stop this nonsense. I've never seen The Red Eagle and I don't believe he exists, so that settles the issue.
Yo nunca he visto a ese águila roja y no creo ni que exista, así que tema zanjado.
You're The Red Eagle ; you have to make justice prevail.
Eres el águila roja, tienes que hacer prevalecer la justicia.
You're the Red Eagle, go to the Church of San Fidel at 3 o'clock.
Eres el águila roja, pasa a las tres por la iglesia de San Fidel.
When I was in the basket, I could almost see The Red Eagle's face.
Cuando estaba dentro del cesto, casi le veo la cara al águila roja.
The monk who spoke to The Red Eagle said he must be there at that hour, so I know how to find him and ask him to let me be his squire.
El fraile que habló con el águila roja le dijo que estuviera allá a esa hora, así que ya sé cómo encontrarle y pedirle que me deje ser su escudero.
Don't say anything to my father about The Red Eagle matter, he does not believe he exists.
No le contéis nada a mi padre de lo de el águila roja, es que él no cree que exista.
The Red Eagle!
Águila roja!
No, Murillo, the friar who was with The Red Eagle did not look like that ; he is taller.
No, Murillo, el fraile que va con el águila no es así, es más alto.
But hasn't The Red Eagle told you if he's going to make you his squire?
Pero, el águila roja no te ha dicho ya que él te va a hacer su escudero?
My hero, you've been more courageous than The Red Eagle.
Mi héroe, has estado más valiente que el águila roja.
That is fine, but don't proclaim victory yet. The Red Eagle is still out there, and he is a serious threat to our plans, as we all know.
Eso está muy bien, pero no cantemos victoria aún, ese águila roja sigue suelto, es una seria amenaza para nuestros planes y todos lo sabemos.
The Red Eagle, who else?
El águila roja, quién si no?
I know how to catch The Red Eagle.
Sé cómo atrapar al águila roja.
For injustice, Gonzalo Montalvo is ordered to be hanged... Also known as The Red Eagle.
Se condena a la horca por injurias a Gonzalo de Montalvo alias águila roja.
If you had caught The Red Eagle, we would not be here today watching our headquarters collapse.
Si hubieras atrapado a águila roja hoy no estaríamos aquí mirando cómo se derrumba nuestro refugio.
I know how to catch The Red Eagle. Very well, then do it at last.
Sé cómo atrapar al águila roja.
I've seen your seamstress with The Red Eagle ; she will lead me right to him.
He visto a tu costurera con el águila roja, ella me llevará hasta él.
Get the council to call a truce, and I'll bring you The Red Eagle.
Consigue que me den una tregua y te traeré al águila roja.
I know who The Red Eagle is.
Ya sé quién es el águila roja.
Contrary to what everyone thinks, The Red Eagle is a real threat to this kingdom.
En contra de lo que piensa todo el mundo el águila roja es una verdadera amenaza para este reino.
You know The Red Eagle. I've seen you with him.
Conoces al águila roja, te he visto con él.
He thinks you're The Red Eagle.
cree que eres el águila roja.
That I am The Red Eagle?
Que yo soy el águila roja?
No, no, Gonzalo, I know that you are not The Red Eagle, but beware, you already know how the Commissioner is.
No, no, Gonzalo, yo sé que tú no eres el águila roja, pero ten cuidado, tú ya conoces al comisario.
If you really know who The Red Eagle is, then catch him ; he is your only way out.
Si realmente sabes quién es águila roja atrápalo, es tu salvoconducto.
You must remove everything in the den that may relate to The Red Eagle, and take it to the cave on Franet Street.
Tienes que llevarte todo lo que haya en la guarida que pueda relacionarnos con el águila roja, a la cueva de la calle de Franet.
Home, to the Red Eagle's lair?
A tu casa, a la guarida del águila roja?
But if you tell me where your costume is, we can hang another prisoner in The Red Eagle's place, provided you agree to leave the village.
Pero si me dices dónde está tu disfraz podemos colgar a otro reo como si fuera el águila roja, siempre y cuando abandones la villa.
The Red Eagle.
El águila roja.
Sátur or The Red Eagle?
Sátur o el águila roja?
The Red Eagle!
El águila roja!
The proof will be when you see that The Red Eagle doesn't come to their rescue.
La prueba la tendrás cuando veas que águila roja no viene a rescatarles.
Because the Commissioner got it into his thick head that Gonzalo is The Red Eagle, and if he doesn't shows up, he'll kill him.
Porque se le ha metido al comisario entre ceja y ceja que Gonzalo es el águila roja, y si no aparece lo mata.
He is not The Red Eagle. No!
Él no es águila roja, no!
By the authority of His Majesty, you're condemned to hang for insulting the kingdom, for stealing from the royal coffers, for contempt of authority, and for murder. Gonzalo Montalvo, aka Red Eagle.
Por orden de su majestad se condena a la horca por injurias al reino hurto a las arcas reales desacato a la autoridad y asesinato a Gonzalo de Montalvo alias águila roja.
Here is The Red Eagle.
Aquí tiene al águila roja.
Confess ; admit that you're The Red Eagle!
Confiesa, dime que eres águila roja!
No, I don't have to help you. All you had to do was to kill The Red Eagle, and what have you done?
No, no tengo que ayudarte, lo único que tenías que hacer era acabar con águila roja, y qué has hecho?
I don't care what methods you employ, but bring me the head of The Red Eagle.
Me da igual los métodos que emplees, pero tráeme la cabeza de águila roja.
You had no reason to recruit a hired assassin to catch The Red Eagle.
No tenías por qué contratar a un asesino a sueldo para coger al águila roja.

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