To be continued tradutor Espanhol
512 parallel translation
To be continued
To be continued.
To be continued
You can't leave us like the daily instalment of a newspaper serial. To be continued.
No puede intrigarnos como si fuera una novela por entregas.
- Sounds like one of those "to be continued next issue" stories.
Parece de los relatos que dicen : "Continuará la próxima semana".
I left the boat with Nick. Diesels and other matters... to be continued in next Saturday's installment. And walked along Fifth Avenue.
Le confié el barco a Nick, dejando el gasóleo y lo demás para el sábado siguiente y paseé solo por la quinta avenida.
To be continued in our next.
Continuará la próxima vez.
You pull up that "To Be Continued" face "!
Estas allí con una cara de "Sigue en el próximo número".
I must tell you that the film has to be continued in any case.
Le digo que la película tiene que terminar de rodarse.
Well, to be continued.
Bien, se lo diré más tarde.
Why don't we make this a "to be continued... until next Wednesday"?
Vamos a dejar ésto para "la próxima"... - para el Miércoles?
To be continued...
I warned you, if you continued to associate with those men... everything would be over between us.
Se lo advertí, si continuaba juntándose con esos hombres, todo acabaría entre nosotros.
In view of the extensive testimony, your continued silence, and on the recommendation of the doctors, the court considers it advisable, for your own safety, that you be committed to an institution as prescribed by law.
En vista de los abundantes testimonios y de su continuado silencio y por recomendación de los doctores, este tribunal considera recomendable, por su propia seguridad, confiarle a una institución adecuada como prescribe la ley.
I am not, you'll be pleased to hear... going to make a speech, but merely on your behalf... to wish them all success... and great and continued happiness... in their future life together.
No voy, les gustará oírlo... a hacer un discurso, sino solamente en su nombre... desearles todos los éxitos... y una gran y continua felicidad... en su futura vida juntos.
Undaunted by the vicious campaign of slander launched against them as a whole and as individuals, they have staunchly continued their investigation pursuing their stated beliefs that anyone who continued to be a Communist after 1945 is guilty of high treason.
Impávidos a pesar de la serviciosa y difamatoria campaña lanzada contra ellos, tanto en conjunto como individualmente, han continuado su investigación incesantemente de que cualquiera que continúe siendo comunista después de 1945 es culpable de alta traición.
She continued to be the last to come down.
Ella seguía siendo la última en bajar.
If she continued on that course... she'll be forced to give herself up, and she won't do that.
Si continúan con ese rumbo, tendrán que rendirse. No lo harán.
But I... continued the experiment... hoping that in the short time... left to me, I'd be able... to prove the... nutrient... would work.
Pero yo... continué el experimento... con la esperanza de que en el poco tiempo... que me quedaba, sería capaz... de demostrar que el... nutriente... funcionaría.
A history Antonio continued to be part of, against his will.
Historia en la cual, Antonio continuó participando, a su pesar.
"To be continued next week."
Continuará la próxima semana. "
"Stahr continued to be dazzled as they danced out along the floor."
"Stahr seguía deslumbrado mientras bailaban".
But flying was strictly for the birds... and continued to be so for thousands of years.
Pero volar era sólo para los pájaros... y lo siguió siendo por miles de años.
On the one hand... But on the other - I thought it would be monstrous, unjust, un-Christian, if you will, if I continued to live there all alone.
Pero por el otro... seguir viviendo solo allí.
But I think we can all feel pleased that the general trend towards what used to be regarded as basic analysis is being continued at our level.
Pero creo que todos nos quedamos contentos... que el general Trend tenga pedido un análisis básico. Ha dado continuación a nuestro trabajo.
Now, Wednesday morning, if necessary the president will issue an appropriate message to the nation. Emphasizing the courage and determination of the crew. And their final wish, that the program be continued without pause.
En la mañana del miércoles, si fuese necesario, el Presidente se dirigirá personalmente a la nación poniendo de relieve la determinación y el valor de los astronautas, y su ferviente deseo de que el programa sea continuado sin la menor pausa.
Effluence and discharges, which did not come within the control of the 1951 Act, they pre-existed that legislation, should now be dealt with in the same way as recent ones. But on the other hand, I know and hope the noble lord will be able to make this perfectly clear, when he comes to reply, that picking up older effluence and discharges, which are produced, and can, at the present time, be controlled... under the 1951 Act... could be continued unabated.
Efluentes y vertidos, que no entró en el control de la Ley de 1951 que existía antes de la legislación ahora deben ser tratados de la misma manera que los recientes pero, por otro lado, sé y espero que el noble señor será capaz de hacer esto perfectamente claro cuando se trata de responder, que recogiendo efluentes y vertidos mayores que se producen, y puede, en el momento actual, ser controlado que bajo la Ley de 1951 podría continuar sin cesar.
Everything continued to be perfectly horrid for some weeks.
Todo siguió mal por algunas semanas.
The Prescott Frontier Days celebration... is the original cowboy rodeo in America... and in the years since, it has continued to be... one of the most honored and well-known rodeos in America.
"Los Tiempos de la Frontera" de Prescott es el rodeo original de vaqueros en EE.UU y desde entonces ha seguido siendo uno de los más honrados y mejor conocidos.
The Ladoga lake continued to be the only breach in the enemy wall.
Lago Ladoga se mantuvo la diferencia sólo en el cerco enemigo.
The city continued to be bombed.
La ciudad continuó siendo bombardeada.
The radio continued to be vital for the "operations matilha".
La radio sigue siendo fundamental con "paquete de operaciones".
The fact that the practical power of modern society... has broken off of its own accord... and established an independent realm in the spectacle... can only be explained by this additional fact... that practical power continued to lack cohesion, and had remained in contradiction with itself.
El que el poder práctico de la sociedad moderna se haya desprendido de ella misma y se haya edificado un imperio independiente en el espectáculo, sólo puede explicarse porque esta práctica poderosa seguía careciendo de cohesión y estaba en contradicción consigo misma.
Rosa Bonetti would have continued to be the lover of Tullio,..
Rosa Bonetti habría continuado siendo amante de Tullio,..
I'm sorry, but the pretense must be continued to Rome.
Me sabe mal, pero en Roma deberemos de seguir el juego.
There must be some civilised solution to all this without this continued use of brute force.
Debe haber una solución civilizada para todo esto... sin ese uso continuado de fuerza bruta.
But ever since Costa e Silva, and despite the fact... that his economic model stimulated foreign capital investments... which brought about tremendous... Brazilian macro-economic GNP growth... distribution of income continued to be inadequate.
Pero a partir del Gobierno Costa e Silva... y a pesar de un modelo económico entonces adoptado... haber sido de estímulo a la importación de capitales extranjeros... y que provocó un gran desarrollo... de la macroeconomía brasilera... el crecimiento del PIB, aunque con...
He admitted, although with hesitation, that the peculiar gloom which afflicted him could be traced to a more natural and far more palpable origin to the severe and long-continued illness, to the evidently approaching dissolution of a tenderly beloved sister.
Admitía, sin embargo, aunque con vacilación,... que se podía buscar un origen más natural y más palpable... a gran parte de la peculiar melancolía que así lo afectaba : la cruel y prolongada enfermedad,... la disolución, evidentemente próxima, de una hermana tiernamente querida.
To be held in custody against your continued good behaviour toward our sovereign lord, the King.
- Va a ser mantenida en custodia para que... mantengáis vuestro buen comportamiento con nuestro Señor Soberano el Rey.
And the marriage continued to be a happy one?
¿ Y el matrimonio siguió siendo feliz?
I'll be obliged if you send Nora and the girls... to church for the next month to pray for... the continued health and strength of the Misters Gilliam, Reese, Snider... Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe and Labine... collectively known as the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Le estaré muy agradecida si hace que Nora y las niñas vayan a la iglesia el mes que viene para rezar por la constante salud y fuerza de los señores Gilliam, Reese, Snider Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe y Labine globalmente conocidos como los Brooklyn Dodgers.
In the hours since his birth, Troi's baby has continued his rapid growth, and appears, physically and mentally, to be a child of eight.
Horas después de su nacimiento, el bebé de Troi sigue creciendo y parece física y mentalmente un niño de ocho años.
She has every right to be there, she's helped us spot crime... and I for one would be, uh, very happy if she continued to stay there.
Tiene derecho a estarahí. Nosayuda con la delincuencia. Me haría mucha ilusión quese quedara ahí.
[Man # 2 On Radio] The market continued to be the victim of sell programs and profit taking today, as the first of many economic reports, this one on retail sales, was -
El mercado es víctima de tomas de ganancia mientras este primer informe económico...
And... and then... I got out of the bath... and he continued to talk to me. I understood at that particular moment... that this time I was going to succumb and be free.
Y... y luego... salí de la bañera... y él continuaba hablándome.
If they continued, I should be obliged to put it into myself
Si sigue por ese camino me veré obligado a pararle los pies yo mismo.
If they continued, I should be obliged to put it into myself
Si sigue por ese camino, me veré obligado a pararle los pies yo mismo.
I think it's continued to be an inspiration to a lot of film-makers
Creo que sigue siendo una inspiración para una gran cantidad de cineastas.
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21