Try to keep up tradutor Espanhol
347 parallel translation
Well, I know I'm not in your class but I'll try to keep up with you.
Bueno, sé que no soy de tu tipo, pero intentaré ponerme a tu altura.
At least try to keep up the pressure on your father.
Al menos intenta mantener la presión en tu padre.
I still try to keep up with my field.
- Aún me interesa mucho ese campo.
Bueno, trata de estar tranquilo, 44.
Just try to keep up with me.
Solo trata de mantener el ritmo.
You're very young, in medicine you must try to keep up appearances... and that counts more, much more, than curing the sick.
¿ Qué quieres decir? ¿ Qué quiero decir? Un médico debe tener decoro, es lo que cuenta.
The fool doesn't even try to keep up appearances.
El tonto ni siquiera lo intenta para guardar las apariencias.
- I think you might try to keep up.
- Creo que debes tratar de mantenerte.
- An engineer, but I try to keep up with things.
E ingeniero, pero trato de hacer ambas cosas.
We try to keep up the traditions.
Tratamos de mantener las tradiciones.
Try to keep up with the conversational flow.
Trata de seguir el hilo de la conversación.
- You gonna try to keep up with me?
- ¿ Vais a intentar seguirme?
I got a lot to do today, so try to keep up.
Tengo mucho que hacer hoy así que trata de seguir.
I try to keep up with it. I go to school, attend seminars and -
Intento seguir aprendiendo y voy a seminarios.
You're talking pretty fancy. I'll try to keep up.
Hablas muy elaborado, trataré de seguirte.
I try to keep up, but these new computers are over my head.
Trato de mantener el paso, pero estas nuevas computadoras me son muy complicadas.
Really, Hastings, you must try to keep up with the modern idioms, huh?
Creo de debería usted intentar poner al día su vocabulario.
Don't try to keep up with the Flanders'.
No intentes imitar a los Flanders.
I try to keep up.
Trato de ponerme al día.
- I try to keep up.
- lntento mantenerme al día.
It's hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.
Es un trabajo duro y trato de ser rápido pero mis manos me duelen la mayor parte del tiempo.
Try to keep up with me.
¡ Procura no rezagarte!
Try to keep up with me, buster.
Trata de mantener mi ritmo.
Yeah, but, honey, don't you think you should at least try to keep up your friendships?
-... y no te quedarán amigos. - Eso nunca pasará.
Try to keep up with me.
- Intenta ir a mi ritmo.
Grab your gear and try to keep up.
Tome su equipo y mantenga el ritmo.
Monsieur, if you're willing to take a sporting chance go back to Egypt keep up your work, at least try and save what you've already done.
Monsieur, si está dispuesto a arriesgarse, vuelva a Egipto y siga con su trabajo. Trate de salvar lo que ya ha hecho.
- You're not gonna try to keep this up.
- ¿ Qué? No sigas con esta farsa.
I'm gonna try to keep Blanche out until the party breaks up.
Voy a ver si saco por ahí a Blanche hasta que terminéis.
I try to keep them up for her.
Intento mantenerlos para ella.
Go up to the road and keep firing on them in case they try to come to the front, ja?
Sube a la carretera y no dejes de dispararles por si intentan avanzar hacia aquí.
Well... I could try to wake him up, but he'll just keep on sleeping into the night!
Podría intentarlo, pero seguirá durmiendo hasta la noche.
You're going to keep up with us and try hard?
- ¿ Podrás seguir nuestro ritmo?
I would suggest that you try to keep away from clichés, and look up the spelling of the Lady in Tennyson's
Te sugiero que no caigas en las frases hechas, y consulta el habla de Lady Shalott en la obra
Should the sensation keep up just give me a ring and... i'll try to come by later on tonight.
Si el dolor no remite, llámeme. Intentaré ir.
I suggest that you reach deep down inside yourself..... and try and find something to keep you awake a little longer,..... because this transmission coming up may just rekindle your will to live.
Te sugiero que busques en lo más profundo de tu ser y encuentres algo que te mantenga despierto un poco más porque la próxima transmisión puede reavivar tus ganas de vivir.
You try to think of something else, but you can't, because they keep speeding up the pace.
Encima no puedes pensar en otra cosa... Hay que seguir el ritmo... a veces cambia... se acelera...
Okay, son, keep your chin up, and try not to come back.
Bien hijo. Mantén la cabeza erguida y no vuelvas por aquí, si puedes conseguirlo.
- I leave the tool here, but I'm telling you, at least five hundred. Try to keep it up.
Pero se lo advierto, o paga lo correspondido, o la próxima vez no podré hacer la vista gorda.
Try to eat a little something, just to keep up appearances.
Intente comer, al menos para guardar las apariencias.
Akira, you need to try and keep up a little better.
Akira, tu necesitas intentar mejorar un poco.
Try to keep it up.
Trata de mantenerla alta.
You just have to try and keep up.
Sólo tienes que intentar seguirme.
Try to keep our shields up in case Taris decides to act on her threat.
Intente subir los campos por si Taris decidiera actuar.
We try to keep it up.
Procuramos mantenerla.
You keep this up, I may just try to lure you away from this place.
Continûa y a lo mejor voy a ententar sacarte de este lugar
Oh, I haven't slept in three days. You know, I try to sleep at work, but I keep thinking any minute one of'em's gonna go into labor and I'll just end up- -
Oh, No he dormido en tres dias. trate de dormir en el trabajo, pero con la preocupacion del parto y todo eso yo.. -
It seem the rain will never let up I try to keep my head up
" Parece que la lluvia no quiere parar...
All of them. They sent us down here because... they want us to change or grow up or something, and all they do is try and keep us the same.
le envió él aquí, todos ellos nos enviaron aquí porque quieren que cambiemos, y luego sólo intentan mantenernos iguales.
It's sweet of you to try to lie to me, but if you keep it up, that collar is going to electrocute you.
Es dulce de tu parte el tratar de mentirme, pero si sigues haciéndolo, ese collar va a electrocutarte.
If you can keep up, you're welcome to try.
Si pueden mantener el ritmo, son bienvenidos.
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to remember 95
try to breathe 17
try to get some sleep 40
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to remember 95
try to breathe 17
try to sleep 39
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try them 22
try this one 103
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try these 31
try that again 27
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try them 22
try this one 103
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try these 31
try that again 27