Unclean tradutor Espanhol
473 parallel translation
" That awful Bonze persecutes me, because I have perceived his unclean purposes... but I will pray to Buddha myself...
" Este cruel Bonze me persigue porque comprendo sus oscuras intenciones... pero le preguntaré a Buda por mí mismo...
The love I bear for him is unclean and full of sin.
El amor que trae es impuro y pecaminoso.
The love I bear him is unclean and full of sin.
El amor que le doy es impuro y pecaminoso.
It is impossible to build a road by unclean hands.
Es imposible construir caminos con las manos sucias.
A birth during a funeral is considered unclean.
Un nacimiento durante un funeral se considera impuro.
It is not lawful for me, a priestess of Isis, to see or touch an unclean thing.
Como sacerdotisa de Isis, no puedo tocar ni ver nada impuro.
I was snoring in my bed while they were trying to free England... from an unclean tyrant.
Yo dormia, mientras ellos trataban de liberar a Inglaterra... de un traidor deshonesto.
My land is overrun with unclean beasts.
Mi tierra abunda en bestias inmundas.
To me, it seemed unclean.
Para mí, era una vileza.
They ought to be burned like something unclean.
Deberían quemar estos papeles como algo impuro.
Well, neither do I. It seems sort-of unclean.
A mí tampoco. No es correcto.
Says he'd rather die On this roof... Than suffer My unclean presence In the same boat.
Dice que prefiere morir en este techo... que aguantar mi presencia en el mismo bote.
You're seedy and unclean.
Va Ud. miserable y ni siquiera limpio.
You came into this court with unclean hands.
Ha venido a esta corte con mentiras ocultas.
The face painted in the canvas could grow bestial, sodden and unclean.
El rostro del lienzo podría embrutecerse, empaparse y ensuciarse.
May the Lord have mercy on your unclean soul.
El Señor se apiade de su alma...
I'd feel unclean.
Me sentiría impura.
And I used to think happiness was something ugly and unclean.
Yo solía creer que la felicidad era fea e indecente.
He palpated my stomach at length with thick and unclean hands.
Me palpó con sus grandes manos, estaban sucias.
Unclean flesh.
Carne impúdica.
- Unclean Water -
You yourself are unclean.
Usted mismo está desaseado.
Considering my unclean body.
que no era limpia.
I feel unclean.
Me siento sucio.
I just feel dirty, I feel unclean.
Me siento sucio, no me siento limpio.
I tell you every man of Judea is unclean and will stay unclean until we have scoured off our bodies the crust and filth of being at the mercy of tyranny.
Todo hombre de Judea está sucio y seguirá sucio hasta que despojemos los cuerpos de la suciedad de estar a la merced de la tiranía.
You pry and meddle with unclean hands and eyes.
Excava con manos y ojos sucios.
These unclean slaves... cannot touch your chaste body
Estos impíos esclavos... no pueden tocar tu casto cuerpo
Yeah, unclean.
Sí, sucia.
It was the time of miracles, and Jesus put forth his hand and cleansed those who were vexed with unclean spirits.
Era el tiempo de los milagros, y Jesús levantó su mano... y limpió a los que estaban agobiados por sus espíritus impuros.
There's something... something unclean, like being in league with the... that's it.
Hay algo... algo sucio,... como estar confabulado con el... - Eso es. Le acertaste.
You won't force me to touch unclean flesh!
¡ No quiero verla! ¡ No quiero verla!
Horie, you're starting to seem sort of unclean to me.
Horie, tienes aspecto un tanto desaseado.
¿ Desaseado?
Make you own, both, against all unclean things of this world.
Manténganse juntos, los dos contra todas las cosas malvadas del mundo.
" "Unclean is the earth ; Evil is life ;" "
" La tierra es impura y la vida es pura maldad.
When an unclean spirit leaves a man to find another dwelling, yet finds none it says :
Cuando el espíritu malo ha salido de algún hombre... y sin descanso vaga por el desierto, entonces dice : Regresaré a mi casa de donde salí.
It is only what we do, what we think that makes us unclean.
Son nuestros actos, nuestros pensamientos lo que nos hace impuros.
He said my father, the unclean son of a pig could keep his television and pay more money.
Ha dicho que el asqueroso cerdo de mi padre puede quedarse con la televisiòn y pagar màs dinero.
¡ Impuro!
¡ No!
Pierce her heart so that the unclean blood drains from her
Perfore su corazón de modo que escurra la sangre
Me siento sucia.
I know I'm unclean.
Sé que soy un sucio.
Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Dos familias, ambas con semejante dignidad, en la hermosa Verona, donde situamos la escena, inician una nueva disputa por antiguas discordias, en que la sangre civil ensucia las manos civiles.
Might be unclean.
- Podría estar sucia.
Matter as unworthy and unclean as our bodies could not have been created by God.
Una materia tan indigna e impura... como nuestro cuerpo... no pudo ser creada por Dios.
If anyone holds that the meats God gives man are unclean and, unless it is from a desire for self-mortification, he abstains from eating them...
Si una persona se abstiene de las carnes que Dios nos da para el alimento, no porque quiera mortificarse... sino porque no le parecen buenas viandas,
But we both served an unclean spirit and must pay for it.
Pero ambos servimos a un espíritu impuro y debemos pagar por esto.
With all his power the devil strives for dominion over the world. But God has allowed us to uncover this unclean nest and granted us the honour of trampling this nest under foot and purifying it by fire.
Con todo su poder el diablo procura poseer dominio sobre el mundo... pero Dios nos ha permitido descubrir este nido siniestro... y nos ha cedido el honor de pisotearlo con los pies... y purificarlo con fuego.
I've spent my time in lust and wantonness and unclean acts.
He pasado mi tiempo en lujuria y despreocupación, y en actos impuros.
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