We found him tradutor Espanhol
2,180 parallel translation
About an hour ago, we found him in a shallow grave Just beyond the perimeter of sky harbor airport.
Hace como 1 hora, lo encontramos en una tumba superficial un poco más allá del perímetro del aeropuerto Harbor.
We found him next to the camp this morning - -- dead!
Ha aparecido esta mañana muerto junto al campamento.
You remember when we found him sitting there... with the scoop of chocolate in his hand, how old was he?
Te acuerdas cuando nos lo encontramos ahí sentado con el cucharón de chocolate en la mano, qué tenía?
I think we found him.
Creo que lo hemos encontrado.
Oh, we found him all right.
- Le encontramos muy bien.
But when we found him, and it turned out he was a match for me,
Pero cuando le encontramos, y resultó ser compatible conmigo,
When we found him, he had drugs and alcohol in his system.
Cuando le encontramos estaba drogado y bebido.
We found him.
Lo encontramos.
We found him.
Lo hemos encontrado.
Yeah, we found him getting tossed out of a bar uptown.
Si, lo encontamos cuando lo echaban de un bar de la parte alta de la ciudad.
We found him.
Los encontramos
We - - we found him!
nosotros lo encontramos!
Not far from where we found him.
- No muy lejos de donde lo encontramos.
And that's where we found him dead on the side of the road.
Y ahí es donde lo encontramos muerto al lado de la carretera.
But he didn't look like that when we found him.
Pero no parecía así cuando lo encontramos.
Roommates with Phil Reiser, who had what in his boat when we found him dead?
Compañero de piso de Phil Resiser, ¿ que tenía qué en su bote cuando lo encontramos muerto?
We found him at Boeck's wedding.
Lo encontramos en la boda de Boeck.
We found him dead the other night.
Lo encontramos muerto la otra noche.
And then a month later, when she realized that he had taken me and my sister with him, it got even worse... But then she found us in cabo, and it turned out to be the best family vacation ever, until we decided to go horseback riding. Okay.
Y después un mes más tarde, cuando ella se dió cuenta que se había llevado a mi hermana y amí con él, se puso aún peor... pero entonces nos encontró en Cabo, y reslutaron ser las mejores vacaciones familiare,
Oh, we, uh... we found the next of kin. Raul was wiring money to an aunt in Peru. She said his brother's here lookin'for him.
Encontramos a su pariente más cercano Raul le estaba enviando dinero a una tía en Perú ella dice que su hermano está aquí buscándolo.
Still haven't found him, though we do know that he went through a divorce and a series of jobs.
Aún no lo encuentran, por lo que sabemos pasó por un divorcio y una serie de trabajos.
We went back, and found him with all that chocolate... all over his hands... if he didn't eat two pounds then he didn't eat anything!
Llegamos, y nos lo encontramos ahí, con el cucharón del chocolate, hasta arriba las manos, si no se comía dos libras no se comía ninguna!
We ran him for next of kin, found his wife.
Buscamos familiares, y tiene esposa.
Most likely found out that we were coming for him.
Se habrá enterado de que estábamos tras él.
When we found his car, we just assumed Racine killed him.
Encontramos su auto y supusimos que lo mató Racine.
We found a letter that Miss Kosokov had written to him.
Hallamos una carta que la Srta. Kosokov le había escrito.
Well, then if you didn't kill him, maybe you can explain why we found your prints at the scene.
Bien, entonces si tú no lo mataste, quizás puedas explicar por qué encontramos tus huellas en la escena del crimen.
Well, we can't arrest him unless we match his DNA to what was found in the victim.
No podemos arrestarlo a menos que casemos su ADN con el que encontramos en la víctima.
Tell him we found Nathan, and meet you back at the house.
¡ Llamaré a Marcus, para decirle que encontramos a Nathan, y que nos vemos en la casa!
When we think of van Gogh, we see him as a strange, mad genius who somehow, through sheer instinct, found a way of pouring out the blaze of his inner feelings onto canvas.
Cuando pensamos en Van Gogh, lo vemos como un genio loco y extraño, quien de alguna manera, a través de puro instinto, encontró el modo de verter la hoguera de sus sentimientos sobre el lienzo.
She found him a few minutes before we did.
Lo encontró uno minutos antes que nosotras.
I friended him on the program page and found out he lived nearby, so we decided to hook up.
Lo contacté como amigo en la página del programa. y nos dimos cuenta que vivíamos cerca, así que decidimos quedar.
Tell him we might have found your next script.
Dile que puede que hayamos encontrado tu próximo guión.
When he found out that we lied to him, he was mad at you, but I think my part in it cut even deeper.
cuando descubrió que le mentíamos. estaba furioso contigo, pero creo que mi parte le hirió incluso más profundo.
We found a guy who might have a line on him.
Encontramos un tipo que puede que sepa de él.
Or maybe he decided he didn't want to be around if we found a way to connect him to his girlfriend's disappearance.
O tal vez decidió que no quería estar cerca por si encontramos un modo de conectarle con la desparición de su novia.
If we have not found him in four-and-a-half, we are turning back. Let's move.
Si no lo encontramos en 4 horas y media, volveremos, movámonos.
He said : "If we'd found him we wouldn't let him live".
Me dijo : "Si lo encontramos, no le dejaremos seguir viviendo"
But we think we've found him on a ship sailing out of Morocco.
Pero creemos que lo encontramos, en un barco saliendo de Marruecos.
Well, then, why are we the guys who found him?
Bueno, entonces, ¿ por qué somos los que lo encontramos?
We didn't get a lot of details, but it sounds like they found this guy pulseless, shocked him once.
No tuvimos un montón de detalles, pero suena como Encontraron este tipo sin pulso, Estaba en shock.
We still haven't found him yet.
- No. Aún no le hemos encontrado.
We found the wire transfer you used to pay him.
Encontramos la transferencia que usaste para pagarle.
We found this inside him.
Encontramos esto dentro de él.
I think we've found him.
Creo que hemos encontrado.
But Dr. Ortese insisted that we come back and tell him what we found at Julian's house.
Pero el Dr. Ortese insistió que volvieramos y te dijeramos que Lo encontramos en la casa de Julián.
We, uh, found this on him.
Hemos encontrado esto con él.
For a very long time. But up till now we haven't found him.
Pero aún no lo han encontrado.
We haven't found him yet.
No lo hemos encontrado aún.
We haven't found him.
No lo hemos encontrado.
So we've found him.
Lo hemos encontrado.
we found nothing 22
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found them 52
found him 88
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found them 52
found him 88
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
we forgive you 16
we fought 58
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
we forgive you 16
we fought 58