We found them tradutor Espanhol
970 parallel translation
And on the second day, we found them,
Los encontramos al segundo día de marcha.
We found them.
Los capturamos.
We'll fix things just as we found them the night of the murder.
Pondremos las cosas como estaban la noche del asesinato.
Well, we went for a little stroll and we found them prowling around on the edge of the jungle.
Fuimos a caminar y... los encontramos dando vueltas en el límite de la selva.
Yeah, we found them trying to get off the dock
- Los vimos intentando bajar a tierra.
- We found them under a rock.
- Estaban bajo una piedra.
We found them infinitely better equipped than the soldiers.
Los encontramos infinitamente mejor equipados que los soldados.
We found them.
Los hemos encontrado.
We found them under a bush.
Los encontramos bajo un arbusto.
We've got to leave things as we found them.
Debemos dejar todo tal como lo hallamos.
You think we found them on the street?
¿ Crees que los encontramos en la calle?
- We found them.
- Nosotros los encontramos.
We found them agreeably talkative. But what we want to know :
Además nos parecen agradablemente locuaces.
We found them!
¡ Los encontramos!
Well, no... as a matter of fact, I haven't... You see, Clarke Baker and I ran a rather small 2-man shop. Our services were limited to the collection of opinions and facts in the fields we found them for our clients.
Clark Baker y yo tenemos una pequeña empresa que se limita a la captación de opiniones y hechos de campo para nuestros clientes.
We found them hiding in a cellar, sir.
Los hemos encontrado en un sótano, señor.
And we found them both.
Y los hemos encontrado.
In fact, Herbie, when we found them they were in these square tin cans and we brought them to Warner Hollywood studios where we tried to transfer them.
De hecho, Herbie, las encontramos en unas latas cuadradas y las trajimos a los estudios Warner Hollywood donde intentamos transferirlas.
We found them.
Las hemos encontrado.
It was Allah's will that we found them.
Alá quiso que pasáramos por allí en ese momento
We found them!
¡ Los hemos encontrado!
Well, we all know the state in which we've found them.
Bien, todos sabemos el estado en el cual los hemos encontrado.
We found it very hard to film them.
Tuvimos grandes dificultades para filmar a algunos de ellos.
We, my friend Macky and I, found them and played them right into the hands of the police!
Nosotros, Macky y yo, los descubrimos y se los pusimos en sus manos.
We just found out that one of them is A.P. Kirby.
Hemos descubierto que uno de ellos es A.P. Kirby.
If we'd found them emeralds, we could've left the army... and lived like dukes. See?
Si las hubiéramos hallado, habríamos dejado el ejército... y vivido como duques. ¿ Entienden?
And since we found no weapons with Linden and Tennant It's only natural to assume that the third man still has them
Y como no hallamos armas en Linden y Tennant es de lógica suponer que el 3er hombre aún las tiene.
Naturally we'd have given anything to have found them alive.
Habríamos dado lo que fuera por encontrarlos vivos.
We got to Cocos after a couple of years... and we found what no other treasure hunter had ever found - markers - markers left by Black Hook - human skulls buried in the sand - but we didn't know how to read them.
Fuimos a Cocos al cabo de unos años... y encontramos lo que no había encontrado ningún otro buscador de tesoros : indicadores... indicadores colocados por Garfio Negro... cráneos humanos enterrados en la arena, pero no sabíamos cómo interpretarlo.
Do you think we found most of them?
¿ Cree que está todo?
We haven't found any tracks, neither of them nor their dogs.
No encontramos huellas, ni suyas ni de sus perros.
Yes. We found his bones and buried them.
Hallamos sus huesos y los enterramos.
You would've heard if we had found them.
- Lo sabría si los hubiéramos hallado.
We finally found them.
Finalmente lo encontramos.
I wished we'd found them yesterday.
Ojalá las hubiésemos encontrado ayer.
When we found the recordings gone from my office, I knew who had taken them.
Cuando vimos que los discos no estaban en mi oficina, yo sabía quién los había tomado.
Have them send out steam shovels and dig up that whole area where we found the station wagon.
Que traigan el equipo necesario para drenar la zona donde estaba el coche. Bien.
I just wish we had found one of them, that's all.
Ojalá hubiéramos encontrado a uno.
So we can match them against the sample in which the fossil was found.
Para compararlas con la roca en la que encontramos el fósil.
Now, what if we found you four fine locations... and fitted them up for you?
¿ Si encontraramos cuatro sitios estratégicos... y nos ocuparamos de todo?
In one of them, we found this envelope.
En una de ellas, encontramos este sobre.
We found three bodies in them ashes.
- Encontramos tres cadáveres.
I don't like to disagree but merely because a dead scorpion was found coming to the surface doesn't mean we didn't destroy them all when we dynamited.
Lo lamento, pero... que hayan localizado un escorpión muerto en el sector... no significa que no hayan sido destruidos.
We've found them.
Los encontramos.
Once we found those we realised that the public had to hear them as we were hearing them because they were extraordinarily beautifully recorded.
Cuando las encontramos, nos dimos cuenta de que el público debía oírlas igual que las oíamos nosotros porque estaban extraordinariamente grabadas.
Getting back to the sound, once we found the original music we realised we had to use them.
Volviendo al sonido, cuando encontramos la música original, supimos que teníamos que usarla.
We found tracks at the roadside cross of St Honorine, but then lost them at St Jean farm.
Hemos encontrado huellas en el cruce de Saint Honorine. - ¿ Y entonces? - Las hemos vuelto a perder en la granja de Saint Jean.
We found out, he's no use to them.
- Averiguamos que no les sirve.
- We have found them.
- Las hemos encontrado nosotros.
Two of them. Father found some old pipe tobacco in the pocket lining of his coat, and we made them - rather, Father did.
Padre encontró tabaco de pipa en el bolsillo de su chaqueta, y los hicimos.
Most of them are found on the dark continent, but we have a few at home, too.
Casi todas ellas se encuentran en el continente oscuro, pero aquí tenemos también alguna que otra.
we found nothing 22
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found him 147
found them 38
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found him 147
found them 38
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16