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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We found it

We found it tradutor Espanhol

4,629 parallel translation
We found it under the body.
Lo encontramos debajo del cuerpo.
We found it.
Lo encontramos.
Look! We found it!
¡ Lo encontramos!
Come on, Rob! We found it.
Lo encontramos.
Thank God we found it.
Gracias a Dios lo encontramos.
W-W-Well, we found it. You said so.
sólo la encontramos oculta.
I think we found it. Uh... Why wouldn't they move it?
Creo que lo hemos encontrado. ¿ Por qué no lo movieron?
We all knew about the murder but when we found it someone who was related to the gay scene that was a prostitute, really shocked.
Todo el mundo sabía sobre el asesinato, pero cuando nos enteramos de lo asociada con la escena gay y era un tipo de escolta realmente? conmocionado.
We found it.
- La hemos encontrado.
'ln that case,'we'll found one together and you'll run it.'
Dijiste : "Vamos a crear juntos una y tú la administrarás".
It's been 10 hours since everything started, and we made it to a church, found help.
Pasaron 10 horas desde que comenzó todo. Llegamos a una iglesia, nos socorrieron.
Tell him we found him and that he should return to the hotel to pick it up.
Dile que lo encontramos y que debe regresar al hotel a recogerlo.
First off, we found this tape in your possession. It's a video of the little girl that you said was not missing.
Primero, encontramos esta cinta en tu poder, el video de la pequeña que tú dijiste que no estaba extraviada.
We found a fragment of the logo on it.
Encontramos un fragmento del logo.
- When we found you, it was cold.
- Cuando te encontramos, estaba frío.
We found this amongst your husband's things. Have you ever seen it?
Encontramos esto entre las cosas de su esposo. ¿ LO había visto alguna vez?
We would have found it if it was there.
Lo hubiéramos encontrado.
She said she was disappointed, but she understood that these things happen, and if I was still going to feel this way when I returned, it's much better we found out now.
Dijo que estaba decepcionada. Pero entendió que estas cosas pasan, y mejor descubrirlo ahora que cuando regresara.
I had just found out that my mom wasn't my real mom, so I came over here to talk about it, and we got into a fight.
Acabo de enterarme que mi madre no era mi verdadera madre. Vine a hablar con ella y terminamos peleando.
It's always to you. I know that what we had together, that the world we found, we will never lose.
En fin, es contigo que hablo.
They ended up just leaving, and we never found out who it was.
Al final se fueron. Nunca averiguamos quién había sido.
We found this at the scene, what do you make of it?
Encontramos esto en la escena, ¿ qué es lo que hacemos de ella?
It's similar to the flecks we found in Markham's car and Henderson's bedroom.
Es parecida a las muestras que encontramos en el coche de Markham y en el dormitorio de Henderson.
We've found it.
Lo hemos encontrado.
Well anyway we found this profile online, it was linked to all of her friends, everyone from her school.
Bueno, entonces encontramos este perfil en línea, estaba vinculado a todos sus amigos, a todos en su escuela.
We found her having it because she used it to call Nathaniel Bloom for a coffee meeting many months ago.
Supe que lo tenía porque lo usó para llamar a Nathaniel Bloom para reunirse en torno a un café hace muchos meses.
It was what we found.
Es por lo que hemos encontrado.
And it's at this point... that we found this.
Y es en este punto... que encontramos esto.
We know it's Mr. Lebleu's because we found the ear tag it was wearing.
Es una vaca del Sr. Lebleu... porque encontraron... el anillo de identificación.
But how'd it get there? We found a secret tunnel.
Una llegó allí... a través de un pasaje secreto.
It's like Lebleu whom we found in his tank.
Como a Lebleu, que lo encontramos en su pozo.
We found out this is where they're making the drugs. And Hood desperately wanted to tie it to Proctor, but we couldn't.
Averiguamos que ahí fabricaban drogas y Hood ansiaba relacionarlo con Proctor, pero no pudimos.
We found the hole already, and it was empty, and I'm pretty sure it didn't lead to the fountain of youth.
Ya encontramos el agujero y estaba vacío, y estoy muy seguro de que no apuntaba a la fuente de la juventud.
- I found it - We're in the same class
¡ Lo encontré, estamos en la misma clase!
Believe it was the next day we went back with the video camera and just kind of reenacted, you know, how I found her.
Creo que fue al día siguiente, que regresé con la cámara de vídeo y sólo tipo de escenifica, ya sabes, como yo la encontré.
I'm absolutely certain this is going to be the best thing we ever found and it's going to be a complete T. rex.
Estoy absolutamente seguro de que esto va a ser el mejor que hemos encontrado y que va a ser un T. rex completa.
'In those acts of instinct and courage we found a freedom'and it made us bold.
"En esos actos de instinto y valor encontramos libertad" "y nos hizo audaces".
And when we were talking it over, she seemed to be saying that she found midwifery quite hard.
Y cuando hemos estado hablando de ello, parecía que estaba diciendo que veía el ejercicio de partera muy duro.
We need a sample to see if it matches the stuff we found in Natasha's stab wounds.
Necesitamos una muestra para ver si coincide con las cosas que encontramos en las heridas de arma blanca de Natasha.
Did it ever occur to you guys that we found that book awfully easy?
¿ No habéis pensado que encontramos el diario demasiado fácilmente?
We found ligature marks on her wrists, so it looks like she was tied with rope and then weighed down with something.
Encontramos marcas de ligaduras en sus muñecas... así que parece que la ataron con una cuerda y luego la lastraron con algo.
We just haven't found it yet.
Solo que no la hemos encontrado todavía.
Hence, we found that we do not know the path to the camp blue team, and we thought you'd we could not show it.
Bueno, estábamos pensando, que no conocemos el camino al campamento base del equipo azul. Y que tú deberías ir a echar un vistazo.
Well, it wasn't Luther we found in there, was it?
Bueno, no encontramos a Luther ahí, ¿ no?
We could easily trip it with the picofarads found in common static electricity.
Podríamos tropezar con facilidad con los picofaradios que se encuentran en la electricidad estática común.
We all need a-a place to come home to, and in you and this amazing city, I have found it...
Todos necesitamos un lugar para venir a nuestro hogar, y contigo y esta impresionante ciudad, lo he encontrado
- It was dead when we found it. - What?
- Estaba muerto cuando lo encontramos.
The first is an abandoned assembly plant out in Mayview, it's about a mile from the factory where we found the other bodies.
La primera es una planta de montaje en las afueras de Mayview... a un kilómetro de la fábrica donde encontramos los cadáveres.
It's quick, but we found some actor to rent our house.
Es pronto, pero hemos encontrado un actor dispuesto a alquilar nuestra casa.
It is found, we take our part, legit. And allowed to enjoy themselves.
La buscamos, tomamos nuestra parte solamente... y los dejamos que se diviertan solos.
We were hiding our computer cord everywhere in our apartment but he always found it.
Escondíamos el cable del ordenador en cualquier lugar del apartamento pero siempre lo encontraba.

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