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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We found you

We found you tradutor Espanhol

4,080 parallel translation
And what's with that little shop of horrors we found you in?
¿ Y qué es ese museo de los horrores que hemos visto?
- If you didn't do anything, Daryl, how come we found you hiding out in your mother's attic?
- Si no hiciste nada, Daryl, ¿ cómo es que te encontramos escondido en el ático de tu madre?
We found you a date, and he's perfect.
Te encontramos una cita, y es perfecto.
We found you in this.
Te encontramos en esto.
How stupid are you to hide out in the same place we found you before, Jay?
Quà © estúpido.  ¿ Cà ³ mo te escondes donde te encontramos antes?
I gotta tell you, we know who you are. We found you, but the audience won't have heard of you.
Pues, de hecho, nosotras los conocemos Simone y yo, que los encontramos, pero el público aún no los conoce.
- It's high time we found you somewhere to live with proper adult supervision.
- ¿ Niña? Es tiempo de que te encontremos un lugar con la supervisión adulta correcta.
Is that what you were trying to do when we found you?
¿ Eso tratabas de hacer cuando te encontramos?
I can't believe we found you.
- No puedo creer que te encontramos. - No puedo creerlo.
When we found you, you were badly injured.
Cuando te encontramos, estabas gravemente herido.
- When we found you, it was cold.
- Cuando te encontramos, estaba frío.
Did you say "We found a place"?
¿ Has dicho "hemos encontrado"?
- The driver, an old priest... and a coffin of a man that was to be buried in the village. But we found nothing. Did you look in the coffin?
El cochero, un viejo sacerdote... y un ataúd con el cadáver de un hombre que iba a ser enterrado en la villa.
What proof do you have? Well, the items we found at the apartment are basically a love letter from Wolff to his father.
- Los objetos que encontramos en el apartamento son básicamente una carta de amor de Wolff a su padre.
We were about four years old and we'd just found a pond full of frogspawn, and he wanted to take it home, like you do, only we'd nowt to carry it in.
Tendríamos como cuatro años y... encontramos un charco de agua lleno de huevos de rana... y él quiso llevarlos a casa, como ustedes, sólo que no teníamos en qué llevarlos.
Well, you know the cocaine-laced bonito we found in the snow at Ryan Bonham's yard?
- Bueno, ¿ te acuerdas lo del bonito aliñado con cocaína que encontramos en la nieve en el jardín de Ryan Bonham?
And while the citrine we found at the scene doesn't match any of the jewelry from Alison's house, we did find something I think you're gonna like.
Y aunque la citrina que encontramos en la escena no es la misma que la de las joyas en la casa de Alison encontramos algo que te gustará.
Look, you know what, Cam found traces of Barnes'blood on Alison Kidman's shoe. We got her.
Cam encontró restos de la sangre de Barnes en el zapato de Alison Kidman.
We were supposed to meet three hours ago to talk about what evidence you guys might have found, and our protest is tomorrow.
Se suponía que nos íbamos a encontrar hace tres horas para hablar de las pruebas que podiais haber encontrado, y nuestra protesta es ma ´ ñana.
Make for the clearing we found earlier and I'll meet you there.
Vayan al claro que encontramos antes.
But since you were the one that actually found Tommy and Melissa, it's especially important that we go through it all again.
Pero como usted fue quien encontró a Tommy y a Melissa es especialmente importante que repasemos todo otra vez.
Every guard in the palace is searching for you and we will both be executed as traitors if you are found here.
Cada guardia en el palacio te está buscando y nos ejecutarán a ambos por traidores si te encuentran aquí.
We found the skeletons of many tomb robbers who go just like you, Mr Levitz.
Encontramos los esqueletos de muchos ladrones que fueron igual que usted señor Levitz.
How would you feel if we found Tae Min but he had grown up well in a nice place?
¿ Y si encuentras a Tae Min y fue criado en una buena familia?
Look, we've already found it, you idiot.
Mira, ya hemos encontrado, idiota.
So if we're done measuring dicks can you have your people show me what you found?
Así que si hemos terminado de medirnos los penes ¿ puedes hacer que su gente me muestre lo que encontraron?
Did Inspector Gitchell tell you, "We found blood on this knife"?
¿ El inspector Gitchell le dijo "hallamos sangre en el cuchillo"?
Did Gitchell tell you, "We found blood on this knife"?
¿ Gitchell le dijo "hallamos sangre en el cuchillo"?
Lieutenant, we just found his car about 1 / 4 mile south of you.
Hallamos el auto del sospechoso 400 metros al sur de aquí.
If we were in the woods, you never would have found me.
Si estuviéramos en el bosque, nunca me habrías encontrado.
I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, you should totally be the one who tells Annie that we found her parents!
No podría ser de otro modo, deberías ser tu quien le diga a Annie que hallamos...
I found that if you we can turn and return all to normal!
Me imagino que si revertimos el rayo ¡ volveremos a todos a la normalidad!
It was in a letter we found, he wrote to you.
Eso decía en una carta que le escribió.
You didn't tell Caesar about the guns we found?
No le hablaste a Cesar de las armas que encontramos?
You know, it's like we kind of found our groove.
Ya sabes, es como que tipo de encontramos nuestro ritmo.
It was just expensive Swiss chocolate everywhere, and then finally, we found some MM's after hours of searching, and mom bought you, like, 50 packs, bought out the store.
Sólo había chocolate suizo caro por todas partes, y, entonces finalmente, encontramos algunos M Ms... después de horas de búsqueda, y, mamá te compró, como, 50 bolsitas, se compró la tienda.
♪ and let me come with you ♪ ♪ and when we came out into view ♪ ♪ and there I found myself with you ♪
# and let me come with you # # and when we came out into view # # and there I found myself with you #
Hiro, we found something you should see.
Hiro, encontramos algo que deberías ver.
Then the question is why you came here, seeing as we would've found all this out ourselves.
Entonces la pregunta es, ¿ por qué vino aquí? Hubiéramos descubierto esto por nosotros mismos.
I think we just found our first piece of evidence... to get you guys off the hook with Kane.
Creo que encontramos nuestra primera pieza de evidencia para evitarles el encuentro con Kane.
But as you can see, we have found sanctuary.
Pero como pueden ver, hemos encontrado santuario.
If you hadn't mentioned that pig, we wouldn't have found this evidence.
Si no hubieras mencionado el cerdo no hubiésemos encontrado esta evidencia.
And now you're free and you found me and we can be together.
Ahora que eres libre y me has encontrado podemos estar juntos.
No, um we just think you'd be happier if you found friends that you have more in common with.
No, um pensamos que estarías más feliz si es que encuentras amigos con los que tengas más cosas en común.
'ln that case,'we'll found one together and you'll run it.'
Dijiste : "Vamos a crear juntos una y tú la administrarás".
We sourced the signal to you, yet we found no communication equipment on your person, let alone something with the processing power to break through a helio-encrypted firewall.
Seguimos la fuente de la señal hasta ti, todavía no hemos encontrado equipo de comunicación en tu persona, por no hablar de algo con el poder de procesamiento... para atravesar un firewall con cifrado de helio.
First off, we found this tape in your possession. It's a video of the little girl that you said was not missing.
Primero, encontramos esta cinta en tu poder, el video de la pequeña que tú dijiste que no estaba extraviada.
You see, we found something.
Verás, encontramos algo.
I'd tell you, Jack... but I don't see how that much matters seeing that we found these in your tent just now.
Te lo diría, Jack pero no sé de qué serviría, en vista que hayamos esto en tu tienda en este momento.
Excuse me, we found a broken window round there, I thought I better let you know.
Discúlpeme, encontramos una ventana rota a la vuelta, pensé que debían saberlo.
We found this amongst your husband's things. Have you ever seen it?
Encontramos esto entre las cosas de su esposo. ¿ LO había visto alguna vez?

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