When we broke up tradutor Espanhol
154 parallel translation
I used to wonder if I was right when we broke up.
Solía preguntarme si tuve razón cuando terminamos.
A month ago, when we broke up.
Hace un mes, cuando rompimos.
It was all fine when we broke up.
Todo estaba bien cuando nos separamos
When we broke up, I was devastated.
Cuando rompimos, estaba desvastada.
Okay, when we broke up yesterday we were talking about the difference between guilt and responsibility.
Bien, ayer cuando interrumpimos estábamos hablando de la diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad.
When we broke up last time he locked himself in the john and took some pills.
La última vez que rompimos, se encerró en el baño y tomó píldoras.
He was 14 when we broke up.
Cuando nos separamos tenía 14 años, se supone que ya era un chico formado.
When we broke up, I was so mad at you, but now I've just made it worse by acting like a child.
Cuando rompimos estaba tan enojada, pero... ahora lo empeoré actuando como una niña.
What about something he said when we broke up?
¡ Te daré cinco dólares por cada una! Que tenga un buen día, señora. ¡ Quiero ese chocolate!
Because when we broke up, you said you never wanted to see me again.
Porque cuando rompimos dijiste que no querías volver a verme.
When we broke up and I first came out to New York, I was so sure I'd make it.
Cuando tú y yo rompimos y me vine a Nueva York estaba segura que triunfaría.
When we broke up, I thought that whatever happened,
Cuando nos separamos, me dije... pensaba que... pasase Io que pasase...
( CLEARS THROAT ) Well, when we broke up, I thought I wanted to be free, but I couldn't stop thinking about you.
Bueno, Cuando rompimos, pensé que quería ser libre, pero no podía dejar de pensar en ti.
I thought I told you when we broke up : It's over.
Creí aclarártelo cuando terminamos se terminó.
It was lovely, but the fact remains... that when we broke up, she hired a prick lawyer... and sued me for palimony.
Fue encantadora, pero el hecho es... que cuando terminamos, ella contrató a un maldito abogado... y me demandó para que le diera una pensión.
Alison was bitter when we broke up.
Alison se enojo cuando rompimos.
When we broke up, I couldn't carry on sleeping in the same bed.
Cuando yo me separé no pude seguir durmiendo en la misma cama.
I threw a Cuisinart at my boyfriend when we broke up.
Le tiré un libro de cocina a mi novio.
When we broke up, I had to see you the next day.
Cuando rompimos, te vi al día siguiente.
When we broke up, it was because she felt committed... to working things out with her family.
Cuando terminamos, fue porque se sentía comprometida a resolver las cosas con su familia.
Even when we broke up, you...
- Ni cuando rompimos...
I decided right away when we broke up I wasn't coming.
Ni bien rompimos decidí que no iría.
Remember, when we broke up and I said, "It's not you, it's me"?
¿ Recuerdas que cuando rompimos, te dije : "No es por ti, sino por mí"?
I cried for weeks when we broke up.
Lloré durante semanas cuando rompimos.
When we broke up, i told her that if she wanted to do this weird stuff...
Cuando rompimos. Le dije que si quería hacer esas cosas raras...
Because I knew that when we broke up, you would not cry... so, I got way over it.
Porque sabía que cuando cortáramos tú no llorarías... así que tuve que superarlo.
This is exactly what happened with Paula and me when we broke up.
Es exactamente lo que sucedió con Paula y conmigo cuando terminamos.
You know what all the guys I've dated said to me when we broke up?
¿ Sabe lo que todos los chicos con los que he salido me dicen cuando terminamos?
We'd about given up when this check turned up and broke the case, Mrs. Harkness.
Al aparecer este cheque, se abrió el caso, Sra. Harkness.
This door was all taped up when we broke in.
Esa puerta estaba sellada con cinta adhesiva cuando la forzamos.
Of course... We was broke up when he went from home.
Por supuesto que nos quedamos... destrozados cuando se fue... de casa.
When Johnny and I broke up our band, we drifted apart.
Cuando Johnny y yo separamos la banda, nos alejamos.
That's when we broke up.
Por eso, nos separamos.
aaaaa So it was with deep gratitude we recall day when Colonel Grant, using only sense of touch, through the medium of a clenched fist, actually broke through to Tom and got him to SHUT UP!
Por eso, recordamos con alegría aquel día en que el Coronel Grant, através del sentido del tacto, y de un puñetazo llamó a Tom a rezar y le hizo callar.
One night when we was staying up late we was talking about how much bad luck he must have from all those mirrors he broke.
Una noche que nos acostamos tarde hablamos de la mala suerte que debíamos tener por todos los espejos que rompió.
We're so in sync that when you broke up with me for my own good you figured I'd probably know it was for the best because we're so in sync.
Tan sincronizados que cuando rompiste conmigo por mi propio bien pensaste que entendería que era lo mejor por estar tan sincronizados.
One night when we was stayin'up late, we was talkin'about how much bad luck he must have coming from all those mirrors he broke.
Una noche que nos acostamos tarde hablamos de la mala suerte que debíamos tener por todos los espejos que rompió.
He wasn't happy when I broke off the engagement,... but he seemed like he really pulled himself together when we met up a Stargate Command.
No le pareció que yo había roto el compromiso... pero se había recuperado cuando lo vi en el Comando.
I wrote half of it when I was with Linda... and I wrote the other half after we broke up... so it's a little uneven, you know?
Escribí la mitad cuando estaba con Linda. La otra mitad, cuando terminamos. - Es un poco inestable.
Remember when they fought and broke up and we were stuck here all night with no food?
¿ Recuerdan cuando se separaron y quedamos encerrados sin comida?
And, uh, when she broke up with her boyfriend, We went out for, like, a week.
Y cuando se peleó con su novio, salimos por una semana.
When my father's army broke up, we fell into servitude.
Cuando el ejército de mi padre se dividió, nos quedamos sin nada.
Yeah. Whitney, when I told him how I felt and we broke up.
Si, Whitney, cuando le dije como me sentía, cuando terminamos.
Whitney's shared more with me since we broke up than when we were together.
Whitney ha compartido más conmigo desde que rompimos que estando juntos.
We moved on. I'm sorry I didn't dash myself into pieces when you broke up with me, but you know what? Life goes on, no matter how ungratifying that may be for your ego.
Cada uno siguió su camino y lamento no haberme desmoronado cuando rompiste conmigo pero la vida continúa al margen de lo que tu ego masculino pueda sentir.
Before we broke up, when we were still together, and you did that gig up north, and that crashed down, and you lost all your money, and we waited here at home, shivering with fear, not knowing if friends or creditors were knocking on our door. - Stop it.
Antes que nos separamos, cuando todavía estábamos juntos, y viajaste al norte para tocar, pero el espectáculo falló y perdiste todo tu dinero y esperamos aquí en casa, temblando de miedo, sin saber si tocaban a la puerta acreedores o amigos.
When we were cleaning up, I was drunk... and I stumbled into the table, and it broke.
Cuando limpiábamos, estaba bebido... tropecé con la mesita y se rompió.
We broke up when he went on the inside.
Rompimos cuando el entró.
Well, probably more than one, but on really big one when Ephram came back from New York we broke up.
Pero una muy importante, cuando Ephram volvió de Nueva York rompimos.
Well, how'd you deal with it when we first broke up, aside from immediately trying to hook up with Lucas?
¿ Cómo te las arreglaste la primera vez que rompimos... además de intentar inmediatamente engancharte a Lucas?
I mean, we're doing good now, but, hey, when we were little, man, we came up broke as hell.
Ahora estamos bien, pero cuando éramos pequeños crecimos con mucha pobreza.
when we first met 137
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we come back 37
when we're alone 19
when were you born 26
when we were kids 120
when we were together 36
when we're together 26
when we were young 21
when we got there 24
when were you going to tell me 27
when we come back 37
when we're alone 19