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When we were married tradutor Espanhol

431 parallel translation
When we were married, he was such a strong, virile man and now...
Cuando nos casamos, era un hombre fuerte, viril... y ahora...
Oh, darling, we swore that every year we'd do exactly what we did when we were married.
Oh, cariño, juramos que todos los años haríamos exactamente lo que hicimos cuando nos casamos.
Well, when we were married, we didn't think about a war and... and I got all the furniture on the hire purchase.
Cuando nos casamos, ni pensamos en la guerra. Compramos los muebles a plazos.
When we were married, the justice of the peace said something about for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse. Remember?
- Cuando nos casamos... el juez dijo algo sobre la riqueza, la pobreza, las buenas o las malas.
- I gave it to her when we were married.
- Se lo regalé cuando nos casamos.
I used to do that when we were married.
Solía hacerlo cuando estábamos casados.
But whatever problems I had... all the unpleasant memories... I put them aside when we were married.
Pero cualquier problema que tuve... los recuerdos desagradables... los hice a un lado cuando nos casamos.
I knew that when we were married. But I only-It isn't important.
Tú no me querías cuando te casaste conmigo, pero yo no tiene importancia.
That's what you said when we were married.
Eso dijiste cuando nos casamos.
Well, I didn't think so when we were married.
A mí nunca me lo pareció cuando nos casamos.
The same moon was shining when we were married.
Cuando nos casamos brillaba así la luna.
When we were married, that phone would always ring and she'd never bat an eye.
Cuando estábamos casados, el teléfono nunca la despertaba.
When we were married before Father Agostino, we swore to share everything.
Sin embargo, cuando nos casamos delante del padre Agostino.. ... decidimos compartirlo todo.
When we were married, we had no secrets from each other.
Cuando nos casamos, no teníamos secretos entre nosotros.
When we were married, as soon as I said "I do,"
Cuando nos casamos, tan pronto como dije "Sí", se lo llevaron.
I did this even when we were married. E to Ms. Hayden?
Es una pena que no la visitase con más frecuencia.
Well, when we were married, you tried to fit your way into my scheme of life.
Cuando nos casamos, tú intentaste adaptarte a mi forma de vida.
When I married Félicité, we were both very young.
Cuando me casé con Félicité, éramos ambos muy jóvenes
¿ Te acuerdas, Jim, poco después de que nos casáramos, cuando te fuiste de juerga a Moseley, y te encontraste a una mujer a la que llamaste una compañera de borrachera?
- Thursday? When were we married?
- Jueves. ¿ Cuándo nos casamos?
Like we did before we were married Remember when she tried to set the police on Josefa?
Como en los buenos tiempos, antes de casarnos cuando quería encerrarme para que no viera a Josefa.
When were we married?
¿ Desde cuando estamos casados?
Before we were married you never thought of failure even when you were broke.
Antes de casarnos nunca pensaste en el fracaso. Ni cuando estabas en quiebra.
He just said that when he was on top, we were gonna be married.
Que cuando llegue a la cima, nos casaremos.
Well, Sandra was not properly divorced from my predecessor, Mr. Stokes when it was thought that we were married.
Sandra no estaba divorciada de mi predecesor, el señor Stokes, cuando pensábamos habernos casado.
When we were first married, it was orchids. Now it's a backscratcher.
Cuando nos casamos, me regalaba orquídeas, ahora un rascador.
When we were first married, her youth rekindled me.
Al principio, su juventud me confortó.
George used to buzz me when we were first married.
George volaba bajo, para saludarme, al principio.
At least we did when we were first married.
Al menos, de recién casados.
When he saw we were married, he became all smiles.
Antes de saber que era tu marido, me grita. Llegas tú y es encantador.
I'm terribly sorry, but Tom-Tom is married to me and - - When were we married?
Lo lamento muchísimo, pero Tom-Tom está casado conmigo y- ¿ Cuándo nos casamos?
When he came back and we were married, I... I wanted to know something about his work.
cuando regresara y nos casáramos... quería saber algo sobre su trabajo.
It seems so far back to think when we were first married, when we came away from Poland, the hard country.
Parece estar tan lejos cuando nos casamos, y vinimos desde Polonia, un país duro.
Just when we were going to be married.
Justo cuando íbamos a casarnos.
Because when I said we ought to get married he said there were enough widows already.
Porque cuando dije que deberíamos casarnos, dijo que ya había bastantes viudas.
Actually, we were married when I was 20.
Nos casamos cuando yo cumplí 20 años.
When a young girl, me and count Sartori, yes, Fabrizio Sartori, we were in love and you were born before..... I got married, you're his daughter.
Yo era una niña y él, el conde Sertori. Sí, Fabrizio Sertori. Nos amamos.
When I married Myles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits.
Cuando me casé con Myles, éramos una pareja de inadaptados.
We should have got married when we were younger.
Porque debimos casarnos antes, más jóvenes.
I just want you to stay with me, like when we were first married.
Sólo quiero que estés conmigo como cuando nos casamos.
We were still in school when we got married.
Aún estábamos en la escuela cuando nos casamos.
I was walking towards home when he suddenly came at me with a wild look in his eye and insisted... - we were married.
Yo iba caminando a casa, se me acercó y empezó a decirme que estábamos casados.
Let's try to talk the way we used to, when we were first married.
Intentemos hablar. Como cuando nos casamos.
Yes, when Grace and I were married, we went to Europe for our honeymoon.
Cuando nos casamos, fuimos... a Europa de luna de miel.
Grace, uh - Grace used to have a devastating outfit. - Yeah, when we were first married... she had this, uh - she had this pink peignoir. - Oh?
Grace también tenia un conjunto irresistible.
Well, I guess it's just a crazy kid's song, but when Carla and I were kids, we used to come here and talk all the time about one day getting married and having children.
Bien, supongo que es sólo la canción de un niño loco. Pero cuando Carla y yo éramos niños solíamos venir aquí y hablar constantemente que un día nos casaríamos y tendríamos niños.
... when the late Mr. Welenmelon and I were married, we wanted to have a lot of children, that is, a large family, is what I really meant to say.
Cuando el Sr. Welenmelon y yo nos casamos, queríamos muchos hijos. Una gran familia es lo que quería decir.
But when we were on our honeymoon abroad I knew that I'd never felt married until I heard myself addressed as "Senora."
Pero cuando estábamos de luna de miel en el extranjero sabía que no me sentiría casada hasta oír que alguien me llamara "señora".
He and I were going to get married when we got back to the Earth.
Él y yo íbamos a casarnos cuando regresáramos a la Tierra.
I think it was right after we were married, when you were...
Creo que fue después de casarnos, cuando estabas...
Siempre pensé que nos casaríamos, incluso lo pensaba de niño.

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