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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Wouldn't they

Wouldn't they tradutor Espanhol

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Well, why wouldn't they?
Bueno, ¿ por qué no habrían de hacerlo?
We knew they wouldn't accept you in that circle.
Ya sabíamos que no te iban a aceptar en ese círculo.
- No, they wouldn't kill her at the hotel.
No pueden haberla matado en el hotel.
Why wouldn't they say hi?
No sé, ¿ por qué no te van a saludar?
I did, but they wouldn't believe me
Lo hice, pero no me creyeron.
And they wouldn't even be here if you hadn't loved and protected them when they were kids.
Y ni siquiera estarían aquí... si tú no les hubieses querido y protegido cuando eran niños.
I don't know they wouldn't tell me.
No lo sé, no han querido decírmelo.
Ellos no durarían dos segundos en el mundo real.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just put things back the way they were?
¿ No sería genial si pusiéramos las cosas otra vez de la forma en la que estaban?
So, yes, I helped put them to sleep, but only so they wouldn't have the memories.
Así que, sí, las ayudé a dormirse, al menos así, no tendrían los recuerdos.
They wouldn't have found him at all if you had listened to Wes and incinerated the body.
No lo hubieran encontrado si hubieras escuchado a Wes e incinerado el cuerpo.
And they wouldn't have done anything.
Y no hubieran hecho nada.
The residents said they wouldn't remain quiet against any attempt to hurt their only source of income.
Los locales aseguran que no se quedarán callados ante la amenaza de quedarse sin su fuente de ingresos.
And they wanted us to condemn our daughter for being an unfit mother for what happened to Cathy... well, we wouldn't do it.
Y querían que condenáramos nuestra hija por ser mala madre, por lo que pasó a Cathy... bueno, no lo haríamos.
- They would, wouldn't they?
Tendrían, ¿ no?
They wouldn't let me see you.
No me dejaban verte.
If your parents loved you..... they wouldn't have named you'Geeta'
Si tus padres te amaran, no te habrían nombrado Geeta.
No, they wouldn't dare.
No, no se atreverían.
Well? No, they wouldn't dare.
No, no se atreven.
They'd vote you out round here, wouldn't they, if this got out?
Dejarían de votarlo por aquí si esto sale a la luz, ¿ cierto?
How many times have you received an emergency call from a bad neighborhood only to discover that the police wouldn't go there simply because they're not guaranteed their safety?
¿ Cuántas veces recibiste... una llamada de emergencia de un barrio bajo... y descubriste que la policía no acudía... solo porque su seguridad no estaba garantizada?
( Jenna ) I wouldn't have even been checking my texts if things were clicking with Brian, but they weren't.
No estaría mirando mis mensajes si las cosas estuvieran surgiendo con Brian, pero no lo estaban.
Maybe they wouldn't be dead.
Tal vez ellos no estarían muertos.
They would, wouldn't they?
Lo serían, ¿ no es así?
They have Tasers, but they wouldn't dare use...
Tienen pistolas táser, pero no se atreverían a usarlas- -
Yes, but they were relatives of my late husband, and most likely wouldn't welcome me in my current circumstances.
Sí, pero son familiares de mi anterior esposo, y seguramente no me darían la bienvenida en mis circunstancias actuales.
I'd have shaken him by the hand, but they wouldn't let him through the gate.
Se lo habría dado en la mano, pero no lo dejaron pasar por la puerta.
They wouldn't.
No lo harán.
Ouch! Why couldn't they be? I mean, they wouldn't be.
Quiero decir, No serían. ¿ Por qué no?
Why wouldn't they? It's not likely.
No es probable
They wouldn't be here if I wasn't here.
No estarían aquí si yo no estuviera aquí.
And they certainly wouldn't want someone like you anyway.
- Y de todos modos no te gustaría.
It wouldn't hurt to look, you know, kind of see if they were forced to leave or not.
No hará daño revisar, sabes, para ver si fueron obligados a irse o no.
Walk with me. Oh. I wish they wouldn't do that.
They wouldn't appreciate a fine performance if it bit'em on the backsides!
No apreciarían una buena actuación ni aunque les mordiera en el trasero.
They wouldn't let me in, and I could see that they were shredding.
No me dejaron entrar, pero pude ver que estaban triturando.
They wouldn't touch me or anything, or take me away.
Y... no iban a tocarme o algo, o llevarme.
Nobody's here, and they wouldn't even care if they were.
No hay nadie, y ni les importaría si estuvieran.
I had a few offers, but it's complicated, you know, working with new people, people who don't really know me, people who wouldn't like you so much if they did.
Tuve algunas ofertas, pero es complicado, ya sabes, trabajar con gente nueva, gente que realmente no me conocen, gente a la que no les gustarías mucho si lo hicieran.
They're just... they're just jerks that sit in their homes and... and think it's okay to say things they wouldn't say to somebody's face w... without knowing what's going on.
Son solo... son solo idiotas que están sentados en sus casas y... y piensan que está bien decir cosas que no dirían a la cara a alguien sin saber lo que pasa.
You could shoot their mother in front of them and they wouldn't make a case.
Podrías disparar a sus madres delante de ellos, y ellos no harían un caso.
I know these officers. You could shoot their mother in front of them and they wouldn't make a case.
Podrías disparar a sus madres delante de ellos, y ellos no harían un caso.
If they've had any doubt, they wouldn't have allowed us to clean the scene.
Si tuviesen alguna duda, no habrían permitido que se limpiase la escena.
I wouldn't watch one more person slip away without getting the help that they needed.
No vería a una sola persona más desaparecer sin tener la ayuda que ellas necesitaran.
If we didn't, they wouldn't build the next one and we couldn't skim off that.
Si no, no construirán el siguiente y no podríamos esquilmarlo.
You know, if people actually knew what you did in here, they wouldn't trust you to give them a fucking aspirin.
Sabén, si la gente supiera lo que realmente hacen aquí no confiarian ni siquiera para que les dieran una aspirina.
Why wouldn't they?
¿ Por que no lo harían?
They have with me, too, or else I wouldn't be here.
También han cambiado para mí, si no, no habría venido.
If they didn't pay, Jocelyn wouldn't let them come back.
Si ellos no le pagaban, Jocelyn no quería que volvieran.
They wouldn't.
No lo harían.
The cafe made me a promise they wouldn't spit in it.
En la cafetería me prometieron que no iban a escupir en él.

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