You'd tell me tradutor Espanhol
3,645 parallel translation
Yeah, right. Look, I'd tell you to stay out of my way, but, really, what's the point? 'Cause you won't be able to keep up anyway.
Te diría que me dejes en paz, pero no vas a poder seguirme.
I don't think he'd want me to tell you.
No creo que él quisiera que le diga.
You'd tell me to shut up.
Me dirías que me calle.
Maybe if you'd tell me your name.
Quizás si me dijeras tu nombre.
There's something I'd like to tell you.
Hay algo que me gustaría decirte.
And if you do have a question, perhaps you'd be kind enough to tell me your name.
Y si tienes una pregunta, serías tan amable de decirme tu nombre.
I wish you'd tell that to the deputy chief so I could get the lieutenant promotion.
Me gustaría que se lo dijeras al subdirector así sería ascendida a Teniente.
Why didn't you tell me you'd met on the 12th?
¿ Por qué no me has dicho que el 12 se encontraron?
First, I'd like to tell you that your automated system is not working properly. OK?
En primer lugar, me gustaría decirte que su sistema automatizado no está funcionando correctamente.
FEMALE SPEAKER ( OFFSCREEN ) : OK. Is there anything else you'd like me to tell them?
Bien, ¿ quiere que les diga algo más a ellos?
You'd better tell me right now.
Será mejor que me lo digas.
You'd tell me if your penis started turning purple again, right?
Me dirías si su pene comenzado a recurrir púrpura de nuevo, ¿ verdad?
Why'd you tell me that story before?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste esa historia antes?
Look, I tell you something, if he died it'd be back to London for me.
Mira, te digo algo, si hubiera muerto, tendría Londres de vuelta para mí.
I mean, I knew she'd tell you.
Me refiero a que sabía que te lo diría
I'd ask you what that is, but then I'm afraid you'd tell me.
Te preguntaría qué es, pero temo que me lo explicarías.
Well, if I was to tell you that realization didn't cause me pain, I'd be lying.
Bueno, si yo te dijera que lo sucedido no me causó dolor, estaría mintiendo.
It'd be a whole lot faster and easier, let me tell you.
Es mucho más rápido y fácil, en serio.
If you want it, you'd better tell me about it now.
Si lo quieres, es mejor que me avises ahora.
Why'd you tell me everything?
¿ Por qué me contó todo ésto...?
I'd like to tell you one more thing, which is very important to me :
Quisiera decirle otra cosa, Sra. Evrard y debo insistir.
- What'd I fucking tell you?
- ¿ Qué mierda me dirá usted?
You mean to tell me you'd erase the Metro County...
Dices que borrarías el recuerdo de...
I'll tell you what, I'd eat more pork. It just lays on me. It just lays on me.
Te diré algo, comería más cerdo, pero me cae mal.
Mr Holmes, I would love to tell you, but then, of course, I'd have to kill you.
Bueno, Sr. Holmes, me encantaría decírselo, pero entonces, por supuesto, tendría que matarle.
- You swore you'd tell me. W- -
- Juraste que me dirías.
You'd tell me if it was something else, right?
Me lo dirías si fuera algo más ¿ no?
I was like, "if you ever talk to me like that again," I'd call her husband and tell him she molested me.
Era como "si me vuelves a hablar así", llamaría a su marido y le diría que ella estaba abusando de mí.
And tell the world that only last week, I'd overheard her tell you she's still in love with me.
Y le digo al mundo que la semana pasada la escuché decirte que sigue enamorada de mí.
I was hoping you'd be able to tell me something. Can't.
Yo esperaba que pudieras contarme algo.
I'd like you to tell me what it is anyway.
Me gustaría que me digas lo que es de todos modos.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
¿ Hay algo más que quieras decirme?
Would you like me to tell how we're gonna torture you? Uh- - I'd prefer it if you didn't?
¿ Te gustaría que te dijera cómo vamos a torturarte? ¿ Preferiría que no me lo dijeras?
Tell me, do you own any d'Anconia Global Commodities stock?
Dígame, ¿ tiene acciones de Materia Prima Global d'Anconia?
Well, I'd love to tell you, but unfortunately your Chief of Defence Staff made me sign a bit of paper saying I wouldn't.
Bueno, me encantaría decirte, pero desafortunadamente tu Jefe del Estado Mayor me hizo firmar un papel que dice que no puedo.
If you're armed, you'd best tell me now.
Si está armado, mejor me lo dice ahora.
I could do my job really well if you'd just tell me what's going on.
Podría hacer mi trabajo mucho mejor si me dijeses que está pasando.
You'd bake a cake and you'd tell me not to be sad because dad was here in spirit.
Tú hacías una tarta y me decías que no estuviese triste porque papá estaba aquí en espíritu.
I met Avery Willard through Jack Smith - if Jack Smith was doing some sort of ridiculous filming he would be there, and then he would tell you about it, and he'd say, " Oh, you're a filmmaker,
Conocí a Avery Willard por Jack Smith - si Jack Smith estuviera haciendo ese tipo de films ridículos, estaría ahí y te lo contaría. Y me decía : "Tú eres un director de cine, tienes que conocerlo."
I tried to tell you on the phone, but you'd already cut me off.
Traté de decirle en el teléfono, Pero ya me cortaría.
I mean, you'd tell me, right, if there was a boy?
Me lo dirías, ¿ verdad? ¿ Si hubiera un chico?
Maybe you could let her know I'd like to tell her in person.
Podrías decirle que me gustaría contárselo en persona.
I'm not, but I guess I thought you'd come in here and tell them how good it was.
No me sorprende. Pero supuse que vendrías aquí y les dirías lo bueno que era.
You said you'd tell me where...!
- ¡ Dijiste que me dirías dónde...!
If it's okay with you, I'd like to tell the judge that you and Marco live with me.
Si estás de acuerdo, me gustaría decirle a la jueza que Marco y tú viven conmigo.
For today's training I'd like to tell you an old German tale.
Para el entrenamiento de hoy, me gustaría contarles un viejo cuento alemán.
Grandma - why didn't you tell me you'd drop in?
Abuela, ¿ por qué no me dijiste que ibas a venir?
And you'd tell me if you had, wouldn't you?
¿ Y me lo dirías si lo hubieses hecho?
Tell me something, where'd you learn how to do this?
Dime, ¿ dónde aprendiste todo esto?
As my best friend, if you knew something, you'd tell me, right?
Como mi mejor amigo, si supieras algo, ¿ me lo dirías verdad?
If something were wrong, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?
Si algo pasara, me lo dirías, ¿ no?
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me everything 270
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me what happened 368
tell me your name 121
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me everything 270
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me what happened 368
tell me your name 121
tell me again 158
tell me the truth 559
tell me something 611
tell me that you love me 17
tell me why 196
tell me what you want 123
tell me where you are 87
tell me i'm wrong 73
tell me what to do 196
tell me what you know 97
tell me the truth 559
tell me something 611
tell me that you love me 17
tell me why 196
tell me what you want 123
tell me where you are 87
tell me i'm wrong 73
tell me what to do 196
tell me what you know 97