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You believe him tradutor Espanhol

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You believe him?
¿ Y le has creído?
Do you believe him?
¿ Le crees?
What, you believe him?
Que, ¿ lo crees?
And you believe him?
¿ Y tú le crees?
Do you believe him?
¿ Cree en él?
You believe him, that he sees her and speaks to her?
¿ Le creéis que él la vea y hable con ella?
- And you believe him?
- ¿ Y tú le creíste?
And you believe him?
¿ Y le crees a él?
- And you believe him?
- ¿ Y tú le crees?
- And you believe him. You believe them?
- Y tú le crees. ¿ Les crees?
And you believe him?
¿ Y le crees?
- And you believe him?
- ¿ Y tu le crees?
You give him everything he asks for, and you clean up his messes, and you believe him, even when he lies to you, and that is not love.
Le das todo lo que pide, luego limpias sus embarradas le crees, incluso cuando te miente y eso no es amor.
- How can you believe him?
- ¿ Cómo puedes creerle a él?
I can't believe you're marrying him.
No me puedo creer que cases con él.
I can't believe you're letting him sleep here.
No puedo creer que lo dejes dormir aquí.
You must make him believe you.
Debes hacer que te crea.
Well, you've never seen God, but you believe in him.
Bueno, nunca ha visto a Dios, pero cree en él.
Oh, you don't believe him, do you?
No le crean, ¿ le creen?
Daddy said you were laughing, but I didn't believe him.
Papá me dijo que te reías, pero no le creí.
If you all don't want to believe in him, then that's fine.
Si no quieres creer en él, está bien. Pero yo le creo.
You don't believe him?
¿ No le crees?
The alibi witness- - you didn't believe him?
El testigo de la coartada. ¿ No le creyeron?
Ask him, if you don't believe me.
Por lo que si lo creen necesario, interróguenle.
- And you believe him rather than your mother? - Sick, many with a basin.
¿ La crees a ella antes que a mí?
And if Ayala would have found his prints would not have believed him. But you believe?
Si Ayala hubiera descubierto alguna huella, no le habría creído.
Would you believe he asked me to take care of his mother in his hometown and wait for him?
¿ Creerías... que me pidió que cuidara de su madre en su pueblo natal y que lo esperara?
If you believe Wi Birang should receive King Ye's seal, stand behind him.
Si creen que Wi Bi Rang debería recibir el sello del Rey Ye... sitúense detrás de él.
See what happens when you believe in him!
¡ Ves lo que sucede cuando crees en él!
I believe you assaulted him and...
Creo que tú lo atacaste y- -
I can't believe you didn't tell him.
I can't believe you didn't tell him.
I can't believe you're taking trig class just for him.
No puedo creer que curses trigonometría solo por él.
I knew he'd tell you, that you'd believe him!
¡ Sabía que te lo iba a decir y que le creerías!
We certainly believe you, but listen to him fory once.
Por supuesto que te creemos. Sólo escúchalo.
You believe in the Almighty and now you would've been with Him!
Tu crees en el Todopoderoso Ala y ahora estaras con el!
I hope you don't believe him.
( Ríe con ironía ) Espero que no le creas.
This might be hard for you to believe, but this dog has a ton of fight in him.
Esto puede ser difícil para usted a creer, pero este perro tiene una tonelada para pelear
You can't believe him.
No puedes.
Do you think I'd be here if I didn't believe in him?
¿ Crees que estaría aquí si no creyera en él?
Can you believe that Elizabeth had sex with him?
¿ Puedes creer que Elizabeth tuvo sexo con él?
Well, you don't actually... You actually believe him?
Bueno, en realidad no... ¿ En realidad le creerás?
I can not believe you're helping him.
No puedo creer que le están ayudando.
I can't believe you got him to open the door!
¡ No me puede creer que consiguieras que hablará!
Well, it's my job to believe him until you prove otherwise.
Bueno, mi trabajo es creerle hasta que pruebes lo contrario.
You let Tilman believe that you cared about him, then you drugged him and shot him and made it look like a suicide.
Dejó a Tilman creer que se preocupaba por él, entonces le drogó y le disparó e hizo que pareciera un suicidio.
So you still believe in him?
¿ Entonces todavía crees en él?
El me dijo que los vio juntos y yo no quise creerle.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but if you don't want to believe him, believe me.
Quizás sí, quizás no. Pero si no quieres creerle, créeme a mi.
You really believe him?
¿ Realmente le crees?
You don't even believe in him!
Ni siquiera creen en él!
NOW, I don't believe him, why don't you ind out?
Ahora no le creo, ¿ por qué no lo averiguas?

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