You or him tradutor Espanhol
7,842 parallel translation
It's you or him, bitch!
Eres tú o él, ¡ perra!
Careful what you say or you'll traumatize him. Go on, Dad.
Modera tu lenguaje que le causas un trauma.
- Sheriff, are you gnna let him out or not?
- Sheriff, ¿ le va a dejar salir o no?
And exactly an hour later... you guys scale this wall and cross this lawn or terrace, and enter Bilal's room. And kill him.
Y exactamente una hora después, ustedes escalarán este muro y cruzan este balcón o terraza, entran al cuarto de Bilal, y lo matan.
Mr. Shukla, you want us to climb a 18 feet wall and cross the terrace or balcony, cross the bedroom find Bilal, kill him and then come out... cross the balcony or terrace and jump down a 18 feet wall in three minutes.
Sr. Shukla, usted quiere que en 3 minutos escalemos un muro de 5 metros y crucemos la terraza o balcón, pasar al cuarto hallar a Bilal, matarlo y luego salir, cruzar el balcón o terraza y bajar un muro de 5 metros.
Either you kill him along with our team, or else..
O lo matas junto a tu equipo o entonces..
You think it got out, or he he just took it with him?
¿ Cree que se ha escapado o que se la ha llevado?
You have to tell him, or else he's gonna put me in the freezer.
Tienes que decírselo, o me meterá en el congelador.
Just the parts he'll use to make his heir, until you've given him a boy or two and he's finished using them.
Solo las partes que usará para hacer su heredero, hasta que le hayas dado un niño o dos y haya terminado de usarlas.
You know... you didn't have to tell him we're divorced or that you didn't have money when the boys were young.
Sabes... no tenías que decirle que estábamos divorciados o que no tenías dinero cuando los muchachos eran chicos.
He, uh... he told me that you ran off or something, and that it was mainly just him and his mom and brother.
Él... me dijo que usted huyó o algo, Y se quedaron solos él, su madre y su hermano.
I mean, if that's all he wants, why can't you just call him "Dad," or whatever.
Pues si eso es lo que quiere, ¿ por qué no puedes llamarle papá, o lo que sea?
That's because Jude's dad couldn't take care of him or you.
Es porque el padre de Jude no pudo cuidaros ni a ti ni a él.
All right, so you guys wanna tell him, or you want me to take the heat this time?
Vale. Entonces, ¿ queréis decírselo ¿ O quieres que me encargue del ritmo por esta vez?
So did you let him in or you didn't?
Entonces, ¿ le dejasteis entrar o no?
I'm sure you got some adrenaline or something in there to perk him up.
Seguro que tienes algo de adrenalina. O algo ahí que lo haga despertar.
You told me you didn't want to choose between him or me.
Dijiste que no querías elegir entre él y yo.
Maybe I favor him because he's a soldier or because... Because he reminds me of you.
A lo mejor le favorezco porque es un soldado o porque... me recuerda a ti.
I don't know what image you have of him, past or present.
No sé qué imagen tengas de él, antigua o actual.
I don't know how you made my dad hide your heroin but the police are so close so you are going to get him out of this or I'll tell them everything I know.
No sé cómo hizo papá para ocultar su heroína, pero la policía está tan cerca, por lo que lo sacarás de esto. - O Les diré todo lo que sé.
If someone wanted him dead or wanted the cause hidden, it's a matter for the police, Cornelia, not for you.
Si alguién lo quería muerto o la causa oculta es un asunto para la policia, Cornelia, no para tí.
You gonna tell me there's no diners or any other place in Detroit we can meet him without having to change our clothes?
¿ Me vas a decir que no hay ningún restaurante o cualquier otro lugar en Detroit donde podamos quedar con él sin tener que cambiarnos de ropa?
You told us to stop, so it's going to happen here, right now in this street - one of us or both of us are taking him in.
Usted nos dijo que parar, por lo que va a pasar aquí, ahora en esta calle - uno de nosotros o ambos de nosotros lo estamos tomando en.
Tell us where you've hidden our ring, or we will kill him.
Dinos dónde has estado ocultando nuestro anillo, o lo mataremos.
We both know he will continue to play, whether you encourage him or not.
Ambos sabemos que seguirá jugando, tanto si le animas como si no.
Do you want to tell him, Clyde, or should I?
¿ Se lo dices tú o yo, Clyde?
I rap with him long enough for you to get a good look at him, try to get him to talk about associates or locales.
Hablo con él el tiempo suficiente para que le puedas echar un vistazo, intento hacerle hablar de socios o locales.
It's him or you.
Es él o tú.
It was him or you.
Era él o tú.
Or the black dancer, whose name none of us remember because you rode his back to a win at sectionals, and then promptly ignored him into oblivion.
O el bailarín negro, cuyo nombre ninguno de nosotros recuerda porque montaste su espalda para ganar las seccionales, y lo ignorastes rápidamente en el olvido.
What, do you have a lojack on him or something?
¿ Le has puesto un rastreador o algo por el estilo?
And the first thing he's going to want to ask is... did we question everybody that you spoke to on that night or are we victimising him?
Y lo primero que él va a querer preguntar es : ... ¿ interrogamos a todos con los que hablaron esa noche o lo estamos victimizando a él?
Newly boobless, would you like to tell him or shall I?
Recién sin-tetas, ¿ se lo dices tú o se lo digo yo?
Did he kiss you, or did you kiss him?
¿ Te besó él o lo besaste tú?
And then I realized, you know, 2 or 3 days were passing Where I wasn't hearing from him and... And it hit me that he was doing it again.
Y después me di cuenta, pasaron 2 o 3 días sin saber nada de él y... y me dolía que estuviera haciéndolo otra vez.
But he was going to grad school or law school or something. So, around July, I start telling him, you know This is going where it's going and... it's not going to grad school with him.
Pero él iba a un posgrado o a la Facultad de Derecho o algo así, así que en julio empecé a decirle que esto iba donde iba y... y no era a un posgrado con él.
You didn't provoke him intentionally or otherwise?
¿ No lo provocó intencionalmente o de otra manera?
Well, do I, you know, shoot him in the head or in...
Bueno, yo... ya sabes, le disparo en la cabeza o en...
Not that Dodd would ever tell you that, which I know you're mostly his guy, but I just want you to know, there's a place for you at our table, with or without him.
No es que Dodd te diría eso alguna vez. Sé que estás mayormente con él, pero solo quiero que sepas, hay un lugar parea ti en nuestra mesa, con o sin él.
But look how well Stroh planned his escape. You really think we're gonna catch him getting on a plane or the subway?
¿ Crees que lo atraparemos en un avión o metro?
So would you rather marry a man that you know is a serial killer, he kills every day, but he's still, like, a good guy, like, you love him, or would you rather marry a man
¿ Preferirías casarte con un hombre que sabes que es un asesino en serie, mata a alguien todos los días, pero es un buen hombre? Lo amas.
Well, you could let the disciplinary committee expel him or CPD arrest him.
Bueno, podrías dejar que el comité disciplinario lo expulse o que la policía lo arreste.
So ask yourself, Dr. Pierce... Are you really helping him, or are you making things worse?
Así que pregúntese Dr. Pierce, ¿ realmente lo está ayudando o está empeorando las cosas?
Or maybe someone smarter than you iced him.
O tal vez alguien más inteligente que tú le ICED
You don't have to give him a bath or anything, But I'm sure he'd appreciate the conversation - - Someone to share feelings with.
No tienes que darle un baño ni nada de eso, pero estoy seguro de que él apreciará la conversación... alguien con quien compartir sentimientos.
When you were searching the internet, Were you looking for him or yourself?
Cuando estuvo buscando en Internet, buscaba por él o por sí mismo?
Either he dived..... or you gave him a big old push.
O se arrojó... O tú le diste un gran empujón.
If you were willing to follow him back to his child molester van or whatever.
Si estás dispuesto a seguirlo de nuevo a su hijo van abusador o lo que sea.
You shake hands with the devil and try and coax him over to your side, or piss everyone off and end up buried up to your neck in ash and smoke.
Usted se dan la mano con el diablo y tratar de convencerlo a tu lado, o mear todos fuera y terminan enterrados hasta el cuello en la ceniza y el humo.
I want that name right now, or I'll throw you in the cage with him.
Quiero el nombre ya o te arrojaré a la jaula con él.
Or... you hated him.
O... lo odias.
you or me 106
you or her 16
or him 57
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
you or her 16
or him 57
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
you okay 9168
you only live once 64
you out 38
you out of your mind 33
you owe me one 58
you owe me money 49
you own it 36
you ok 1800
you out there 29
you owe 33
you only live once 64
you out 38
you out of your mind 33
you owe me one 58
you owe me money 49
you own it 36
you ok 1800
you out there 29
you owe 33