And as i recall tradutor Francês
182 parallel translation
And as I recall, you were 36 hours of hard labor.
Et je crois me souvenir que ça a donné trente-six heures de travail pénible.
And as I recall, she was always after this guy.
Et si je me rappelle bien, c'est ce type qu'elle voulait.
And as I recall, you thought it was a good idea to keep him alive as well.
Vous disiez qu'il serait plus utile vivant que mort.
Well, they're arranged according to price, and as I recall....
Ils sont classés par prix, et si je me souviens bien...
And as I recall, colonel, you ignored my advice.
Et si je me souviens bien, vous ne m'avez pas écouté.
And as I recall... as I recall.
Et si je me souviens bien... Si je me souviens bien, ça t'a pas dérangé que j'intervienne dans ta vie quand je t'ai aidé à te débarrasser de cette grue.
And doing pretty well, as I recall it.
Et c'était bien agréable!
The little farmhouse in Maine winter and the snow and the little stove burning in the room, as I recall.
La fermette, dans le Maine... l " hiver, la neige. Et le petit poêle qui chauffait la pièce.
As I recall, the accident happened at 1 and we collected at 3.
L'accident avait eu lieu à 13 h, on avait eu l'argent à 15 h.
As far as I can recall, and it seems funny to tell it now...
Si je me souviens bien, c'est drôle à raconter maintenant...
How? As I recall, Chesterfield is short of medical officers and clerical personnel.
Chesterfield manque de personnel médical et de bureau.
Kelp, as I recall, upon your arrival here, I told you and the other new faculty members, I will not stand for any member of staff utilising the university's facilities for his or her own personal experiments.
Kelp, il me semble qu'à votre arrivée, je vous ai dit, comme aux autres nouveaux, que je ne tolérerais aucune utilisation des locaux de l'université pour des expériences personnelles.
I'm covering the same murders as you and I seem to recall you promised we'ed work as a team together
Je couvre les mêmes meurtres que toi. Et on dirait qu'il faut te rappeler que tu avais promis qu'on travaillerait ensemble.
He was one of the project people years and years ago as i recall.
Il faisait partie du projet il y a des années, je me souviens.
When I recall that day, I see Gennosuke as just a beast to be drawn and quartered.
Quand je me remémore ce jour, je vois Gennosuke comme une bête qu'il faut traquer et abattre.
And as far as I can recall, he never used just an ordinary toothbrush.
Non, monsieur. Il y est toujours.
As I recall, you had a darned good hard slider. And you're schlepping drinks?
Il me semble que vous faisiez une glissade du tonnerre, et vous êtes là, à faire le barman!
now, listen, there Must be somebody on Wall street - which, as I recall, happens to be three City blocks from our NEW York office. there Must be somebody there Who has the answer, and I Want that answer.
Il doit bien y avoir quelqu'un à Wall Street, qui n'est qu'à trois rues de notre bureau de New York, quelqu'un, dis-je, qui puisse répondre.
And the time they threw that shopping cart off that roof into that pool, that was Johnny's idea, as I recall.
Et la fois où ils ont balancé un caddie depuis un toit dans une piscine, c'était l'idée de Johnny, il me semble.
And, as I recall, uh, she was quite insistent about it.
Et d'après mes souvenirs... elle a beaucoup insisté.
Everything, as I recall, that Mulder ever said... was about what a great guy Mulder was... and how marvelous it was that he was getting all these convictions.
Si je me souviens bien, Mulder a toujours dit que Mulder était un type formidable, et à quel point c'était merveilleux d'obtenir toutes ces condamnations.
He never wanted to admit that... and, as I recall, he never really finally admitted it.
Il n'a jamais voulu l'admettre, et je ne crois pas qu'il l'ait admis un jour.
Not only did I telephone Blackadder, but as you'll recall, we sent him a telegram and a carrier pigeon.
Non seulement j'ai téléphoné à Blackadder mais en plus... on a envoyé un câble et un pigeon!
As I recall, you came in and you looked around for a few moments.
Mais vous êtes entrée et avez jeté un coup d'oeil alentour.
Always in the afternoon, as I recall... and always with the same gentleman.
Toujours dans l'après midi je me souviens... et toujours avec le même monsieur.
It's a Iot like you going to the gym, and, as I recall, the Iast time you were there... I think the Jeffersons were still trying to move on up.
C'est comme toi avec la gym, et je crois que la dernière fois que tu y es allé les Jefferson chantaient encore Movin'on Up.
And whereas you, through some process of extrasensory recall... might imagine that you were some - I don't know - some 17th-century Dutch girl... living in a windmill in old Amsterdam... one day you'll realize that you've had not just one or two past or future existences... but that you were, and are, everybody and everything that has ever been... or will ever be.
Toi, par un processus de rappel extrasensoriel, tu crois avoir été... une fillette dans un moulin à vent à Amsterdam au 17 e siècle mais il n'est pas question d'une ou 2 vies antérieures ou futures! Tu as été, tu es toute personne ou chose qui a vécu ou qui vivra.
As I recall, Gul Dukat, we played one game and you cheated.
D'après mes souvenirs, nous n'avons joué qu'une partie et vous avez triché.
I'm sure that every person on the bridge could offer testimony about personal experiences with the Tal Shiar, but I doubt many could recall those encounters as tender and caring.
Tout le monde ici peut témoigner d'expériences personnelles avec le Tal Shiar, mais je doute qu'elles aient laissé le souvenir de doux moments.
- Well, there was that time that you took leave on Mars, and that dancer, as I recall -
- Bon... - Et la fois... où tu étais en perm sur Mars et la danseuse, je crois...
And yet, as I recall your case you brainwashed and kidnapped a woman who rejected you.
Si je me rappelle bien votre cas, vous avez enlevé puis martyrisé une femme qui ne vous désirait pas.
We heard about it mid-air as I recall There were journalists on the plane and the pilot radioed ahead He said tell the boys there's a big crowd waiting for them
On l'a su dans l'avion ll y avait des journalistes dans l'avion et le pilote nous a fait dire qu'une foule énorme nous attendait
Yes, and I can't help but recall the time you put her in the dryer.
Justement, je me rappelle quand tu l'as mise dans le séchoir.
About those atmospheric specifications you requested for the Yalosian Ambassador... 60 percent nitrogen, 10 percent benzene and the rest hydrogen fluoride, as I recall.
La composition atmosphérique pour l'ambassadeur yalosien... 60 % de nitrogène, 10 % de benzène et du fluorure d'hydrogène pour le reste.
As... as I recall, and, uh..... I'm not really sure,..... but the M-16 ammo ran out first thing in the morning.
Si je me souviens bien, et j'en suis pas sûr, le M-16 a dû tomber à court à l'aube.
It was me as a child and it did seem like a memory, but I don't recall the incident.
On aurait dit un souvenir d'enfance, mais je ne me souviens de rien.
No, nothing wrong but there was a shop down there, as I recall... a woman who sold Bajoran tapestries and antiques.
Non, mais il y avait une boutique en bas. Une femme qui vendait des tapisseries et des antiquités bajoranes.
As I recall, there was some former Ministry land used as a secret military installation and sold by us to Sir August years ago.
Un terrain du Ministère utilisé par l'armée. Nous l'avons vendu à Sir August il y a des années.
And I can recall doing a lot of drafts of this one and getting a lot of notes trying to make this scene and this moment as strong as possible.
J'ai écrit beaucoup de versions de celui-ci et réuni plein de notes pour donner un maximum d'intensité à cette scène.
As I recall, Xander and I nearly came to blows.
Avec Alex, j'ai failli en venir aux mains.
We've got his fingerprints on a wine glass and a pack of "ribbed ultra-thins," as I recall.
On a ses empreintes sur un verre à vin et une capote.
I make this statement not in defense of myself, for what defense have those who still live, breathe and eat and partake of the Lord's blessings, against those who have been so cruelly struck down, in such a way as I can hardly bear to recall?
Je ne livre pas ce récit pour me justifier Comment justifier qu'on vive et respire et profite des grâces de Notre Seigneur quand d'autres ont été si cruellement frappés que je répugne à me le rappeler aujourd'hui
As I recall, he received special dispensation from the Council, to head into the Uncharted Territories, and hunt it down.
Si je me souviens bien, il a une dispense du conseil... pour aller dans les Territoires Inexplorés et le pourchasser.
[Deren] I would like to recall to everyone... that the motion picture camera and the whole motion picture medium... was developed at about the same period and in the same climate... as the development of the telegraph and the airplane... and all of these other industrial expressions... of something that was happening in the mind of man... which wanted to break some kind of confines that reflects in film.
Je voudrais rappeler à chacun... que la caméra et le milieu du cinéma tout entier... ont été développés à la même période et dans le même climat... que le développement du télégraphe et de l'avion... et toutes ces autres expressions industrielles... de quelque chose qui se produisait dans l'esprit de l'homme... qui a voulu casser des limites, ce qui se reflète dans les films.
- And married, as I recall.
- Et marié, non?
Well, as I recall, it was you who brought up the physical exam... and it was you who brought up the oral exam... firing questions back and forth out of the manual.
Je veux la récupérer. Tes dessous préférés? Tu te fiches qu'un type sache pour la mission?
And if I recall, I didn't ask for help.
Et je ne t'ai rien demandé. C'est toi qui as proposé de m'aider.
If I do recall correctly, the Celts employed the majestic swan as their sacred symbol and messenger to the other world.
Si mes souvenirs sont exacts, les Celtes utilisaient le majestueux cygne comme symbole sacré et messager pour l'autre monde.
But if I recall, you know, the children were pretty vivid in their recollections as to what Arnold and / or Jesse did to them.
Mais je crois que les enfants se souvenaient avec précision... de ce qu'Arnold ou Jesse leur avait fait.
The rest of "Meddle" as I recall was songs, and so in the flip side was a 20-minute piece a ) and so was a construct, and b ) it was the beginning of all the writing about other people.
Je me souviens que le reste de Meddle était des chansons, La face B était une chanson de 20 minutes, Premièrement, c'était un concept,
And very closely, as I recall.
Très étroitement, si je m'en souviens bien.
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as of now 16
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as i recall 330
i recall 29
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as i recall 330
i recall 29
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and all 124
and at the time 25
and at the end of the day 45
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and all the time 27
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and all 124
and at the time 25
and at the end of the day 45
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204