Bite down tradutor Francês
304 parallel translation
When they try and radish us, just bite down on it.
Si on est captivées, mords dedans.
Hang on, bite down.
Tiens bon, mors là-dedans.
All right, bite down hard.
Mords. Très fort.
Take my advice, Lieutenant, change your name. And don't bite down on anything hard.
Suivez mon conseil, Lieutenant, changez de nom, et ne mangez rien de dur.
Now just bite down on it.
Mordez dedans.
Just bite down.
Mordez bien.
Bite down hard.
Mords bien fort.
I like it whole. So that you can feel it pop when you bite down on it.
Je préfère le manger entier et le sentir craquer dans la bouche.
Bite down hard.
Croque bien.
Bite down.
Bite down on that.
Mords ça.
Bite down now, please.
Coupe-le, s'il te plaît.
Bite down.
Mords ça.
Look at the very worst. The worst! They catch us, they torture us, you bite down on a cyanide capsule...
Au pire, on nous attrape, on nous torture, tu avales une capsule de cyanure...
All right, but you should know that sudden, serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victim's jaws open with a crowbar.
Un choc au cerveau... déclenche un réflexe... de morsure tel que... pour débloquer la mâchoire... il faut un pied de biche.
That bitch was bleeding, dude. When I first put it in, she all screamed all loud, and then like... I think I saw her bite down on her pillow, but I don't know.
La garce a saigné, mec quand je lui ai mis, elle a crié et puis... je crois qu'elle a mordu l'oreiller, mais je sais pas.
Be advised we're gonna catch your butts this morning and bite down hard!
Soyez assurés que nous allons vous chopper ce matin et que ça va faire mal!
Bite down on this, son.
Mords ça.
I guess you'll just have to bite down real hard on that gag... and hope that you go into shock soon.
- Espère seulement t'évanouir vite. - S'il te plaît, ne fais pas ça.
Pnub bite down.
Pnub... - Mords-la.
You guys better kill me... before you do what you're thinking about doing... because when I get angry, I can bite down very hard.
Tuez-moi avant de passer à l'acte parce que je mords très fort.
Bite down, killer.
Mords-moi ça.
Sit down. I'll fix you a bite to eat.
Je vais vous servir une collation.
Run yourself down with remorse. Can't sleep, can't bite your food.
Tu serais rongé par les remords.
You cut that slice down to bite-size, and maybe we can talk.
Si tu diminues ta part, on pourra peutêtre s'entendre.
We'll be down in the water room getting a bite to eat.
Nous allons nous restaurer au carré.
Can't a person sit down and have a bite to eat in peace?
On ne peut même plus dîner en paix!
Before I could say anything, he bite it and fell down.
Aussitôt, il l'a mordue et s'est écroulé.
I hope those other two... aren't expecting a continental breakfast...'cause old Mole's gonna chomp this down in one big bite.
J'espère que ces deux cloches s'attendent pas à un petit-déj'. La vieille Mole va se taper ça en une seule bouchée!
Motherfuckin'shit went all up in here, down here, run right to my dick.
C'est monté par-là, puis par-là, pour redescendre dans ma bite.
Then... when that son of a bitch opens his - opens his jaws to bite your fool head off... you reach your hand down in there like lightning and
Après, quand la bête ouvre la gueule... pour te mordre... tu fourres ta main dans sa gueule à la vitesse de l'éclair - Ho!
Tell you what, in the meantime, what do you say we go down and get a bite to eat?
Pendant ce temps, si on allait manger un morceau?
No swinging-dick private in this platoon's gonna graduate until they get this obstacle down to less than ten fucking seconds!
Pas une seule grosse bite de ma section ne sera brevetée s'il ne passe pas cet obstacle en moins de 10 putains de secondes!
You know, when you talk like this, I just wanna get down on my knees and bite your ankles like a pit bull.
Tu sais, quand tu parles comme ça, j'ai envie de me mettre à genoux et de te mordre les chevilles comme un pitbull.
- With a dick down to his knees, to keep me happy for days. - Oooh! Zulu dick!
- Avec une bite jusqu'aux genoux, qui me rendra heureuse pendant des jours.
I have a wife, whatever, and tell the dick to shut the fuck up and get down.
"Je suis dans une relation sérieuse", je sais pas... et dire à la bite de la fermer, de redescendre.
I would lock you between my breasts generous and down between your balls and suck your cock whole.
J'aimerais t'enfermer entre mes seins généreux, et descendre entre tes couilles et sucer ta bite entière.
I'm putting down. Shut up or you'll bite your tongue.
Tais-toi ou tu vas te mordre la langue.
But do I shirk it? Because somehow deep down I know... anyone else would really bite. No.
Est-ce que je me dérobe?
- All day, working, not a bite to eat. I come home, thank God, to lie down, to rest... and they send in a switchman hit by the train, and -
Toute la journée sans manger et quand je rentre pour dormir, on m'amène un aiguilleur renversé par un train...
I ate them myself, down to the last bite.
Je les ai mangés, jusqu'à la dernière bouchée.
Let me sit down. Can I get a bite of yours?
Je peux t'en prendre un bout?
" Put the dick down!
"Dépose la bite!"
You bite me with your teeth and I'll knock your teeth down your throat!
Mords-moi avec tes dents et je te les fais avaler!
" The dwarves and Snow White, sit down for a bite.
Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains vont manger.
There was no bite, and those great expectations got well and truly run down.
Aucun signe de vie... Les grandes espérances ont bel et bien été bafouées.
God does not exist in desperation and hope is lying dead somewhere in the sewer down the street, around the corner, in the alley, underneath the feet of somebody, itching, scratching, trembling, jonesing for their next hit and sucking somebody's dick.
Dieu n'existe pas dans le désespoir, l'espoir est mort quelque part dans le caniveau, au coin de la rue, sous les pieds d'une pute attendant sa prochaine passe en suçant une bite.
The only reason I got out to get a bite today was that he finally promised to buckle down and do some actual work.
Aujourd'hui, je suis sorti manger parce qu'il m'a enfin promis de s'y mettre sérieusement.
Next thing his hand's down my pants and he's pulled my dick out.
Soudain, il me glisse la main dans le pantalon et me sort la bite.
When a dog comes along sit down... and give it tomatoes, then it won't bite.
Si le chien arrive, assieds-toi. Il ne te mordra pas.
What are you gonna do next, bite his ear off? We don't hit'em when they're down.
On ne frappe pas un adversaire à terre.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26