Down in front tradutor Francês
674 parallel translation
"that I'm the brains of the operation. Just sit your nerdy face down in front of a computer!"
C'est pour ça que je décide de tout et toi reste assis devant ton PC "
Down in front.
- Assis, devant.
Another man named Floyd Thursby was shot down in front of his hotel
Un autre individu du nom de Floyd Thursby a été descendu devant son hôtel
An officer who was protecting you was shot down in front of your house. And you ain't allowing to go into court and be a witness against the murderer.. Then it ain't your country.
Si un policier qui te protège est abattu devant chez toi, et qu'on t'empêche de témoigner au tribunal, ce n'est pas ton pays, mais celui des criminels et tu n'es qu'un lâche!
There's a suspicious looking character down in front of 441 Olive Street.
Il y a un type louche qui rôde devant le 441, Olive Street.
I sit down in front of my clock, and I wait for them to come out.
Ils sont toujours au rendez-vous.
I get a bead on a pheasant, and bang! He shoots it down in front of me!
Je vise un faisan, je vais le tirer, il le descend au pied de mon affût!
Down in front of the elephant...
Une face aux éléphants.
- Climb down in front of me, son.
Descends devant moi.
Just this : Thursby was shot down in front of his hotel half an hour after you left Bush Street.
Thursby a été tué devant son hôtel, une demi-heure après votre départ.
Hey, down in front.
Eh, devant.
Hey, down in front.
Eh, devant, tu vas t'asseoir?
My boy asked if he'd cut it so it would drop down in front of his eyes.
Mon fils a dit au coiffeur qu'il voulait voir ses cheveux tomber.
And when the band starts to play, I'll step down in front and I'II -
Quand la musique commençait, je m'avançais et...
He strangled her, and then sat down in front of the mirror... your mirror... and cut his throat.
Il l'étrangla, s'assit en face du miroir... votre miroir... et se trancha la gorge.
Last week I fell down in front of Dinah Shore's taxi just to talk with her.
J'ai chuté devant le taxi de Dinah Shore pour pouvoir lui parler.
You know where I found him? Down in front of your house.
Un pauvre petit paquet d'os!
- Put him away, baby! - Down in front!
The whole street, he's got to break down in front of my place.
Faut qu'il tombe en panne devant mon commerce.
We're all down in front of christabel's picture.
Nous sommes devant le portrait de Christabel.
Down the bar near where I was sitting... Set it down in front of me.
Il s'est avancé vers le bar où j'étais assis, et a posé le gâteau devant moi
Hauling me down in front of everybody!
Me descendre devant tout le monde!
He just twisted my arm behind my back, and made me kneel down in front of her.
Il m'a tordu le bras derrière le dos et m'a fait agenouiller devant elle.
Like tonight, a simple pinch, but back at the office... he rips me up and down in front of the boys.
Ce soir, une petite arrestation, et de retour au bureau, il me fait ma fête devant les autres :
No matter what happens don't break down in front of'em.
Quoi qu'il arrive, ne craquez pas devant eux.
We shall look up and there will be angels coming down from the sky and they will put food in front of us and perhaps new clothes to wear.
Nous lèverons les yeux, et des anges descendront du ciel, ils nous présenteront des aliments, et peut-être de nouveaux vêtements.
I was coming down the steps, and there was the watchman lying on the floor right in front of me, dead.
Je descendais, je me retrouve avec le veilleur mort à mes pieds.
You're gonna have one big booster. I'II be down in the front row opening night.
Vous aurez un grand supporter et je serai assis au premier rang.
Keep right on going, all the way down. Dont stop for a taxi in front of the hotel.
Surtout, ne prenez pas de taxi devant l " hôtel.
Ain't more than a half hour ago she come lickety-splitting down the road. And when she seen me, she turned herself right in front of my eyes and ran off laughing fit to kill.
II n'y a pas une demie heure, elle est apparue devant moi et quand elle m'a vu, elle a fait demi-tour et s'est enfuie en riant, prête a tuer.
Put it in my pocket and start off down the road, my own boss, with the whole of Canada in front of me?
Tu crois que j'ai taillé la route? Style "A moi, le Canada"?
During my sad hours when you see me down I sit in front of church in sunday, party day
Durant mes heures de tristesse quand tu me vois abattu, je m'assois devant l'église le dimanche, jour de fête,
The Russians down here in front don't have tanks..... and we've been harassing the air fore for two days in a row.
On sait juste que les Russes ont perdu des chars et des avions.
You'll pay, without mercy in front of these who are against us in War to put us once again in the blood, the poison of their rhetoric To put us down once again as brutes, blind, deaf, fatalists To choke us with their superstitions!
Payer! Qu'il soit puni sans pitié devant ceux qui nous font la guerre pour nous empoisonner de leurs discours, pour nous réduire a l'état de betes aveugles, sourdes et fatalistes, pour nous étouffer de superstitions!
And for an elderly lighthouse keeper With a beard down to his ankles, You spend an awfully long time in front of the mirror.
Et pour un vieux gardien de phare à la longue barbe, tu passes un temps fou devant la glace.
It don't stand to reason that a man that shot down a dozen fellows in battle... Would shoot down his own brother without givin'him a chance.
Je ne vois pas pourquoi un homme qui a tué une douzaine d'ennemis au front aurait descendu son frère sans lui laisser sa chance.
As they come down the stretch, it's Brannan in front.
Dans la ligne droite, c'est Brannan qui est devant.
Come on down here in front.
Mettez-vous devant.
I was standing in front of my mirror... Pulling down my dress, like this.
Je mettais ma robe, comme ça.
Down at the pub, I suppose, in front of all those big ears, with pints in their fists and pipes in their mouths.
En plein milieu du pub devant ces longues oreilles avec leurs pintes à la main et leurs pipes à la bouche!
He didn't allow me to go down, he hated me even if he pretended no to in front of me.
Il m'avait interdit de descendre, car il détestait ma mère.
Parading around, showing herself off in that dress, cut down so low in front you can see her kneecaps.
Elle se pavane dans cette robe qui lui arrive au-dessus des genoux!
Maybe that wretched experience you had a year or so ago... you know, when that fellow who was trying to impersonate you... went out of his mind right in front of you. Perhaps that sort of settled you down or something, take a grip on things.
Peut-être que ton expérience d'il y a un an, quand ce type qui voulait usurper ton identité a craqué devant toi, peut-être que ça t'a permis de te poser, de t'accrocher.
Yeah, sit down right in front of Jo there.
Mettez-vous en face de Jo.
He would have had to walk 12 feet, open the bedroom door, walk 43 feet down and open the front door, all in 15 seconds.
Il aurait dû faire 4 mètres sortir de la chambre faire 13 mètres, ouvrir la porte, Ie tout en 15 secondes.
He backed down from Steve in front of everybody.
Il a eu peur de Steve devant tout le monde.
But, if you shoot me down, let's have it clear, in front of all these men.
Mais si vous me tuez... Je veux que ça soit clair pour tout le monde, vous n'êtes pas ici pour sauver Julie Maragon!
A little. Mr. Walker has just recognized a man who rode past the bank on a bicycle and turned down that alley just in front of them.
Monsieur a reconnu l'homme qui était à vélo devant la banque.
You're not asking me why I slept in front of your door. Quiet down! I'm not interested.
Pauline, savez-vous pourquoi j'ai couche pres de la porte?
And on my way down to my office this morning... I happened to notice on the front page of the Morning News... a newspaper... by the way, of understandably small circulation... that my young opponent had played to an overflow crowd... in the Jewel Room of the Colonial Hotel.
Et en me rendant à mon bureau ce matin... j'ai remarqué en première page du Morning News... un journal... qui d'ailleurs, fait un faible tirage... que mon jeune adversaire s'était exprimé devant une foule débordante... dans le salon de l'hôtel colonial.
I told you not to pull down your pants in front of the Mayor!
Je vous ai dit de ne pas descendre votre pantalon devant le maire!
down in one 23
in front of 31
in front of you 59
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front 30
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
front 182
front and back 38
in front of 31
in front of you 59
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front 30
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
front 182
front and back 38
front desk 35
front page 47
front and center 56
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
front page 47
front and center 56
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50