Cries out tradutor Francês
264 parallel translation
How it screams and cries out inside me when I have to do it!
Comment je suis forcé d'agir... comment je dois... je dois...
And then a voice cries out, and I can't listen anymore!
Et ensuite... une voix crie. Je ne supporte pas de l'entendre.
Yet, something in me cries out that this cannot be true... that one must live for oneself.
Mais quelque chose me crie que ce n'est pas possible, que chacun doit avoir sa propre vie.
Every human instinct in me cries out to go running back to him.
Tout en moi me dit de me jeter dans ses bras.
Oh, my people a king of Scotland cries out from his grave for revenge against his murderer!
Un Roi d'Ecosse, de sa tombe... Demande vengeance contre son meurtrier!
Remember, a king of Scotland cries out from his grave to be avenged!
Un Roi crie vengeance...
" "When you've nowhere to turn and you're filled with doubt... don't stand in midstream hesitating... for you know that your mother's heart cries out- -'l'm waiting, my boy, I'm waiting."'
"Quand vous ne pouvez vous tourner nulle part et que vous doutez... ne restez pas au milieu des courants changeants... pour savoir que le cœur de votre mère pleure " J'attends, mon garçon, j'attends. "
And my heart cries out to you wherever you are.
Mon cœur t'appelle, où que tu sois.
It's really superb, cries out for Cornell.
Elle est vraiment superbe, parfaite pour Cornell.
Destiny brought us together, and destiny cries out for fulfillment.
Le destin nous a réunis et le destin doit s'accomplir.
My fate cries out and makes each petty artery in this body... as hardy as the Nemean lions nerve!
Mon destin m'appelle... et décuple mes forces.
That cries out to heavens!
Ça sautait aux yeux!
When will you come? My heart cries out.
Quand viendras-tu Toi que mon coeur appelle
Through the cheers of the crowd, a strong voice cries out the program.
A travers les acclamations de la foule, une voix forte crie le programme.
No Hittite warrior cries out in pain.
Un guerrier hittite ne crie pas de douleur.
If she cries out, he'll have at me.
Si elle crie, il va me sauter dessus.
My blood cries out to kill you.
Je devrais te tuer.
But wretched Jonah cries out to them to cast him overboard, for he knew that for his sake this great tempest was upon them.
Le misérable Jonas leur crie de le jeter par-dessus bord car il savait qu'ils essuyaient la tempête à cause de lui.
- Tosses all night, and cries out.
- Il remue sans arrêt et crie.
Whenever he cries out, you feed him
Dés qu'il pleure, tu le nourris.
- That is true. - In the pain of birth a woman screams, cries out, becomes confused in her mind.
- Dans la douleur de l'accouchement une femme crie, pleure et son esprit cède à la confusion.
- ( Steed grunts ) - ( Keller cries out )
- Suis-je le Steed d'il y a un an?
Tonight, her soul cries out for release.
La nuit... son âme s'élèvera pour être délivrée.
My soul cries out for relief.
Mon âme aspire au soulagement.
Guilt cries out for punishment.
Le besoin coupable du châtiment.
My fate cries out.
C'est la voix du destin.
Every time justice blunders, it's someone like you who cries out for help who rots in every jail, who hangs from every rope.
Quand la justice se trompe, ce sont les gens comme vous qui demandent de l'aide, qui pourrissent en prison, qui finissent au bout d'une corde.
Thou didst well, for wisdom cries out in the street and no man regards it.
Tu as bien fait. La sagesse, personne ne l'écoute.
- The public cries out for me to shut up.
- Le public me crie de me taire.
Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou art. Thy tears are womanish!
Ton corps est viril mais tes larmes sont celles d'une femme!
There are situations, of course... the injustice of which cries out to heaven... when whole peoples... are deprived of the bare necessities of life... and live in a state of dependency... that robs them of all initiative... all sense of responsibility... that hinders their cultural advancement... and their participation in social and political life.
Il existe, sans aucun doute, des situations dont l'injustice est criante. Quand des peuples entiers sont privés du strict nécessaire et vivent dans une dépendance qui leur interdit toute initiative et toute responsabilité,
They give themselves to God, but something remains which cries out to be given to man.
Elles se donnent à Dieu. Mais quelque chose demeure, qui languit de se donner à un homme.
A very special item that would enhance this office and give it what it cries out for :
Un objet spécial qui donnerait à ce bureau ce qu'il réclame à cor et à cri :
I've tasted life to the fullest... and still my soul cries out... in this hungry, tortured, wrecked quest, "More!"
J'ai bu la vie jusqu'à la dernière goutte... et encore, mon âme crie... oui, elle crie, dans cette recherche affamée, torturée... annihilée, "plus!"
[Cries Out] No!
Non! Non.
Oh, I've tasted life to the fullest... and still my tortured soul cries out--more! More!
Oh, j'ai go – t ‚... tous les plaisirs de la vie... et encore, mon ƒme tortur ‚ e crie... plus!
* Such passion cries out for forgiveness *
Une telle passion a besoin du pardon
♪ When he cries out for mercy we'll just laugh, ♪
Quand il criera "pitié!", on va bien rigoler
Gentlemen of the jury, the State cries out that the murder of Gloves Malloy be avenged.
Messieurs les jurés, L'état pleure à chaudes larmes le réglement de compte qui coûta la vie à Gloves Malloy.
You've bawled me out for the last time.
C'est la dernière fois que tu me cries dessus.
- They send out pitiful cries of unity...
- Ils lancent des cris d'unité pathétiques...
You cry out in horror, "Roderigo, Roderigo, save me," and faint.
Tu cries : "Rodrigo, sauvez-moi" et tu t'évanouis.
He beats her and cries... tears his hair out... Does a bit of knifing.
Il frappe, pleure s'arrache les cheveux, donne des coups de couteau.
And Jonah cries unto the Lord out of the fish's belly.
Et Jonas implore le Seigneur, du ventre de la baleine.
You, you... you never had a hair out of place or a bead of sweat anywhere. [Alison cries]
Tu n'avais jamais un cheveu de travers.
And the noise of the birds their savage cries as they circled over the beach of the Encantadas while the new sea turtles scrambled out and started their race to the sea. - Race to the sea? - To escape the flesh-eating birds that made the sky almost black.
les horribles cris stridents de ces oiseaux tournoyant... au-dessus du noir rivage... tandis que les tortues à peine écloses... dans une mêlée atroce, commençaient leur course à la mer pour échapper aux rapaces qui obscurcissaient le ciel.
I'll be right over. ( Cries out )
J'arrive tout de suite.
You just hoot out if you want it louder, old buddy.
Tu cries si tu veux que ce soit plus fort, vieux frère.
Why don't you cry out, blast you!
Pourquoi ne cries-tu pas, démon!
Nobushige... if only you'd held out a little longer you could've heard our cries of victory!
Nobushige... si vous aviez tenu plus longtemps, vous auriez entendu nos cris de victoire!
Yes, I do. I hate the smell, the dirt the cries of soldiers when they are operated on without chloroform because they have run out of supplies.
Oui, l'odeur, la saleté, les cris des soldats opérés sans chloroforme car il n'en reste plus.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191