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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ D ] / Did you call him

Did you call him tradutor Francês

310 parallel translation
– What did you call him?
- Skeeter?
What? What did you call him?
Comment l'avez-vous appelé?
What did you call him?
Comment l'as-tu appelé?
- Did you call him?
Vous l'avez appelé?
- Incidentally, did you call him?
- Vous lui avez téléphoné?
Baba? - Did you call him?
- As-tu téléphoné?
Why--why did you call him creature?
Pourquoi l'appelez-vous "créature"?
- What did you call him?
- Comment l'as-tu appelé?
When did you call him?
Quand ça?
- Did you call him a fool, Mort?
Est-ce que tu l'as traité d'imbécile, Mort?
Did you call him yet?
- Tu l'as appelé?
- What did you call him?
- Comment s'appelait-il?
What did you call him?
Qu'est-ce que vous l'appelez?
Yes, But why did you call him a liar?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous traité de menteur?
But why did you call him Tortoise if he was really a turtle?
Pourquoi l'appeliez-vous la Tortue Grecque?
What did you call him?
De quoi tu l'as traité?
Did you call him?
L'as-tu appelé?
But Uncle Howard... did you call him?
Mais l'oncle Howard- - lui as-tu téléphoné?
Did you call him?
Vous l'avez appelé?
Uh, did you call him MacGyver?
Vous l'avez appelé MacGyver?
Why did you call him O'Brien and him Murphy?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous appelé O'Brien et lui Murphy?
- Did you call him?
- L'as-tu appelé?
- Did you call him? - Of course.
Tu l'as appelé?
Why did you call him? - What's going on?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous appelé?
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Vous pensez que je vous ai trahi, et vous me ruinez pour ça, ainsi que ma famille, et si quelqu'un m'avait dit l'année dernière que je dirais ça, je l'aurais traité de sacré menteur.
You did everything but call him out.
Vous l'avez certes provoqué.
did you call down to the porter to distract him and to help Mr Fualdes get away unseen?
avez-vous téléphoné au portier pour distraire son attention et pour aider M. Fualdes à sortir du Majestic sans être vu?
How long did Mr. Nelson, as you call him, stay here?
Combien de temps est-il resté ici?
How did you happen to call him Harvey?
Comment avez-vous décidé de l'appeler Harvey?
I owe him a lot for what he did. And if there's anything that you ever need, will you call on me?
Je lui dois beaucoup, pour tout ce qu'il a fait.
How long did it take you to call him Nick, last night?
Vous l'appelez Nick, lui!
Did you tell him I was drunk and making a spectacle of myself? Did you tell him to call out the patrol wagon?
Vous lui avez dit que j'étais ivre... et qu'il appelle Police-secours?
When you finally did kill him, why didn't you call the police?
Vous avez fini par le tuer, pourquoi ne pas avoir appelé la police?
What time did you call Danvers and tell him we were washing out his business?
À quelle heure avez-vous appelé Danvers pour lui dire qu'on le lessivait?
Why in the devil didn't he come to me with this or to you? Somebody? - Did you leave word for him to call here?
Pourquoi n'est-il pas venu m'en parler?
The bonds of the old school tie are well nigh impossible to break. - Did you call him? - Yes.
C'est essentiel qu'elle croie qu'il est Gordon et que vous êtes Steed.
what did you call him?
comment tu l'as appelé?
- Did I hear you call him Dr McCoy?
- Vous l'avez appelé Dr McCoy?
Did you call him back? He wouldn't talk.
Il n'a rien voulu dire.
Did you hear? Did you hear him say he'd pay for the call?
Il a bien dit qu'il payerait la communication?
Did you ever call him from there?
Est-ce que tu lui téléphonais de ton bureau?
- Did you call him back?
- Tu l'as rappelé?
Did you call him?
- Tu l'as appelé?
What I wanted to ask you, sir, when you knew that you were gonna be late for your tennis game, did you happen to call Dr. Hunter to tell him you were going to be late?
J'ai une question à vous poser. Comme vous étiez en retard pour la partie de tennis, avez-vous appelé le Dr Hunter pour le prévenir?
Did you hear him call the Auvergne?
Je dis bien entendu, téléphoner à l'Auvergnat?
But as you can see, we have hundreds of patients waiting to see him. So we'll just pretend you did call and have an appointment for... 11 : 30...
Mais comme on a des centaines de patients qui ont rendez-vous on va faire comme si vous aviez appelé et qu'on vous avait fixé un rendez-vous à 11 heures 30.
I'll help you. What did you call him?
Comment l'as tu appelé?
Did you order him to call the goddamn FBI or what?
Vous lui avez dit d'appeler ces cons du F.B.I. ou pas?
- Did you call him names? - He called me names first.
- Tu l'as injurié?
Why did you have to call him?
Pourquoi tu l'as invité?
Call the sheriff Waid tell him you were wrong you did not see anyone out of the chapel.
Appelles le shérif Waid dis lui que tu t'es trompé que tu n'a vu personne sortir de la chapelle.

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