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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ D ] / Did you know them

Did you know them tradutor Francês

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Did you know them?
- Vous les connaissiez?
Did you know them?
Vous les connaissez?
- But did you know them?
- Vous les aviez déjà vus?
The Lennoxes, Terry and Sylvia, used to live up the beach, did you know them?
Les Lennox, Terry et Sylvia, ils habitaient ici, vous les connaissiez?
But all these portraits, all these people, did you know them?
Mais tous ces portraits... Ces personnes, vous les avez connues?
Did you just discover my virtues, or did you know them then?
C'est maintenant que tu découvres mes attributs?
Did you know them stars travel all the way from here to California?
Tu sais que les étoiles voyagent d'ici jusqu'en Calitornie?
Do you know what they did with the arid land you gave them?
Tu sais ce qu'ils ont fait des terres arides?
- When did I meet the girls? You must know them, they knew us when we came in.
Puisqu'elles nous ont reconnus dès notre arrivée...
But you did, or you couldn " t know so much about them.
Tu as dû y aller, sinon tu ne le saurais pas.
I used to know bigger people than you who did business with him. That's all he ever gave them.
Je connais des gars plus importants que vous, et il n'ont pas davantage.
Did you know that somebody stole Hayden's eyes just after Doc Welles removed them from the body?
Saviez-vous que les yeux avaient été volés après que le Dr Welles les eut enlevés?
No, you do not exaggerate, it did not know them all. - So many had?
- Je ne les connaissais pas tous.
So did I. But you just didn't know what to do about them.
Moi aussi. Mais tu ne savais pas t'y prendre.
I'll sit down and listen to them say that I'm insane because of what I did in Gander. And perhaps I am. I-I'm not sure, you know.
Je vais me rasseoir et les écouter dire que je suis fou à cause de Gander... et peut-être que je le suis.
You didn't know about them, did you?
Tu ignorais tout?
- You did a tough job for almost nothing All the things you have learnt, I know them.
Tu t'es donné beaucoup de mal pour rien.
- Then how did you know about them?
Alors, comment les connaissez-vous?
You know what he did? He got them all in the auditorium, and he had them...
Il les a tous rassemblés.
Did you know Peter owned every one of your gramophone recordings... and he hid them in the cupboard the moment you came home?
Peter possède tous vos disques. Il les a cachés à votre arrivée.
But if you let them once know that their club leader once fought in the commandos, did all this- -
Si vous leur disiez que vous êtes un ancien commando...
Do you think whoever did it could have dropped them there? But if nobody notices them for a little while... we got a clean beat for the morning edition, and you got a bonus. Well, I don't know.
Ce serait celles du coupable?
Did you know about the money, or notice them afterwards?
Vous saviez pour l'argent, ou vous l'avez vu après?
When Gene wants to know who sent them, tell him you did.
Quand Gene voudra savoir de qui ça vient, dis-le-lui.
If you didn't threaten her, you know who did. And you gave them the keys.
Si ce n'était pas vous, c'est quelqu'un que vous connaissez, et qui pouvait avoir la clé.
We all know what the Spaniards did to you, and you've reason to hate them.
Nous savons ce qu'ils t'ont fait et tu as raison de les haïr.
You know what he did for her folks? Bought them a house in Del Webb's Sun City.
Et tu sais qu'il a offert à ses parents une maison à Sun City.
You did? Although you don't know them?
Tu les connais pas et tu t'en doutais?
I know what they did. You told them nothing.
Je sais ce qu'ils vous ont fait et vous ne leur avez rien dit.
How did you know to deliver them here?
Pourquoi les as-tu amenés ici?
Yeah, you sure piled them up that morning, didn't you? Yeah, I certainly did. - You know something?
Vous savez, vous détenez le record du nombre d'infractions en une journée.
You did know them?
Les deux. Vous les connaissiez?
You call the men who did that Christians, and you trust them. I know them as white men, and I don't.
Il se dit chrétien et digne de confiance mais il n'a pas la mienne.
You know, when I visited your class, I did notice certain deficiencies in your methods, but I put them down to inexperience, because you are a born teacher, Miss Barrett.
Vous savez, quand j'ai inspecté votre classe, j'ai remarqué certains problèmes dans vos méthodes, mais j'ai mis ça sur le compte de l'inexpérience, parce que vous être une enseignante-née, Mlle Barrett.
You know what that is... People impose on you with that old, old trick Making you feel it would be unkind of you if you did not permit them to impose on you.
On sait ce que c'est... un type qui veut s'incruster... est furieux si on l'en empêche.
I know I must heed them, because you entrusted me to him, and certainly you did it with good reason.
Je me dois de les suivre, vous m'avez confié à lui et vous devez avoir vos raisons.
Did you know them farmers was unpacking?
Vous saviez que les fermiers déballent leurs affaires?
One of them is to know you did the right thing for a pal.
Il faut défendre les intérêts de ton pote.
Did you know that I`ve written 42 of these little books, and in each one of them, there`s about four or five good pages.
Tu sais, j'ai écrit 42 bouquins. Des petits, mais dans chacun, il y a 4 ou 5 bonnes pages.
- Oh, how did you know I like them?
- Comment savez-vous que je les aime?
You know you did it. You killed both of them. You're fired!
Tu les as tuées, toutes les deux.
Hey, why don't you just tell them that the thermos burned up in the plane crash, like it probably did. Well, you know, I thought about that.
Dites-leur que la thermos a brûlé dans l'avion, c'est sûrement le cas.
Well, how would I know what to feed them? What did you feed them the last time?
T'as préparé quoi la dernière fois?
I know you did it, but... Well, you can't win them all, sir.
Je sais que vous l'avez fait mais on ne gagne pas toujours.
Did you expect me to tell them about the bathhouse, so that tomorrow the whole school would know, that I spent the New Year's eve with some rogue?
Vous espériez leur raconter votre histoire des bains-turcs, pour que demain, toute l'école sache, que j'ai passé le réveillon avec une sorte de vagabond?
Did you know that of every 100 cars crossing the desert, 23.6 of them have engine trouble?
Ne sais-tu pas que 23,6 % des voitures traversant le désert ont des pannes?
Then how did you know, sir, that there were only four people who knew where Claire Daley was going to be that night and how did you know that you were one of them?
Comment avez-vous su que seulement 4 personnes savaient où Claire Daley serait ce soir et que vous étiez l'une d'elles?
How do you know which one did it? I don't care. I'll kill all of them!
Je m'en moque, je les tuerai tous.
Use them to run. How did you know that?
Comment tu sais ça?
Did you know I didn't like them?
Savais-tu que je ne les aimais pas?
are trying to run things themselves, just as you always said that they should, but they don't know how to run them yet. Did you really think things would work right away?
Ils sont morts à cause du blocus des Alliés qui a coupé l'approvisionnement en vivres et médicaments, à cause des contre-révolutionnaires qui ont saboté usines, voies ferrées et lignes téléphoniques, et parce que le peuple, pauvre, ignorant, superstitieux et illettré,

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