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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ D ] / Do you mean that

Do you mean that tradutor Francês

3,613 parallel translation
How do you- - how do you mean that?
So what do you mean that I can help you come back?
Je pourrais t'aider à revenir?
Do you mean that?
Quoi? Tu es sérieuse?
What do you mean, it doesn't work that way?
What do I mean? I mean that I remember specifically how things were at home when you were just a baby and didn't know what was going on.
Je me souviens précisément comment c'était à la maison, toi, t'étais qu'un bébé, tu savais pas ce qui se passait.
And by "dump," do you mean the house I grew up in that my dead father built?
Parles-tu de ma maison d'enfance que mon père a construite?
Lance, um, that was kind of rough, and I feel like when we do this like, if I want you to stop, like maybe we should have like a safe word or something. You know what I mean?
C'était plutôt rude, si on doit le refaire et que j'ai envie que tu arrêtes... on devrait avoir un mot pour ça tu vois ce que je veux dire?
I mean, yeah, there are people that can do this sort of thing, but... you're not one of'em.
Certaines personnes peuvent faire ce genre de choses, mais pas vous.
What do you mean? Well, it was this guy that I had met before, and now he's back in town, and it's kinda great.
- C'est un mec que je connaissais, il est de retour en ville, et ça se passe bien.
- What did you do? - I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...
Qu'est-ce que t'as fait?
You guys... you guys don't have to do that. I mean I'm...
Vous n'avez pas besoin de faire ça je n'ai aucun problème avec Suzanne Vega
I mean, how do you really know That they were sleeping together?
Qui vous dit qu'ils couchent ensemble?
I mean, did you do that?
- Tu l'as fabriquée?
I mean, why do you want to spend your time on that?
Pourquoi perdre son temps avec ça? Pourquoi?
What do you mean by that?
- Qu'est-ce-que vous voulez dire?
I mean, what do you expect... when we handed the keys to that sort of... SCUM?
Il faut s'y attendre, si on laisse les clés à ce genre de racaille.
That doesn't mean Colonel Navajas won't do everything he can. But you can count on me for anything you need.
Le colonel fera ce qui est en son pouvoir, mais comptez sur moi aussi, si besoin.
What do you mean by that?
Que veux-tu dire par là?
What I mean... and it had nothing to do with the fact that you fell in love with someone else.
Ce que je veux dire... Et ça n'aucun rapport avec le fait que tu sois tombée amoureuse de quelqu'un d'autre.
If I started to feel a tingling in my legs, what do you think that might mean?
Si je me suis mis à sentir un chatouillement dans mes jambes qu'est ce que ça signifie selon vous?
I mean, do you even think we have that kind of power?
Et même, tu crois que nous avons ce genre de pouvoirs?
What do you mean by that?
Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
What do you mean by that?
Que voulez-vous dire par là?
I mean, you do that on the highest-rated show, you know, the hair-dos, they'll be coming after you guns a-blazin'.
Lors d'une émission plus connue, les vieux croûtons vous attaqueront.
I mean that's just a - what do you think?
Elles sont simplement... Qu'en penses-tu?
What do you mean with that? .
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, idiot?
Before we could get to him. What do you mean, "gotten to her"? What does that mean?
Comment ça?
I mean, she interviewed us for three hours yesterday, asking me, oh, you know, what do I cook for dinner, what are my work hours, and, oh, I'm sorry, how is it that Lindsay ended up with a police record?
Je veux dire, elle nous a questionnés pendant trois heures hier, me demandant, oh, tu sais, ce que je cuisine pour le repas, quels sont mes horaires de boulot, et, oh, je suis désolée, comment cela se fait que Lindsay ait un casier judiciaire?
I mean, if I were you, I would do everything I could to seal the deal before the cameras start rolling again, but that's just me.
Si j'étais toi, je ferais tout mon possible pour conclure l'affaire avant que les caméras l'envahissent. Mais, c'est mon avis.
I'm not playing that, I'm not doing it. What do you mean?
Je vais pas jouer à ce jeu-là.
Mother, why do I tell you about the letter that doesn't mean anything?
Maman, pourquoi devais-je vous le dire ce n'est pas si important?
- I mean, how do you even concentrate with that sex demon Naomi walking'around, smelling'all delicious?
Comment tu peux te concentrer avec Naomi la succube, et son délicieux parfum?
What do you mean? I told McGarrett that Wo Fat ordered me to kill him.
Je lui ai dit que Wo Fat m'a ordonné de le tuer.
What do you mean, one of them? When did he say that, and in what context?
Quand at-il dit ça, et dans quel contexte?
What the hell was that? What do you mean, "what was that?"
- C'était quoi, ce bordel?
Does that you mean you do know how to kill him?
- Donc, vous savez comment?
Naomi, I love That you came with ideas today- - I mean, I really do- -
C'est génial de venir avec des idées aujourd'hui, vraiment, mais j'en ai pas besoin.
I mean, turns out art can do that, you know?
Les arts sont utiles, vous voyez?
What do you mean by that?
- Que veux-tu dire par là?
I mean, do you really think that I tracked you down, pretended to be interested in a job, put myself through the interview process just to get a date with you?
Vous croyez que je vous suivrais, que je ferais semblant de vouloir ce boulot seulement pour sortir avec vous?
I mean, there are some things that I would do with you, but my heart wouldn't be in it.
Je ferais bien certaines choses avec toi, - mais le coeur n'y serait pas.
I don't mean to burden you, but I do think that George's passing should be marked with a proper obituary.
Je ne veux pas vous accabler, mais je pense que la disparition de George devrait être signifiée avec une nécrologie appropriée
What exact do you mean by that?
que veux tu dire exactement par là?
I think it's cool that he could end up anywhere. What do you mean?
- Cool, il peut ressurgir n'importe où.
What do you mean? Like, what if we did the laundry, and that's not what's bothering her?
Si on fait la lessive, mais que ça sert à rien?
What do you mean, the-the crime that took place here?
Vous voulez dire le crime qui s'est déroulé ici?
Don't mean to blame you, but it's your job as my school counselor to do whatever you do on that little computer of yours and figure it out for me.
Je vous accuse pas, mais c'est à vous, en tant que conseillère d'orientation, de pianoter sur votre ordinateur et de me trouver des solutions.
I mean, no, I never do that thing you says.
Je veux dire, non, je ne fais jamais ces choses que tu dis.
Why do you keep reading that garden party book? I mean, how hard are finger sandwiches and tea?
C'est que des canapés et du thé.
I mean, I got offers to direct studio comedies, the crap shit that I probably didn't want to do anyway, but, you know, in my head, I was just like,
La merde que je ne veux pas faire de toute façon. j'étais genre :
What do you mean, can't do that?
Comment ça?

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